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Package oracle.iam.configservice.exception

Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException An exception to signal the error condition that the user is not authorized to perform an operation.
AttributeAlreadyExistsException Thrown to signal that the attibute already exists in the configuration
AttributeCannotBeRequiredException Thrown to signal when the attribute is set as required.
AttributeCannotDependOnItselfException Thrown if the an attribute cannot be added as a derived or dependent attribute of itself
AttributeCreateException Thrown to signal an unexpected exception while performing a create attribute operation
AttributeValidationFailedException Thrown to signal an exception if the data validation fails while performing attribute configuration operation
CannotChangeToRequiredYetException Thrown to signal an exception when a non required attribute is being changed to a required attribute without all user's having a value for that field.
CannotHideMandatoryWithoutDefaultException Thrown to signal an exception when an mandatory field without default value is being changed to a hidden field
CannotModifyAttributePropertyException Thrown to signal an exception when attribute property cannot be modified
CannotModifyForSystemAttributeException Thrown to signal an exception when an unmodifiable field of an attribute is being modified
CategoryDoesNotExistException Thrown to signal an exception when an attribute's category does not exist
ConfigManagerException Signals that an exception of some sort has occurred while performing an attribute configuration operation.
DeleteCategoryException Thrown to signal an exception when the category being deleted has attributes under it
DeleteSystemAttributeException Thrown to signal an exception when a out of the box attribute is being deleted
DuplicateCategoryException Thrown to signal an exception in an attribute category with the same name already exists
EmptyAdvancedSearchAttributesException Thrown to indicate when no attributes are specified for advanced search
EmptySearchResultsException Thrown to indicate empty search result of a search attribute operation
EmptySimpleSearchAttributesException Thrown to indicate when no attributes are specified for simple search
EncryptedAttributeCannotBeSearchableException Thrown to signal an exception is an attribute of type encrypted is being made user searchable
EncryptionTypeCannotBeModifiedForEncryptedAttributeException Thown to indicate that an attribute of encryption type as encrypted cannot be changed to clear for an attribute
IncompatibleDataTypesException Thrown to indicate an exception if the backend data type, front end data type or the data type of the attribute to be shown on the UI are incompatible
InvalidBackendDataTypeException Thrown to indicate that the backend data type of the attribute is invalid
InvalidCharacterException Thrown to indicate that the attribute name contains invalid characters
InvalidLengthException Thrown to indicate that the maximum size specified for the attribute is invalid
InvalidLookupException Thrown to indicate that the look-up code specified for searching attributes is invalid
NoLookupValuesException Thrown to indicate that look-up values have not been specified while performing operations on attributes
NoSuchAttributeException Thrown to indicate that the attribute with the specified name does not exist
NoSuchCategoryException Thrown to indicate that the attribute category does not exist
NoSuchEntityException Thrown to indicate that the specified entity does not exist
ReadOnlyCannotBeBulkUpdatableException Thrown to indicate that an attribute marked as read-only cannot be specified as bulk updatable
SearchResultsCanNotHaveEncryptedAttributeException Thrown to indicate that the search results cannot contain attributes with encryption type as encrypted
SearchResultsNotSubsetException Thrown to indicate that search results attributes are not a subset of the advanced search attributes
SecretAttributeNoDefaultValuePermittedException Thrown to indicate that attribute with display type SECRET cannot have a default value
SecretAttributeNotEncryptedException Thrown to indicate that attribute of display type SECRET does not have encryption type specified as encryption.
SimpleSearchNotSubsetException Thrown to indicate that simple search attributes are not subset of advanced search attributes


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