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Interface ScriptOnResourceOp

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public interface ScriptOnResourceOp
extends SPIOperation

Operation that runs a script directly on a target resource. (Compare to ScriptOnConnectorOp, which runs a script in the context of a particular connector.)

A connector that intends to support ScriptOnResourceApiOp should implement this interface. Each connector that implements this interface must document which script languages the connector supports, as well as any supported OperationOptions.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object runScriptOnResource(ScriptContext request, OperationOptions options)
          Run the specified script on the target resource that this connector manages.


Method Detail


java.lang.Object runScriptOnResource(ScriptContext request,
                                     OperationOptions options)
Run the specified script on the target resource that this connector manages.
request - The script and arguments to run.
options - Additional options that control how the script is run.
The result of the script. The return type must be a type that the framework supports for serialization. See ObjectSerializerFactory for a list of supported types.

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