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Interface ConnectorMgmtService

public interface ConnectorMgmtService

Provides APIS to to manage(install etc) connectors.

Method Summary
 void installConnector(java.lang.String connectorPkgName)
          Installs connector from a exploded ConnectorPackage in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory.
 void installConnector(java.lang.String connectorPkgName, java.lang.String connectorInstallXML)
          Installs connector from a exploded ConnectorPackage in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory.


Method Detail


void installConnector(java.lang.String connectorPkgName)
                      throws ConnectorInstallException
Installs connector from a exploded ConnectorPackage in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory. It is assumed that the expanded folder is in the standard format for connector zips and contains a Connector Install xml in configuration folder
connectorPkg - the name of the expanded connector package in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory
ConnectorInstallException - if there is any exception during connector install- including exceptions while unmarshalling CI xml, uploading jars and resource bundles to DB and importing DM xml etc.


void installConnector(java.lang.String connectorPkgName,
                      java.lang.String connectorInstallXML)
                      throws ConnectorInstallException
Installs connector from a exploded ConnectorPackage in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory. It is assumed that the expanded folder is in the standard format for connector zips and contains a Connector Install xml in configuration folder
connectorPkg - the name of the expanded connector package in the ConnectorDefaultDirectory
connectorInstallXML - if there are more than one CI XMLs in the connector package.
ConnectorInstallException - if there is any exception during connector install- including exceptions while unmarshalling CI xml, uploading jars and resource bundles to DB and importing DM xml etc.

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