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Class Orchestration

  extended by oracle.iam.platform.kernel.vo.AbstractGenericOrchestration
      extended by oracle.iam.platform.kernel.vo.Orchestration

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Orchestration
extends AbstractGenericOrchestration
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Orchestration(java.lang.String operation, boolean sync, OrchestrationTarget target)
          Constructs a new orchestration
Orchestration(java.lang.String operation, boolean sync, OrchestrationTarget target, boolean isNonSequential)
          Constructs a new orchestration


Method Summary
 boolean isNonSequential()
 void setNonSequential(boolean nonSequential)


Methods inherited from class oracle.iam.platform.kernel.vo.AbstractGenericOrchestration
addParameter, deleteParameter, getContextVal, getInterEventData, getOperation, getParameters, getTarget, incrementSaveCount, isSync, setContextVal, setInterEventData, setParameter, setSync


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public Orchestration()


public Orchestration(java.lang.String operation,
                     boolean sync,
                     OrchestrationTarget target)
Constructs a new orchestration
operation - name of the operation being orchestrated. Example operations are CREATE, MODIFY, DELETE
sync - indicates whether operation is sync or async. If the value set is to true, kernel would run everything till post process in synchronous mode.
target - type of orchestration such as Entity orchestration, Toplink orchestration


public Orchestration(java.lang.String operation,
                     boolean sync,
                     OrchestrationTarget target,
                     boolean isNonSequential)
Constructs a new orchestration
operation - name of the operation being orchestrated. Example operations are CREATE, MODIFY, DELETE
sync - indicates whether operation is sync or async. If the value set is to true, kernel would run everything till post process in synchronous mode.
target - type of orchestration such as Entity orchestration, Toplink orchestration
isNonSequential -

Method Detail


public boolean isNonSequential()


public void setNonSequential(boolean nonSequential)

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