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Oracle® Health Sciences Omics Data Bank Release Content Document
Release 1.0.1

Part Number E27537-02
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Oracle® Health Sciences Omics Data Bank

Release Content Document

Release 1.0.1


April 2012

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of Document

The Release Content Document (RCD) communicates information about Oracle Health Sciences Omics Data Bank.

1.2 Release Overview

Oracle Health Sciences Omics Data Bank is a new product. It provides users a cross-platform data model to store and query omics information.

2 Product Overview

Oracle Health Sciences Omics Data Bank (ODB) is a new product from Oracle Health Sciences. ODB 1.0.1 is a cross-platform data model for omics information. It enables users to ask biologically meaningful questions. Moreover, it is fully integrated with the Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer (OHSCE), bringing both phenotypic and genotypic data to researchers and clinicians.

The data model supports reference omics information and annotation, as well as result data from each individual sample. ODB 1.0.1 is packaged with a set of data loaders for reference and result data, thereby reducing your adoption barrier. It also includes Oracle SecureFile as an optional file storage mechanism.

ODB 1.0.1 includes the following components:

Data Model

Data Loaders

SecureFile (optional)

3 Features

Cross-Platform Omics Data Model

ODB supports omics data management and analysis regardless of the scientific approach (for example, next generation sequencing, gene expression, and so on) and technology platform (for example, Illumina, CompleteGenomics, and so on).

Multiple Species

ODB can model reference DNA, gene, and protein information from multiple species.

Cross Reference Omics Information

ODB can handle cross reference information for DNA source, gene, gene component, variant, protein, and protein component.

Integration with Clinical Data

ODB is fully compatible with the Cohort Data Mart (part of OHSCE v1.0.0.1) to let end users integrate both clinical and omics information in their cohort selection.

Data Loaders

Easy-to-use command line data loaders with comprehensive instructions.

No-call Region

ODB differentiates no-call regions from those that are identical to the reference genome in the result data.

Links with Original Result Files

ODB links derived genomic results with their corresponding files either through Oracle SecureFile or a regular file directory.


Result tables are partitioned by study, and several reference tables are partitioned by DNA_SOURCE.


Table 1 Terminology

Term Definition


Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer


HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee


Mutation Annotation Format


Omics Data Bank


Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer


Single-nucleotide Variation


Translation Research Center


Variant Call Format

4 Disclaimer Regarding Third Party Data

Oracle makes no express or implied warranty, including but not limited to warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to third party data loaded into this application or the results of any functions of the application using such data. It may be used for information purposes only, and no medical, clinical or other health related decisions may be based upon such results. You are solely responsible for your use of the third party data, including your right to use the data for your purposes.

5 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Health Sciences Omics Data Bank Release Content Document, Release 1.0.1


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