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Interface RequestDataSetService

public interface RequestDataSetService

Request data set Service is used for managing request data sets. This service allows

Below is the code snippet that shows how to get an instance of this service:
//returns an Request data set service instance
RequestDataSetService reqDataSetService = Platform.getService(RequestDataSetService.class);
// Gets the list of request data sets that are available in the system.
List dataSets = reqDataSetService.getRequestDataSets();

Method Summary
 void createRequestDataSet(RequestDataSet dataset)
          The method creates a request data set in the OIM.
 void deleteRequestDataSet(java.lang.String requestType, java.lang.String entityName)
          Removes the existing request data set from the OIM.
 java.util.List getRequestDataSets(OIMType entityType, java.lang.String entitySubType)
          Returns a list of all request data sets matching the given entity type in the system.
 void updateRequestDataSet(RequestDataSet dataSet)
          Updates only the existing request data set in the OIM.


Method Detail


void createRequestDataSet(RequestDataSet dataset)
                          throws RequestServiceException
The method creates a request data set in the OIM. The user should have system administration roles in order to call this method. The request data set will be added in the /custom/metadata/{entity-name}/ location with {dataset-name}.xml name.
dataset - - Object representing the request dataset.


void deleteRequestDataSet(java.lang.String requestType,
                          java.lang.String entityName)
                          throws RequestServiceException
Removes the existing request data set from the OIM. The user should have system administration roles in order to call this method.
requestType - Request type.
entityName - resource name for resource based request model/type,otherwise null.


void updateRequestDataSet(RequestDataSet dataSet)
                          throws RequestServiceException
Updates only the existing request data set in the OIM. The user should have system administration roles in order to call this method.
dataSet - - Object representing the reqeust dataset.


java.util.List getRequestDataSets(OIMType entityType,
                                  java.lang.String entitySubType)
                                  throws RequestServiceException
Returns a list of all request data sets matching the given entity type in the system. The user should have system administration roles to call this method.
entityType - representing the type of the entity form the OIM Type for eg., User, Role or Resource
entitySubType - representing the name of the entity. For eg., to retrieve all the request data sets belongs to DB resource, the entityType should be Resource and the entity sub type shoudlb be "DB". ProvisionResourceDB is a type of request dataset, where DB is the entity name. To retrieve this request data set, entityType should be passed as "Resource" and second paramaeter entitySubType should contain the value "DB". Eg.,

RequestDataSetService reqDataSetService = (RequestDataSetService)oimClient.getService(RequestDataSetService.class); List <RequestDataSet> sets = reqDataSetService.getRequestDataSets(OIMType.User, null); //the following code retrieves all the request data sets related to entity sub type DB List<RequestDataSet> dbRelatedDataSets = reqDataSetService.getRequestDataSets(OIMType.Resource, "DB");

- List containing avaiable request data sets in the system

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