Introduction to Sales Order Entry

This chapter provides overviews of sales order entry and additional sales order options and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sales Order Entry

This section discusses:

PeopleSoft Order Management separates sales order information into these levels:

If you are working with margin adjustments, the CSR can create sections to make it easier to manipulate the lines that make up the order.

See Entering Margin Adjustments on the Worksheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales Order Information Navigation

Access the Order Entry Form page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Order). You can also use links to initiate additional sales order functions, such as notes and attachments, reserving, changing currencies, and manually calculating freight charges and weight and volume pricing.

To inquire about orders, select Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, and select a topic.

See Also

Maintaining Order Header and Line Information

Maintaining Order Schedule Information

Maintaining Quotation Information

Setting Default Sales Order Values

Working with Large Orders and Quotes

Using Self-Service Order Entry and Order Status

Entering Counter Sales

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefault Ship-From Values

The system may use any of the PeopleSoft Inventory business units listed in the table as the default in the Ship From field on the Order Entry Form page.

Note. You can also use alternate sourcing to expand the ship from options and potentially source the line to new or existing supply.

See Creating Alternate Sources of Supply Arbitration Plans and Rules.

PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit




Priority 1 Inventory business unit in the ship-to customer's distribution network.

See Condition 3.

Condition 3:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected None as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You assigned a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit A becomes the default.


Highest priority Inventory business unit in the ship-to customer's distribution network that has enough product to supply the quantity ordered.

See Condition 1.

Condition 1:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected Network, Automatic, or Manual as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You assigned a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • More than one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the ship-to customer's distribution network contains the product.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit B becomes the default.


The default Inventory business unit you selected for the Order Management business unit on the Shipping and Returns page.

See Condition 6.

Condition 6:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected Network, Automatic, or Manual as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You did not assign a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • You selected a default ship from the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit on the Order Management business unit Shipping and Returns page.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit C becomes the default.

The setting for the Availability Option Order Entry Features page does not apply.


The Priority 1 Inventory business unit in the default distribution network that you selected for the Order Management business unit on the Shipping and Returns page.

See Condition 7.

Condition 7:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected None as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You did not assign a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • You selected a default distribution network on the Order Management business unit Shipping and Returns page.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit D becomes the default.


Highest priority Inventory business unit in the default business unit distribution network that has enough product to supply the quantity ordered.

See Condition 4.

Condition 4:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected Network, Automatic, or Manual as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You did not assign a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • You selected a default distribution network on the Order Management business unit Shipping and Returns page.

  • More than one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the default distribution network contains the product.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit E becomes the default.


The Inventory business unit that contains the product.

See Condition 2 and Condition 5

Condition 2:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected Network, Automatic, or Manual as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You assigned a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • Only one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the ship-to customer's distribution network contains the product.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit F becomes the default.


Condition 5:

This condition applies if the statements are true:

  • You selected Network, Automatic, or Manualas the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You did not assign a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship To Options page.

  • You selected a default distribution network on the Order Management business unit Shipping and Returns page.

  • Only one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the default distribution network contains the product.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields do not match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business unit F becomes the default.


Highest sort option source of supply from the sourcing arbitration plan that has enough product to supply the quantity ordered.

See condition 8.

Condition 8:

The conditions apply if the statements are true.

  • You selected None as the Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page.

  • You assign a distribution network to the ship-to customer on the General Information - Ship to Options page or you select a default distribution network on the Order Management business unit Shipping and Returns page.

  • No PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the ship-to customer's distribution network or Order Management default distribution network contains the product.

  • You have defined a sourcing arbitration plan on the Order Management Business Unit Shipping and Returns page and sourcing rules whose defined key fields match the transaction.

PeopleSoft Inventory business Unit G becomes the default.

Note. If you select Network as the Availability Option, only one PeopleSoft Inventory business unit in the distribution network returns (even if insufficient stock exists in the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that was returned to fulfill the entire quantity requested on the order line). The system does not automatically create two separate schedules.

If you use the Order Completion (OM_BACKGRND) process to process orders with electronic data interchange (EDI) as the order source, the system will not create order lines if the ship from cannot be derived. In these cases, the order status will be set to Pending.

When you are in the counter sale environment, the ship from business unit defaults from the User Preferences. You can override this when adding or updating the sales order or quote. No further defaults are provided.

Important! If none of the conditions are met, no PeopleSoft Inventory business unit defaults are used and you cannot save the order line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicShipment and Arrival Dates

For scheduled shipment and arrival dates, the system finds the dates that accommodate customer requirements for receipt of the product. This is controlled by a setting on the Order Entry Features page that indicates whether customer and carrier exception calendars and PeopleSoft Inventory business unit closure calendars should be consulted at field change, order save, or not at all. You can also determine whether transportation lead times are calculated at field change, order save, or not at all. When using transportation lead times, you can also determine whether the system should process adjustments to the shipment and arrival dates by calculating the dates going forward or backward. In doing so, the system continues to cross-check against the closure calendar for the shipping warehouse and carrier and then against the exception ship date calendar for your customer, until it arrives at dates that meet the restrictions. Additionally if the date is too early or late relative to the requested arrival date, hold processing can be used to further control the shipment.

Note. When you change either of the scheduled dates–shipment or arrival–the system does not recalculate them. The system assumes that you are manually overriding the date. Changes to the requested dates trigger an automatic recalculation of the scheduled dates.

Note. Schedules marked for customer pickup will only use the ship from business unit calendar. Customer and carrier calendars and transportation rules will be ignored.

Note. When using the any of the exception calendars (customer, carrier, ship from) to calculate the scheduled shipment date and time, there may be an extra minute adjustment with day exceptions that could change the date of the shipment. The system will adjust forward by one minute if the exception represents an entire day (indicated by start time of 12:00 a.m. and end time of 11:59 p.m.) Block adjustments are not affected.

See Also

Establishing Order Entry Features

Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Internal Freight Charges

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Sales Order Options

PeopleSoft Order Management supplementary features increase efficiency, add information, and improve system flexibility. This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCurrency and Credit Currency Information

You can have only one currency per order. You can change the currency for the order before lines are added. The default value for the currency comes from the value established on the General Info page for the customer.

When you are viewing customer available credit, the system uses the Credit Check Currency field to bring all open receivables in multiple PeopleSoft Receivables business units to a common currency. If the customer has open receivables with different currencies in different PeopleSoft Receivables business units, the system converts the open amounts to a single credit-checking currency and then subtracts them from the customer's credit limit. The credit-checking currency can be different from the sales-order transaction currency.

See Also

Processing Multiple Currencies

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelete Line and Delete Schedule

You can quickly delete a new line or schedule if there is no quantity entered by selecting Delete Line from the Line Menu field on the Order Entry Form page or Delete Schedule from the Schedule Menu field on the Shipment Schedules page. Use these options if you accidentally enter a new line or schedule and must remove it. If you have not yet saved the line, you may change the quantity to zero and delete the line, or you may change the status to Canceled. If you have saved the line, you must change the status to Canceled to make it invalid for the order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProduct Alternates

You can define product alternates and substitute those alternates for products under the conditions:

The View Product Alternates link in the Order Lines section of the Order Entry Form page is available only when alternate products exist for the product ID entered in the selected PeopleSoft Inventory business unit and if your customer allows substitutions.

When you select a product alternate, the system displays the alternate product ID on the order line. This enables you to maintain demand information for analysis and to print both product IDs on order acknowledgments and in other documents when there is a change.

The system also makes item substitutions during the picking process, if your customer allows substitutions and there are suitable substitutes for the product or item requested.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeliveries

If the sales order delivery processing feature is turned on for the Order Management business unit, the system will automatically group sales order schedule demand into deliveries. The grouping is configured for each Inventory business unit to define which sales order demand attributes must match to be grouped in the same delivery. This way, at order entry time, you can view the number of shipments that you might have for the order. Based on the deliveries created, you can then calculate freight charges for each shipment individually and accumulate the freight charges for each shipment to obtain the order total freight charges. If you are integrating with a third party freight system, you can also use the freight shopping feature in order entry to choose different carrier IDs for the sales order shipment schedules and regroup the schedules into new deliveries for the most efficient freight options. Deliveries also enable you to use weight and volume pricing to offer discounts and surcharges if the shipment weighs out or cubes out. You can use deliveries for both sales orders and quotes.

See Setting Up Delivery Management.

See Setting Up Transportation Lead Times and Internal Freight Charges.

These fields must be the same to group schedules into the same delivery:

In addition to the two required fields, you can further define deliveries by selecting other attributes on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management Definition page.

For example, you might group order schedules that have the same ship via code, freight terms, and ship-to customer into one logical shipment. If the inventory is available for these items, they are shipped together.

You can have different delivery definitions for each PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Note. For weight and volume pricing, include the ship via code in the delivery definition. The ship via code determines minimum and maximum weight or volume limits. These limits are automatically managed at order entry time.

Note. If you override the ship-to address during order entry, the system creates a new delivery only if any of the fields are different: State, Country, and Primary Address - Ship To.

The delivery ID is assigned when the order schedule is created or modified. The Order Management business unit processing option selected on the Order Entry Features page determines whether you use deliveries and whether you want deliveries to be assigned when you change the field or save the page. If you elect to have deliveries assigned when you change the field, you can modify the delivery if you changed any of the required or optional fields that were used to group the delivery on the Delivery Management Definition page.

Note. Deliveries are available only for open schedules. Non-inventory order schedules or direct-shipped schedules are excluded.

During order entry, you can view shipping information for the delivery on the Deliveries page, and you can see the schedules that make up the delivery on the Schedules on Delivery page.

Ship Via Weight and Volume Test for Deliveries

If you include the ship via code field as part of the delivery definition, the system looks at the ship via to see if the delivery cubes or weighs out. The cube and weight dimensions are stored on the Ship Via page. The system checks both the volume and weight for the delivery against the minimum and maximum dimensions on the ship via to see if the shipment weight and cube fall within the specified parameters.

If the new order schedule causes the delivery to violate the cube or weight limits for the shipping method, the system automatically places the new schedule on a new delivery. If the new schedule as a whole violates the shipping method cube or weight limits, the system displays a warning message to the CSR when the order is saved. The CSR should then change the shipping method for the schedule or break the order line into multiple schedules so that the system can create separate deliveries.

To cube or weigh out, the delivery has to fall within the minimum and maximum values defined for the volume or weight.

If the delivery falls within:

All weight and volume price adjustments for the deliveries will be summed together and added to the total order adjustments at the order header level.

The example demonstrates how the system uses weight for weight and volume pricing:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTotal Order and Line Reservations

When you save a sales order with a status of Open, the system writes to the demand table that PeopleSoft Inventory reads to reserve product quantities. The Material Reservation process runs against this table periodically, based on parameters that you define in the Process Scheduler.

To create soft reservations for orders or order lines without waiting for the Material Reservation process to run, save the order with a status of Open. To reserve the entire order, select Reserve Order from the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page. To reserve an individual line, select the individual line and select Reserve Line from the Line Menu field of the Order Entry Form page. All schedules associated with the line are reserved at the same time.

You can cancel a reserve by canceling the order line or schedule or by decreasing the quantity. Restrictions for decreasing quantity and canceling demand is controlled by the demand change configuration on the inventory business unit. You can also cancel an order line reserve using the Undo Fulfillment process in PeopleSoft Inventory.

You can select the auto-reserve option on the Order Entry Features page to automatically reserve the order lines when you save the order. This enables automatic reservations of everything on the order where possible.

Note. If an item is marked as a demand priority item, the system ignores it when you reserve the order or line.

See Defining Your Operational Structure in PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Setting Up Business Unit and Item Options.

See Promising and Reserving Inventory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReservation Backorder Defaults

Reservation/Backorder fulfillment rules are used during fulfillment to determine when to hold demand in the unfulfilled state until enough quantity has been reserved and to determine in what state to backorder demand if enough quantity is not available. Order Management uses the reservation/backorder rule defaulting engine to default the reservation/backorder rules to the order schedule:

These order schedule reservation and backorder rules can be modified on the order schedule page and they are passed to inventory.

Note. Changes to these rules for existing sales orders are not changed or reevaluated but the changes are passed to Inventory. Rule changes on existing demand lines must be changed in Inventory. For example, if rule is entered on the sales order and the Inventory Business Unit Ship From is changed, the rules are not reevaluated.

See Also

Promising and Reserving Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicATP

You can calculate ATP quantities to promise orders against future supply in PeopleSoft Inventory. The system uses the APICS-standard ATP calculation. In PeopleSoft Order Management, you can perform ATP checks online to see more detailed information about sources of supply and demand.

See Promising and Reserving Inventory.

ATP Calculation Method During Online Sales Order Entry

ATP will be calculated after you enter the product and quantity on the line or schedule:

  1. If the Skip Promising option on the Ship Options tab of the line or schedule is not selected when you save the order.

  2. When you select ATP Decision from the Header or Line menu on the Order Entry Form page or from the Schedule Menu from the Shipment Schedules page.

If the entire quantity requested is available on the date requested, the system promises the item to the sales order schedule without displaying any additional information.

If you select the header or line level, the system will perform the ATP calculation for all of the associated schedules. If the system cannot promise all of the schedules, you will be directed to the Sales Order Message page to address the situation. If there is only one schedule and there is not enough quantity available on the date requested, the system will display the ATP Decision page where you can select from one of three options:

To view availability information detail, select Item/Product Availability from the Line Menu field on the Order Entry Form page, the Schedule Menu field from the Shipment Schedules page, or the Review Product Information menu.

The examples illustrate how the system handles ATP processing for situations where the entire quantity is not available on the date requested.

Example of Quantity Meeting the Customer's Requested Quantity But Not the Requested Shipment Date

The table shows the quantity meeting the customer's requested quantity.




Create a new order.

The system pulls in the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit options. The requested shipment date for the line uses today's date (for example, 02/01/2006) as the default.


Enter Product A (10001) and the quantity of 50 on Line 1.

The system checks the order promise option for the item. Then the system enters the highest priority PeopleSoft Inventory business unit as the default in the order line and calculates the scheduled shipment date.

The appropriate PeopleSoft Inventory business unit and scheduled shipment date (02/01/2006) appear automatically on the line.

Select the ATP option.

The system calls the ATP function for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. The requested quantity, scheduled shipment date, item ID, and Inventory business unit are passed to this function.

The system retrieves the appropriate ATP function. PeopleSoft Order Management displays the quantity available to promise on the scheduled shipment date (02/01/2005), as well as the promise date when all 50 will be available.

The three available options (based on the ATP information) are:

  1. Accept the amount available today (10).

  2. Accept a later date (2/7/2006) to get all 50 in one shipment.

  3. Create multiple schedules.

Based on the option selected, the system:

  1. Changes the quantity scheduled to 10 for 02/01/2006.

  2. Changes the scheduled shipment date to 2/7/2006.

  3. Creates four schedules:

    • 2/120/06 (quantity of 10)

    • 2/2/2006 (quantity of 10)

    • 2/3/2006 (quantity of 20)

    • 2/7/2006 (quantity of 10)

The system creates the schedules based on the selected options.

Example of Quantity Not Meeting the Customer's Requested Quantity and Shipment Date

Suppose that a customer orders 100 of product A, but only 70 units are available according to the ATP calculation. In this example, the product is a buy item, and PeopleSoft Purchasing is installed. The standard lead time to purchase item 10001 is 10 days. In this case, you have these options:

Example of Quantity Not Meeting the Customer's Requested Quantity and No Future Supply Is Available

Suppose that a customer orders 60 of product A, but none are available according to the ATP calculation. The product is a make item; the fixed lead time to make item A is 7 days, and the variable lead time is 3 hours. In this case, ATP returns no promise quantities or dates on the sales order.

The system calculates the scheduled shipment date as follows:

Today plus fixed lead time plus (order quantity variable lead time) equals 2/1/2006 plus 7 days plus (60 multiplied by 3 hours) equals 2/8/2006 plus 180 hours equals 2/8/2006 plus 7.5 days equals 2/16/2006 (rounded up to the nearest day).

No other option is available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDistribution Codes

PeopleSoft Order Management does not post entries directly to PeopleSoft General Ledger ChartFields except for incurred revenue from claimback claims. Instead, you select distribution codes that determine the accounts to debit and credit for invoice transactions, and the system passes the information to PeopleSoft General Ledger by way of PeopleSoft Billing. PeopleSoft Inventory manages the account distribution for the inventory transactions involved with a sale.

Set up distribution codes in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Receivables. The codes reflect detailed account distribution information. Sales transactions are broken into discounts, revenue, and surcharges for distribution purposes. The entries in the discount distribution code, revenue distribution code, and surcharge distribution code fields establish the distribution code for each element of the transaction. Defaults for these fields may come from one of four places:

Note. You can enter distribution percentages on the order schedule Distribution Percentages page to allocate a portion of the revenue, discount, and surcharge postings across multiple distribution IDs. This optional feature enables you to charge different departments or accounts for discounts taken on an order, or to allocate revenue across departments. The allocation percentages must add up to 100 percent.

You can change the entries during order entry on the Distribution Accounts page.

Note. If your price rules carry the distribution IDs for adjustments to the order line and schedule, you do not see the distribution IDs on the Distribution Accounts page. When distribution IDs are derived from a price rule, you cannot modify them. They are applied at billing time.

See Also

Setting Up Distribution Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRoutes

You can use routes to streamline deliveries. During order entry, you can assign the order to a route if the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit assigned to the schedule uses routes. In this case, the system searches the routes to find a match by PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, ship-to customer, address, carrier, and ship via code.

If the system doesn't find a match, it doesn't assign a route code. If the system finds a match, the system first calculates the scheduled ship date and time assigns the route code to the Ship Options tab on the Shipment Schedules page and then assigns the route stop number.

The system recalculates the scheduled arrival date and time by adding the transportation lead time to the scheduled ship date and time. The system performs the calculation when you save the order line; the system passes the calculation to the order schedule. If the new scheduled arrival date and time is later than the customer's requested arrival date and time, the system asks whether you want to override the scheduled arrival date and time. If you decline, the route is not assigned to the order schedule.

If the ship from PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, ship-to customer, address sequence number, scheduled ship date and time, carrier, and ship via values are changed after the route has been assigned, the system drops the route from the schedule.

You can still add a ship-to customer to a route on the Ship Options 2 tab on the Shipment Schedules page if the ship-to customer isn't part of the route definition. The scheduled ship date and time, carrier, and ship via code appear automatically.

Routes can also be assigned to electronic data interchange (EDI) orders using the same logic for orders entered during order entry.

Note. Routes will not be calculated and assigned for schedules marked for customer pickup.

Note. Routes will not be recalculated if third-party freight shopping assigns a different carrier ID to the order schedule. The schedule and its demand will be removed from the route.

See Also

Using Routes and Loads in Fulfillment Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDirect Shipping Products

In addition to shipping products from your own warehouses, you can ship them to customers directly from another vendor (that is, use direct ship from vendor.) You must have PeopleSoft Purchasing installed to use the direct ship from vendor feature in PeopleSoft Order Management.

If a product is always shipped directly to your customer, select the Direct Ship from Vendor option when you define the product on the Product Definition - Options2 page. Some products might typically ship out of your own warehouses, but in special circumstances, you may want them shipped directly from the vendor. In those cases, you can select the Direct Ship option on the Ship Options tab on the Order Line region of the Order Entry Form page and the Shipment Schedules page.

When the order is saved, the system flags the demand to be directly shipped from the vendor to the customer. Purchasing picks up this demand in the Requisition Loader Process and creates a new requisition. If you want it to be shipped to your warehouse, you can use the Alternate Sources of Supply page to choose additional options or use the Pegging Workbench. Alternate Sourcing and Pegging require additional setup.

Note. You can also create a "direct ship from vendor" purchase order from the sales order using alternate sources of supply. The purchase order is created and saved when the sales order is saved.

See Setting Up Alternate Sources of Supply.

See Pegging Supply and Demand.

Direct Ship Process Flow

The following diagram illustrates the shipping process flow that occurs for schedules that are shipped directly from the vendor to the customer:

Overview of claimback process flow

Direct shipping process

The steps describe the processing:

  1. The Requisition Loader process in PeopleSoft Purchasing searches order schedules and ensures that the Direct Ship from Vendor option is set to Yes and that the order schedule (ORD_SCH_STATUS) is in Open status.

    The process picks up the order schedules without holds that affect purchasing (PO_HOLD_FLAG=No), where the direct ship from vendor status (PO_DISTRIB_STATUS) is Active. The system creates requisitions, and, if the special handling flag (SPEC_HANDLE_CODE) on the order schedule is selected, it uses the shipping method code (SHIP_TYPE_ID) and carrier ID (CARRIER_ID) on the order schedule for the requisition schedule. This information is passed to the purchase order. If the product is configured, the Requisition Loader process also picks up the configuration code and template ID. When the Requisition Loader process picks up a direct shipped schedule, the system changes the direct ship from vendor status to Processed.

    Requisition Loader creates pegging detail in the pegging tables to peg the requisition to the sales order schedule.

  2. The AutoSelect process loads the information into the staging tables.

  3. The PO Calculations process picks up the information from the staging tables, calculates the prices, and selects the vendors.

  4. The Create Purchase Orders process creates the purchase order and updates the Order Schedule record with the purchase order number. The Create Purchase Order process creates pegging detail to peg the purchase order to the sales order schedule.

    The instructions to the vendors on the purchase order are to direct ship the product to the customer indicated on the schedule.

  5. The system inserts a pending line into the IN_DEMAND table for each direct ship from vendor order schedule when the schedule is saved. When the schedule is marked for billing the demand status is set to depleted.

    Run the Mark Lines for Billing process (OMMARKLN) or manually record shipment lines for non-stock and direct ship from vendor schedules using the Mark Lines for Billing page.

    To automatically record a depleted line for each non-stock order schedule when you save it with a status of Open, select the Mark for Billing at Order Save option on the PeopleSoft Order Management business unit Order Entry Features page.

    When you run the Mark Lines for Billing process, you can mark order schedules for billing if a purchase order schedule is matched to a voucher in PeopleSoft Payables. The system inserts the line for direct ship from vendor schedules based on a purchase order schedule level match of the voucher in PeopleSoft Payables and PeopleSoft Purchasing. If the schedule has a value of M (fully matched), the system inserts a shipped line.

    Note. If you run the Mark Lines for Billing process, you must select the Mark Direct Ship If Matched option on the Mark Lines for Billing Process page; otherwise, the process marks all direct ship schedules for billing, regardless of whether the voucher is matched.

  6. You can run the Journal Generator process for these transactions from either PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Receivables.

See Setting Up Alternate Sources of Supply.

Holds on Direct Shipped Schedules

You can set up hold processing for a number of sales order conditions on the PeopleSoft Order Management business Hold Processing page. With the Pass to Purchasing option, you determine whether the hold conditions prevent processing of direct ship from vendor orders and new purchase orders created from alternate sourcing in PeopleSoft Purchasing. You can also make this choice for holds that you apply manually or for messages that include holds.

If a direct ship from vendor order schedule is on hold and you have elected to prevent processing in PeopleSoft Purchasing for the hold condition, the Requisition Loader process does not pick it up. If you elected to create a new purchase order from alternate sources and the schedule is on hold, the PO is not created. If you selected the Pass to Purchasing option, the system sets the hold status for purchasing (PO_HOLD_FLAG) to No. In this case, orders are processed in PeopleSoft Purchasing even if the order line or schedule is on hold.

If there is a hold on a direct ship from vendor schedule that applies to processing in PeopleSoft Purchasing and the hold is removed, the system changes the purchasing hold status to No and the Requisition Loader process picks it up. If you chose to create a new purchase order from alternate sources, the PO is created when the hold is removed online and the order is saved.

If you put a direct shipped order schedule on hold after the Requisition Loader process has picked up the schedule, the system changes the direct ship status to Modified. Depending on the processing status within PeopleSoft Purchasing, this occurs:

When the hold is removed, the Requisition Loader process picks up the direct ship from vendor schedule and creates a new requisition.

Changes to Direct Ship from Vendor Schedules

When the Requisition Loader process in PeopleSoft Purchasing picks up direct ship from vendor schedules, it changes the direct ship status of the schedule to Processed. With this status, additional Requisition Loader process runs ignore the schedule.

In addition to holds, PeopleSoft Order Management sets the direct ship status to Modified when you change any of the fields for direct shipped schedules:

In addition, if you selected the special handling option (SPEC_HANDLE_CODE), any changes in the carrier ID (CARRIER_ID) or shipping method (SHIP_TYPE_ID) change the direct ship status to Modified.

The Drop Shipments Update process on the Requisition menu in PeopleSoft Purchasing picks up modified schedules and updates the requisitions. If the requisition has been sourced to a purchase order or orders, each changed field generates a change request for each affected purchase order.

If you cancel the sales order schedule, the corresponding requisition schedule is canceled if the schedule has not already shipped. If purchase orders have been created, the purchase order schedule is also canceled. If you have selected the Mark Lines for Billing at Order Save option on the Order Entry Features page or manually run the Mark Lines for Billing process, you cannot cancel the schedule, because the system considers the order already shipped for billing purposes.

Note. If the purchase order has already been created for the requisition, changes made on the sales order will take effect immediately on the purchase order using the alternate sourcing order change functionality. Only the purchase order will be updated with the changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales Order Messages

Messages are used through out the Order Entry Form component when the system runs into issues completing a request. The Sales Message page displays providing the CSR with information about the order. The CSR can accept the situation that the system encountered, provide additional information, or change the information so the situation is resolved.

The Sales Message page displays for situations in previous releases that were displayed using an error message on the screen after the order was saved.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales Orders from Contracts

In PeopleSoft Contracts, use the Sales Order page to determine which lines from a contract are sent to PeopleSoft Order Management. Once the lines are selected, the sales order is created in the Electronic Commerce staging tables. In addition to the Electronic Commerce process (OM_EC) the PeopleSoft Order Management batch processes (Order Completion, Hold Checking, Credit Checking, and Populate Demand) are run to generate the sales orders in the same manner as other incoming orders that are not entered through the online pages.

VAT, freight, tax calculations, and pricing are not handled in PeopleSoft Order Management for orders originating from PeopleSoft Contracts. Processing exclusions for VAT, freight, taxes, and price adjustments must be set up for 'CA' and 'RCA' source codes for both sales orders and quotes on the Exclusions by Source Code page. The Order Completion process uses the exclusions by source codes to avoid performing VAT, freight, tax calculations, and pricing. It also does not add distribution accounting and perform processing for buying agreements.

The system also uses order source codes to handle sales order processing for orders generated from PeopleSoft Contacts. You must set up 'CA' and 'RCA' order source codes on the Order Source Code page in addition to setting up exclusions by source codes.

Contract orders and replacement contract sales orders cannot be manually created in PeopleSoft Order Management. Changes to increase or decrease the quantity can be made, updates will be restricted, and you will not be able to add additional lines to the order. Changes made to a sales order originating from a contract must be manually updated in the contract in PeopleSoft Contracts. Similarly, any changes made to the contract order in PeopleSoft Contracts after the order has been inserted into the EDI staging tables must be manually made to the order in PeopleSoft Order Management.

You cannot copy from purchase history or copy orders in PeopleSoft Order Management for orders originating from PeopleSoft Contracts (denoted by 'CA' and 'RCA' source code).

PeopleSoft Contracts bills the orders generated from a contact. The Populate Billing (OM_BILL) process ignores orders with a source code of 'CA' and 'RCA'. All non-stocked and direct-shipped order lines with order source code of 'CA' and 'RCA' are processed using the PeopleSoft Order Management Mark Lines for Billing page (or auto-mark lines for Billing) to create the shipment and costing data in PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management. The Populate Billing process flags the CA and RCA shipments with BILLING_STATUS = "C" (billed from PeopleSoft Contracts) so that PeopleSoft Billing will not bill the orders.

Products used in PeopleSoft Contracts are set up on the Contracts Options page of the Product Definition.

See Also

Pages Used to Run Electronic Commerce for Inbound Sales Orders and Quote EIPs

Establishing Product Contract Options

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Required Order Entry Data

Because the system uses extensive defaults, you can enter a sales order using only the Order Entry Form page or the Express Order page. The bill-to and ship-to customers are linked to the sold-to customer, so after you select a sold to customer on the Order Entry Form page, the additional information is populated automatically. You must enter an order line before you can save the order.

Note. If you are operating in a VAT environment, VAT data is required at the header, line, and schedule level. VAT header data is automatically populated for the line and schedule. VAT data is automatically recalculated if the ship to, ship country, or state value is changed.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Order Processing in a VAT Environment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Required Header Information

The required fields in the header are:

After you complete required header information, you can enter product and quantity information for the order lines. You cannot save the order until you enter a line. You also cannot enter freight charges until you enter a line for the order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Required Line Information

The required fields in the order line section of the Order Entry Form page are:

The system creates one shipment schedule for each line that you enter. All the necessary information is automatically populated on the schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the CSR Desktop

A CSR can use the PeopleSoft CSR desktop to view information about a specific customer or product. The information appears on a series of pages from which CSRs can access further details, such as:

Customer Information

The table describes where CSRs access customer information:



Customer Search

Search for existing customers to populate the pagelets with customer data.

Customer Aging (for CSR)

Displays account aging information in a chart.

Customer Account Balances

Displays a customer's account balance in a chart.

Last Date

Displays the last date for a sales order, quote, or RMA for a customer.

Recent Orders

Displays recent orders for a customer. Navigate to individual order detail.

Recent Quotes

Displays recent quotes for a customer. Navigate to individual quote detail.

Trade Promotions

Displays trade promotions for a customer. Navigate to individual trade promotion detail.

Recent Invoices

Displays recent invoices for a customer. Navigate to individual invoice detail.

Recent Returns

Displays recent returns for a customer. Navigate to individual return detail.

Recent Conversations

Displays recent conversations for a customer. Navigate to individual conversation detail or add a new conversation.

Customer Notes

Displays customer notes.

Last 10 Product Purchases

Displays the last 10 purchases for a customer. Navigate to see order and product information.

Last 10 Shipments

Displays the last 10 shipments for a customer. Navigate to see ship from and schedule ship date information.

Schedules past ship date

Displays schedules past the ship date for a customer. Navigate to see order information.

Expiring Buying Agreements

Displays expiring buying agreements. Navigate to individual buying agreement detail.

Buying Agreements

Displays buying agreements. Navigate to individual buying agreement detail.

You can transfer to the express order entry or order tracking components by clicking the links at the bottom of the page.

Product Information

The table describes where to access product information:



Product Search

Search for existing products to populate the pagelets with product data.

Current Product

Displays information about the product including the description. Navigate to see detail product information, view the list prices by inventory business unit, and check price and availability.

Product Notes

Displays product notes.


Displays product specifications.


Displays quantity on hand and quantity reserved for a product by ship from business unit and unit of measure.

Product Alternates

Displays alternates for a product. Navigate to view product information.

See Also

Using Self-Service Order Entry and Order Status

Maintaining General Customer Information

Maintaining Additional Customer Information

Managing Conversations

Setting Up Products

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the CSR Desktop

Page Name

Definition Name



CSR Desktop - Customer Information


Order Management, CSR Desktop

Display customer information.

CSR Desktop - Product Information


Order Management, CSR Desktop

Display product information.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Sales Order Information

You can avoid repetitive data entry by copying an existing quote or sales order header, line, or schedule that is similar to the one that you want to create.

At the header level, use the Copy Sales Order/Quote link from the Header menu on the Order Entry Form page to select the order that you want to copy. You can also copy lines after selecting an order.

Note. Canceled orders, quotes, expired quotes, and quotes with active holds cannot be copied.

At the line level, you click the Copy Order Line button after selecting the number of lines to copy in the Order Lines region of the Order Entry Form page. This copies lines from within the existing order. You can also copy lines from purchase history by clicking the product ID in the Purchase History region of the Order Entry Form page.

At the schedule level, you can insert a row on the Shipment Schedule page to create a schedule identical to the current schedule, with the exception of the quantity. The system automatically calculates the difference between the line quantity and the total quantity of any existing schedules and populates the quantity field on the new schedule with an amount equal to that difference. Before you can use this copy function when you create additional schedules, change the value in this field to reflect the single schedule quantity.

You can also click the Copy Schedule link from the Schedule menu on the Shipment Schedules page to create recurring schedules on the Copy Schedule page. In one step, you can create hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly schedules. The value in the Quantity Scheduled field on the Shipment Schedules page is automatically populated using the line quantity. When you create additional schedules, before you can use the copy function, change the value in this field to reflect the single schedule quantity. For example, suppose you have an order quantity of 120 widgets on the line, and you want to schedule 10 widgets for delivery once a month for the next 12 months. The quantity scheduled appears by default as 120; change the value in this field to 10. Specify the shipment frequency on the Copy Schedule page. Indicate how many additional schedules to create. In the widget example, you would create 11, in addition to the one already automatically created for the order line. Click the Copy Schedule button to have the system create the designated number of schedules and return to the Shipment Schedules page.

For single ship sales orders, you will not be allowed to create interval shipping schedules. An error message will be displayed if you try to copy schedules for a single ship order. Only No Interval option will be available for a single ship order on the Copy Schedule page. If this option is used for a non-single ship order, it will create schedule copies with the same dates as the original schedule.

Note. If you are chunking large sales orders and you have exceeded the maximum defined at installation, you receive a message directing you to copy the order in the background using the Copy Sales Order/Quote process (OM_ORDCOPY).

See Working with Large Orders and Quotes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInformation Copied from a Sales Order or Quote to a Sales Order

If an entire quote is copied, then the total order discount of the quote will be copied along with the pricing and adjustments of the individual line. If only a portion of the quote is copied, the total order adjustments are not copied. Reprice the order to recalculate the adjustments.

Header Level

The table describes header information copied from a sales order and a quote to a sales order. The information assumes that the quote is for the same sales order customer.


Copy from a Sales Order to a Sales Order

Copy from a Quote to a Sales Order

Order number

No. You must assign a sales order number to the new sales order.

No. You must assign a sales order number to the new sales order.

Order date

No. The default value is the current date.

No. The default value is the current date.

Order Owner



Header order status

The default value is Open.

No. The default is Open

Sold to customer ID



Quote number

No, only used on Quote.


Buying agreement ID



Order group


No. Enter the order group for the sales order.

Order source



Customer purchase order



Requested arrival date and time

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied header is in the past.

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied header is in the past.

Payment method



Bill to information



Ship to information



Header commission information



Header hold



Header notes



Header attachments



Header user reference



Header sold to address override



Header ship-to address override



Header level price adjustments


Yes if all lines from the quote are copied, Otherwise no.

Deliveries and freight charges


Yes if all lines from the quote are copied, Otherwise no.

Tax Transaction Type



Custom Field




The table describes line information copied from a sales order and a quote to a sales order. The information assumes that the quote is for the same sales order customer.


Copy from a Sales Order to a Sales Order

Copy from a Quote to a Sales Order

Line status

Yes, unless the original is closed, then the new status is open.

As on quote.

Product ID



Order group

Populated from the order header.

Populated from the order header.







Ship from Inventory business unit






Pick Up Quantity



Request ship date and time

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Requested arrival date/time

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Scheduled ship date and time

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Scheduled arrival date and time

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Yes, but this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied line is in the past.

Reservation backorder rules

No, they will be recalculated.


Pricing information



Ship to information



Line hold



Line notes



Line attachments



Line user reference



Line ship-to address override



Configurator header



Configurator detail



Tax Transaction Type



Benefit ID



Excise Duty

No, will be recalculated


Sales Tax

No, will be recalculated



Yes, rederived



Yes, rederived


Custom Field




The table describes schedule information copied from a sales order and a quote to a sales order. The information assumes that the quote is for the same sales order customer. When copying sales orders, the schedule fields are populated from the line as if the line was entered manually.


Copy from a Sales Order to a Sales Order

Copy from a Quote to a Sales Order

Multiple Schedules



Pricing Information



Ship to customer information



Shipping information



Schedule commission information



Request ship date and time


Yes, this value is reset to the current date if the date on the copied schedule is in the past.

Reservation backorder rules



Schedule notes



Schedule attachments



Schedule ship-to address override



Distribution accounts

Yes, only if the original order had a single schedule.

No. These accounts are recalculated because of the potential change in the line order group.

Schedule hold



Schedule user reference



Tax Transaction Type



Delivery ID



Information Copied from Product Purchase History

The product ID, quantity, and unit of measure are copied. The remaining fields are populated as if they were entered manually.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Copy Sales Order Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Select Order to Copy


Select Copy Sales Order/Quote in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

Copy sales orders or quotes or view orders for a sold-to customer.

Note. The results grid does not display orders or replacement orders that originated from PeopleSoft Contracts (source code 'CA' or 'RCA'). These orders cannot be copied.

Select Order Lines to Copy


Select an order to copy on the Select Order to Copy page.

Select the Select Order Lines to Copy tab.

View or select lines to copy.

Copy Schedule


Select Copy Schedule from the Schedule Menu field on the Shipment Schedules page.

Copy one or more schedules of the order line.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging and Viewing Address Information on Orders

Depending on the customer role, you can change the address for the current order by clicking the Address Override link that appears after you click the Related Links button. The table outlines the customer addresses that you can change at the header, line, and schedule level for the order.

Customer Address




Sold to customer




Bill to customer




Ship to customer




The current customer address is populated from the customer master record enabling you to make changes for the address override. Existing header address overrides populate the line, or existing line overrides populate the schedule if address overrides haven't already been added for the line or schedule.

For example, if you enter an address override at the header level, the Address From field on the line and schedule shows that the address comes from the header. The address location for each line and schedule also shows Header instead of the address Location field that you can edit. If you override the address at the order line level, the schedule displays Line in the Address From field and displays Line in the ship-to customer Location field.

When you access the sold-to or ship-to Override Address page, the system automatically creates a new address override for the order. From that point, you will see the Override Address page when you view the address. You can delete the new address override by clicking the Delete Address Override button on the Override Address page for either the sold-to or ship-to address. The new address override will be deleted. If you want to see the sold-to or ship-to address without creating an address override, click the View Customer Address link for either type of address.

To view the address for the line or schedule, click the View Customer Address link. The order header address override appears in display-only mode and Header appears in the Address From field. If you click the Override Ship To Address link on the order line, you can create a new address override for that line. If you click the Override Ship To Address link at the schedule level, you can create a new address override at the schedule level.

Note. The address information that you change affects only the order that you are working on. To change address information for all new orders, use the customer General Info page.

Viewing Address Information on Orders

You can also review customer address information for the current order at the header, line, and schedule levels. The information is populated from the customer Address record. The address is the primary address location associated with the sold to, bill to, and ship-to customer. You can override the default sold to and ship-to addresses. If the address has been overridden, selecting to review the address displays the override.

See Also

Adding General Customer Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change and View Address Information on Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Address


From the Order Entry Form page, click the Related Links button.

Click the View Sold To Customer Address, View Bill To Customer Address, or View Ship To Customer Address link

View the sold-to, bill-to, or ship-to address on the sales order.

Customer Address


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Addresses

View the address information defined on the General Information - Address page.

Sold-to Address Override


Click the Related Links button in the Sold To region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Override Sold To Address link.

Change the sold-to customer address for the order.

Ship-to Address Override


Click the Related Links button in the Sold To region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Override Ship To Address link.

Change the address on the order for the ship-to customer.

Ship-to Address Override


Click the Related Links button on the Ship To tab in the Order Lines region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Override Ship To Address link.

Change the ship-to customer address for the order line.

Schedule Ship-to Address Override


Click the Related Links button on the Ship To tab on the Shipment Schedules page.

Click the Override Ship To Address link.

Change the ship-to customer address for the order schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Order, Customer, and Product Information with the Message Board

During order entry, use the Message Board to view notes and messages attached to the order, customer, or product. Messages apply only to customers and products, but notes apply to all three areas. The Message Board appears on the left-hand frame underneath the portal menu of the sales order.

Messages and notes automatically appear. Product messages and notes appear for the line that is selected using the option or for the active row.

Note. Notes added to a new order do not appear until the order is saved.

The Message Board uses client-side JavaScript to determine when to display messages and notes. The Message Board JavaScript tracks specific fields. As the field values change, the Message Board loads the related messages and notes. The Message Board tracks the order number, customer, and product fields. The Message Board attempts to load the appropriate messages and notes when any values in these fields are modified. The following example shows a sample message board displaying messages and notes.

Click to display a message.

Click to display a note. You can use the rollover text to determine whether the order note is for the header, line, or schedule.

Deactivating the Message Board

If you do not want to display the Message Board, you will need to remove the template from the content reference definition for the sales order, quote, and counter sales components.

Complete these steps:

  1. Navigate to PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content.

  2. Click Order Management in the Label column.

  3. Click Quotes and Orders in the Label column.

  4. In the Content Reference group box, click the Edit button for Create/Update Order.

  5. Remove the EP_OMTICKER_TEMPLATE template from the Template Name field.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for both entries for Create/Update Quotes and Create/Update Counter Sale.

Note. Remember to update both entries for Create/Update Order, Create/Update Quote, and Create/Update Counter Sale.

See Also

PeopleTools: PeopleBook: Internet Technology

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Messages, Notes, and Attachments

You can also view notes, messages, or attachments using the annotations pages for customers and products. These pages are accessible from the View Related Links button next to each customer or product field.

Individual notes, messages, and attachments are also available from the Review Customer Information and Review Product Information menus.

Notes and attachments can be set up for the sales order or quote at the header, line, or schedule level. You can view them from the header, line, and schedule list box.

Before using attachments, you will need to set up an FTP server.

See Also

Establishing FTP Servers for Attachments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Messages, Notes, and Attachments

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Notes


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Notes

Customers, Review Customer Information, Notes

View notes associated with a customer.

See Entering Customer Notes.

Customer Messages


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Messages

Customers, Review Customer Information, Messages

View messages associated with a customer.

See Attaching Messages to Customers.

Customer Attachments


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Customer Information, Attachments

Customers, Review Customer Information, Attachments

View the multimedia files attached to a customer.

See Attaching Multimedia Files to Customers.

Bill To Customer Annotations


Click the Related Links button in the Bill To region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Bill To Annotation link.

View customer annotations (notes, messages, or attachments). The link is available only if there are annotations present for the customer.

Sold To Customer Annotations


Click the Related Links button in the Sold To region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Sold To Annotation link.

View customer annotations (notes, messages, or attachments). The link is available only if annotations are present for the customer.

Ship To Customer Annotations


Click the Related Links button in the Ship To region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Ship To Annotation link.

View customer annotations (notes, messages, or attachments). The link is available only if annotations are present for the customer.



  • Products, Identify Product Details

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information

  • Products, Review Product Information

View the multimedia files attached to a product.



  • Products, Identify Product Details

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information

  • Products, Review Product Information

View messages associated with a product.



  • Products, Identify Product Detail

  • Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information

  • Products, Review Product Information

View notes associated with a product.

Product Annotations


Select the Product tab in the Order Lines region of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Related Links button.

Click the Product Annotations link.

View notes, messages, or attachments associated with the product. This link is available only when annotations are present for the product.

Header Notes/Attachments


Select Notes/Attachments in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

View or associate notes and attachments with a sales order header and have them print on designated documents.

Line Notes/Attachments


Select Notes/Attachments in the Line Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

View or associate notes and attachments with a sales order line and have them print on designated documents.

Schedule Notes/Attachments


Select Notes/Attachments from the Schedule Menu field on the Shipment Schedules page.

View or associate notes and attachments with a sales order schedule. Print the notes or attachments on designated documents.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Orders

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

Use the order tracking feature in PeopleSoft Order Management to track an order throughout its fulfillment cycle and to navigate to additional detail about order status. You can make your search as narrow or broad as you like by establishing search criteria on the Order Tracking - Search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Click an order number to transfer to the Order Entry Form page.

Quantity Shipped

Click a value to access the Order Tracking - Shipments page.

From this page, you can click the Track Shipment link to transfer to the Carrier URL page.

Customer PO (customer purchase order)

Displays a customer-derived number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Order Tracking - Search


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Track Order

Establish order tracking search criteria.

Order Tracking


Click the Search button on the Order Tracking - Search page.

Track an order or group of orders through its fulfillment cycle.

This page operates in deferred processing mode.

Order Tracking - Schedule Detail


Click a linked order status for a line on the Order Tracking page.

View the demand lines for each schedule of an order.

Order Tracking - Shipments


Click a linked quantity shipped value on the Order Tracking page.

View shipment details. Transfer to the Carrier URL page.

Order Tracking - Order Holds


Click a linked status for an order that is on hold.

View order holds for the order.

Order Tracking - Invoices


Click the View Invoices link on the Order Tracking page.

View invoice IDs for a schedule with multiple invoices. Transfer to the Billing Summary page for details about a specific invoice.

Order Tracking - Returns


Click a linked RMA ID on the Order Tracking page.

View order return information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Search Criteria

Access the Order Tracking - Search page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Track Order).

Tracking Status

Select the position of the order in the fulfillment process. This value is not the same as the status on sales order entry pages. Options are:

  • Backordered: Some or all of the order schedule quantity is backordered.

  • Billed: The order schedule has been billed. An invoice number and invoice date have been assigned to the schedule, and the quantity shipped equals the quantity requested.

  • Canceled: The order schedule is no longer valid.

  • Closed: The order schedule has been closed. The Close Orders process was run and the order is marked as closed.

  • In Fulfillment: The order was created and is not on hold, pending, picked, requisitioned, purchased, shipped, back ordered, closed, or canceled.

  • On Hold: The order schedule, header, or at least one order line is on hold.

  • Partial Billed: A portion of the order schedule was billed (assigned an invoice number and date), but the quantity shipped and billed is less than the original quantity requested.

  • Partial Picked: A portion of the order schedule appeared on a picking plan.

  • Partial Reserved: A portion of the order is reserved.

  • Partial Shipped: A portion of the order schedule was shipped.

  • Pending: The schedule is not ready to be passed to PeopleSoft Inventory for fulfillment.

  • Picked: The entire order schedule quantity was picked.

  • Purchased: PeopleSoft Purchasing generated a purchase order for a direct-shipped product.

  • Requisitioned: PeopleSoft Purchasing generated a requisition for a direct-shipped product.

  • Reserved: The entire order schedule is reserved.

  • Shipped: The entire order schedule quantity was shipped.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Orders

Access the Order Tracking page (click the Search button on the Order Tracking - Search page).

This page displays information from the Order Entry Form page unless otherwise noted. You can view order information and navigate to other pages for more detailed information.

Status Tab

Displays information about the status of the order and the ordered, reserved, shipped, and invoiced quantity of the lines. You can also track the order from the carrier's website.


Click a linked order status to access the Order Tracking - Schedule Detail page.

If the status is On Hold, click to access the Order Tracking - Holds page.

Note. Unlike the Backordered status on the Order Tracking - Search page, orders appearing here can have a status of Backordered if the backordering occurred at picking or at shipping.

Order, Line, Schedule

Displays the order, line number, and schedule number. For example, CEN001,2, 1 represents the schedule for the second line of order number CEN001.

Quantity Reserved

Click a value to transfer to the Fulfillment Status page.

Quantity Shipped

Click to view shipment detail on the Order Tracking - Shipments page.

Track by Carrier

Click to access the carrier's tracking website, which was established on the Carrier URL page.

Product Tab

Select the Product tab.

Displays information about the products that make up the order.

Customer Tab

Select the Customer tab.

Displays the sold-to, bill-to, and ship-to customer name and enables you to view or add a conversation.


Click to transfer to the Conversations page.

Shipping Tab

Select the Shipping tab.

Displays carrier and shipping information.

Quantity Shipped

Click to view shipment detail.

Direct Ship Tab

Select the Direct Ship tab.

If the order is shipped directly to the customer, you see information about the PO and requisition.

PO Number (purchase order number)

Displays a system-derived number from PeopleSoft Purchasing for an order schedule that is shipped directly to the customer.

Click a linked value to transfer to the Purchase Order - Header page.

Requisition ID

Displays the requisition ID associated with a direct-shipped order schedule.

Click a linked value to transfer to the Requisition Form page.

Billing Tab

Select the Billing tab.

Displays shipping and invoice information. You can also view the credit available for the customer on the order.


Click a linked invoice ID to access the Bill Summary Info page.

If the schedule has multiple invoices, click the View Invoices link to access the Order Tracking - Invoices page. From there, you can select an invoice ID and access the Bill Summary page.

Note. If the order is generated from PeopleSoft Contracts and has shipped, the field displays the value Billed from Contracts. This value is a link to a PeopleSoft Contracts inquiry component. No invoice IDs appear for sales orders from contracts.

Available Credit

Click to access the Credit Available page.

Returns Tab

Select the Returns tab.

Displays information about any returns against the order.

RMA ID (return materials authorization ID)

Click a value to access the Order Tracking - Returns page.

Quantity Returned

Displays the quantity returned against the order schedule using an RMA.

Buying Agreement/Contract Tab

Click the Buying Agreement/Contracts tab.

Displays information about buying agreement and contract IDs associated with the order.

Configuration Tab

Click the Configuration tab.

Displays the configuration code if the product is configured.

Click to jump to parent topicChecking Price and Availability

This section provides an overview of price and availability and discusses how to:

See Working With the Pricing Simulator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Price and Availability

The Price and Availability inquiry component in PeopleSoft Order Management provides immediate access to product price and availability data without entering a quote. You can view annotations associated with a product, as well as detailed product information. If there is insufficient product supply in the warehouses, you can bring up the Item/Product Availability page to see a time-phased view of open sales orders, scheduled production, in-transit inventory, internal material stock requests, approved requisitions, and open purchase orders.

You can also use the pricing simulator in PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer to test price rules and arbitration plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Check Price and Availability

Page Name

Definition Name



Price and Availability - Price Calculations


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Price and Availability

Look up price calculations.

Price and Availability - Price Adjustments


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Price and Availability

View price adjustments that the system made to the list price to determine the net price.

Base Price


Click the Select Price from IBU link on the Price and Availability - Price Calculations page.

Select a price based on a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. Also view the quantity available and list price for each PeopleSoft Inventory business unit that carries the product in the specified UOM.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChecking Price Calculations

Access the Price and Availability - Price Calculations page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Price and Availability).

Sales order pricing is actually calculated on the schedule level.

Note. Pricing and Availability uses the price by keys to calculate the adjustment: Sold-To Customer, Payment Method, Payment Terms ID, Product ID, Carrier ID, Export Carrier ID, Freight Terms Code, Export Freight Terms Code, Ship-To Customer, Ship Via Code, Export Shipping Method, Item ID, Commodity Code, Customer Group, Product Group, and Region Code. If you are using additional price by keys, use the Simulator in PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer.

See Working With the Pricing Simulator.

Order Date

Displays the current date by default, but you can change it. This date determines pricing, with applicable discounts and surcharges.

The order date is considered the pricing date and is compared to the start and end dates for price formulas. The system ignores the price date defined on the arbitration plan, order date, scheduled shipment date, or arrival date. For this purpose, it always uses the order date, as no scheduled shipment or arrival date is entered on this page.

Arbitration Plan

Use to specify the pricing adjustment.

Transaction to be Priced

Select the pricing application code. For example, to price as if on the sales order, select Sales Order, which is the default.

Exclusive Pricing ID

(Optional) If you enter an exclusive pricing ID, the net unit price is based only on the price rules associated with that ID.

Customer ID

If you enter an optional sold to customer ID, the system uses the arbitration plan associated with that customer to determine the price rules and formulas that are used to calculate pricing.

Available to Promise

Click to calculate ATP and to view the first available ship date for the quantity you are requesting.

See Promising and Reserving Inventory.

Product ID

The product ID, along with the UOM, are the only required fields on this page. They determine the PeopleSoft Inventory business units available when you click the Select Price from IBU (select price from Inventory business unit) link.


The default value is 1, but you can change it. Within a price rule, quantity price formulas may be triggered by the value that you enter here.

Payment Method

Depending on how you have set up your price rules, the method you select might affect price adjustments.

Export Shipment, Ship To, Payment Terms, Carrier ID, Freight Terms, and Ship Via

Price adjustments can be affected by your selections in the fields. These values can be keys to price rules.

Select Price from Price List

Select to populate the List Price field with the base price for the product that you established when you set up price lists in PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer. You can use this option only if you have entered a customer ID.


Displays the base business unit currency that you established on the Shipping and Returns page, unless the value is overridden by the currency associated with the customer ID.

View Currency Data

Click to view currency details.

List Price

Displays the basis for the pricing calculation. You can override this price.

Calculate Price

Click to calculate the net unit price, extended list price, and extended price. To check the price and availability of products or quantities, you can enter new information and click Calculate Price to recalculate the pricing information.

Change Currency

Click to toggle between the business unit base currency and the currency associated with the sold to customer.

See Also

Setting Up Products

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Price Adjustments

Access the Price and Availability - Price Adjustments page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Price and Availability).

The fields on this page are the same as those on the Price Detail page.

See Also

Modifying Pricing Information

Click to jump to parent topicChecking Price and Availability for Product Kits

Use the Product Kit Availability inquiry component to determine availability for product kits.

This section discusses how to view and determine product kit availability.

See Also

Checking Item Availability

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Check Price and Availability for Product Kits

Page Name

Definition Name



Product Kit Availability


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Kit Availability

View information on available, complete kits and navigate to see the supply and demand placed against each component part. The availability of product kits depends on the supply of each component.

Kit Availability Detail


Click the link for the component on the Product Kit Availability page.

View details about individual components of the product kit that you selected on the Product Kit Availability page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Product Kit Availability

Access the Product Kit Availability page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Product Information, Kit Availability).


Includes all supply sources by default, but you can exclude a source by deselecting the appropriate check box. If you have PeopleSoft Purchasing installed, approved purchase orders and PeopleSoft Inventory MSRs always appear.

Note. The Scheduled Production option is unavailable for entry unless you have PeopleSoft Manufacturing installed. The Approved PO Request option is unavailable for entry unless you have PeopleSoft Purchasing installed.


Click the button after selecting a product to populate the Kit Component Information section of the page


Identifies whether the number of units displayed in the Quantity field is by ASY (assembly) or by ORD (order).

Inventory Item

Populated by the Product Definition Overview page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

OK to Ship Without

Displays the selection that you made on the Kit Component Text page when you defined the product kit.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Alternate Sourcing and Pegging

This section provides an overview for alternate sourcing and pegging and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Alternate Sourcing and Pegging

Alternate sourcing and pegging are closely related and enable CSRs to expand the tools they can use to meet customers demands and provide superior customer service. Alternate sourcing and pegging rely on security to control how the CSR can use the features.

See Setting Up Alternate Sources of Supply.

See Establishing Feature Function Security.

See Pegging Supply and Demand.

Alternate Sources of Supply

You can choose alternate sources of supply for the order line or schedule if you select the advance sourcing option (advanced or manual) at the Order Management Business Unit. On the Alternate Source of Supply page during order entry, you can change the ship from business unit or look at alternate sources and enter different quantities for each of the sources. Inventory on-hand availability sources as well as sourcing options from new requisitions, new purchases orders, and new interunit MSRs are defined in the Alternate Sources arbitration plan and rules and retrieved by the sourcing engine. Additionally, existing supply sources (existing requisitions, purchase orders, interunit transfers, and production orders) are retrieved by the sourcing engine. These existing sources of supply do not require you to set up alternate sources of supply arbitration plans and rules. However, you must have the authority defined for your user ID setup in Inventory pegging security.

The CSR enters the quantity they want from each supply source. If the CSR chooses existing incoming supply to source the order line or schedule, the supply is soft pegged to the sales order at save time of the order. If the CSR chooses to source the order line or schedule from a new requisition, purchase order, or interunit transfer, the supply document is created and hard pegged to the order schedule when the order is saved and additional information may be required from the CSR. For new requisitions, the requisition will be pegged to the sales order when the PO_REQLOAD (Purchasing Requisition Loader) process creates the requisition.

The existing incoming supply sources are filtered through the new Inventory pegging security definition for the user ID of the current user and appear after the alternate sourcing arbitration plan/rules sourcing options in the grid. Once a supply source option is selected, the source type and disposition are stored on the line or schedule. Sourcing is done at the order line level if only one schedule exists; otherwise, it is performed at the schedule level. For each source that is selected for the order line, a new order schedule is created. If sourcing is being done on an order schedule and multiple sources are selected, the original schedule is updated and additional schedules are created.

If the CSR wants to change the supply source, the system verifies that the change is allowed. For example, the PO may already be dispatched. If the change is allowed and the supply is hard-pegged to the order schedule, Order Management will automatically update the supply document with cancellations or quantity changes. If the change to the supply document is not allowed or the supply is soft-pegged to the order, the change is still allowed on the order schedule, but only a notification is sent to the supply document owner.

The full range of Alternate sources of supply functionality can be done online. In batch, alternate sourcing is performed only for distribution network and Inventory Business Unit on hand quantity sources. The additional source options for new purchase orders, new production orders, requisitions, and interunit MSRs are not available with batch processing. If the Order Management availability option is set to Automatic (advanced sourcing), the order completion process must be performed before the advanced sourcing lookup.


Through alternate sourcing, the CSR can choose to select on-hand available quantity from inventory business units outside the standard distribution network. Selecting quantity on-hand and direct-shipping from the warehouse is equivalent to assigning the Inventory Business Unit as the ship-from business unit on the order schedule. The item ships from that warehouse directly to the customer. Alternatively, the CSR can peg or tag lines during sales order entry to existing incoming supply or new supply to ensure that items are reserved to the order as soon as they become available in the warehouse.

The CSR can peg to:

In addition, from the alternate sources of supply page, the CSR can choose supply sources of:

Note. These quantity-on-hand supply sources are not pegged when the disposition of the items is direct ship-to the customer. The ship-from business unit on the order schedule is changed to the source Inventory Business Unit selected and the demand for these sources is reserved based on the inventory business unit definition for the item. If the disposition of the supply is direct receipt, a new interunit transfer MSR is created when the order is saved.

After the CSR selects the type of supply, he determines whether it should be a direct ship (ships directly to the customer) or direct receipt (ships to the warehouse and then to the customer). There can be multiple sourcing options displayed and selected. Each selected supply source will be broken into separate schedules once the options are accepted by the CSR.

Note. The disposition of the items (direct ship or direct receipt) cannot be changed for existing supply.

There are two types of pegs:

Here are examples of hard pegs:

Note. All other orders would be considered soft pegs.

The CSR can make changes to the pegs from the sales order alternate sources of supply page by changing the quantity requested or selecting new sources of supply. However, if the changes are not possible from the sales order, the CSR can use the Pegging Workbench to make additional changes. The CSR could also perform the pegging from the workbench instead of from the Alternate Sources of Supply page.

Note. Creating the pegs from the pegging workbench will only create soft pegs.

Pegging can occur as long as the sales order demand is not past the Unfulfilled state in PeopleSoft Inventory. However, the CSR cannot peg product kits, configured kits, ATP or VMI items. If the demand is already soft-reserved, it cannot be pegged. Choosing to peg an existing schedule that is already soft-reserved will cancel the reserved demand and create new pegged demand for the schedule. A peg cannot be modified from the sales order if more than one unfulfilled demand line exists for the schedule (a backorder has been created). You must use the pegging workbench (a link is provided from the sales order alternate sources page) to modify the pegs.

To peg to existing supply documents, the CSR must have the appropriate security defined. The Inventory pegging user security has to be set up enabling the user ID to peg supply documents to sales order demand.

You can set up notifications to notify the CSR if changes are made to any documents that are pegged. Similarly, notifications can be sent to the supply owner if changes are made to the sale order. The system has preestablished notifications set up using the Message Dashboard. You can use the existing notifications or add notifications.

If an order goes on hold when pegging to a PO, then the Pass to Purchasing flags will determine whether the PO is created or whether a requisition is created. The PO is created if the Pass to Purchasing flag for the hold is set to Yes. If the Pass to Purchasing flag is set to No, a requisition will be created using requisition loader. When the order hold is removed, the requisition loader should be run which will create a requisition and peg the order to it. When the requisition becomes a PO, the order will be then pegged to the PO.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Alternate Sourcing and Pegging

Page Name

Definition Name



Order Entry Form


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Order

Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Quote

Enter header and line information and perform advanced sourcing.

See Using Alternate Sourcing and Pegging.

Alternate Sources of Supply


Click the Find Alternate Supply Sources link from the Line or Claimback/Supply Source tab in the line grid area on the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Find Alternate Supply Sources link from the Line or Claimback/Supply Source tab in the line grid area on the Shipment Schedules page.

Use to view supply source options and to choose the optimum sources for this order line or schedule. You can choose one or more sources of supply from this page. This page is available only if you are using the Manual or Automatic Availability Option on the Order Entry Features page for the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit.

Product Availability


Click the Cross-CPU Product Availability link on the Alternate Sources of Supply page.

Use to access product availability from other databases. This is informational only.

Alternate Sources of Supply Advanced Search


Click the Advanced Search link on the Alternate Sources of Supply page.

Use to search by additional criteria.

Supply Source Detail


Click the Supply Source Data link on the Claimbacks/Supply Source tab in the line grid area of the Order Entry Form page.

Click the Supply Source Data link on the Claimbacks/Supply Source tab in the line grid area of the Shipment Schedules page.

Use to view existing pegs and pegs for new purchase orders, production orders, requisitions, and interunit transfers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Alternate Sources of Supply

Access the Claimback/Supply Source tab in the line grid area of the Order Entry Form or Shipment Schedules page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Create/Update Order).

Note. The Find Alternate Supply Sources button appears if advanced sourcing is used for the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit. The Manual or Automatic Availability Option must be selected on the Order Entry Features page for the business unit.

Source Type

The value is provided by default from the highest priority sourcing option returned from the supply source engine if the availability option on the Order Management Business Unit is Automatic. Otherwise, it is set based on the alternate source of supply you choose.


The value is provided by default from the highest priority sourcing option returned from the supply source engine if the availability option on the Order Management Business Unit is Automatic. Otherwise, it is set based on the alternate source of supply you choose. If you change the sourcing option on the Alternate Sources of Supply page, it will update the value.

Note. If multiple schedules are available for the line, the source type becomes the original default (Distribution Network or Inventory Business Unit) and the Disposition is Direct Ship. If the product is marked as Direct Ship from Vendor, then the Source Type is New Requisition and the Disposition is Direct Ship.

Click the Find Alternate Sources button to perform additional sourcing on the Alternate Sources of Supply page.

Supply Source Data

Click the link to access the Supply Source Detail page.

Claimback ID

The claimback defaults and can be changed.

See Also

Setting Up Alternate Sources of Supply

Working with Claimbacks

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChoosing Alternate Sources of Supply

Access the Alternate Sources of Supply page (click the Find Alternate Supply Sources link from the Line or Claimback/Supply Source tab in the line grid area on the Order Entry Form page).

These restrictions exist for using advanced sourcing, depending on the item and product attributes:

The PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit, order, line and schedule, and the Product ID and associated Item ID display from the order.

Each line of the order line or schedule is sourced individually. If you use multiple sourcing options, a schedule is created for each of the sourcing options.

For new order lines or schedules, the sourcing options retrieved from the sourcing engine appear first. They appear in the order defined on the sourcing arbitration plan. If the user is authorized to peg to existing supply documents (requisition, purchase orders, interunit transfers, or production orders), these existing supply sources appear following the sourcing engine supply options.

For existing order lines or schedules, the existing supply source pegs appear first with the quantities that are pegged to the supply. Then, the sourcing options retrieved from the sourcing engine appear in the order defined on the sourcing arbitration plan. If the user is authorized to peg to existing supply documents (requisition, purchase orders, interunit transfers, or production orders), these existing supply sources appear following the sourcing engine supply options.

Cross-CPU Product Availability

Click the link to access the Product Availability page.

Ship From

Initially appears from the schedule. You can change the value, but you need to select the Search Sources button to display new results in the grid at the bottom of the page. This is the ship-from business unit from where the items will ship to the customer.

Alternate Source Type

Use to narrow down the types of sources displayed for the line or schedule. Only the source type that is selected will be returned to the supply sources grid or use the All Sources option to search for all the valid sources based on the options set up from the arbitration plan associated with the Shipping and Returns page on the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit.

Display Row for each Vendor

If you select this option, all of the vendors will display for new purchase orders and requisitions. If this option is not selected, you can select the vendor from the available options.

Include Zero Availability

Select if you want the system to include inventory business units with quantity available of zero in the results.

Search Sources

Click the button to display your selection in the Supply Sources grid at the bottom of the page.

Advanced Search

Use to refine your search even further. For example, you could search for Direct Receipt Disposition types.

Quantity Ordered and Quantity Scheduled

Displays the total quantity ordered for the line and the quantity scheduled for the current schedule.

Quantity Pegged

Displays the supply pegged to the schedule. The pegged quantity will also be displayed in the first lines in the grid if you are viewing the page after the initial schedule has been pegged.

Quantity Reserved

Displays the amount that has already been reserved to the schedule for the ship-from BU.

Calculate Quantity

Click to calculate the remaining quantity to be sourced.

Remaining Quantity

Displays the amount that is left to source.


When you have made your selections and are satisfied with the sourcing, click the button to source the schedule from the alternate sourcing chosen in the grid and return to the sales order.

The results are validated, and you will be prompted for required fields. A separate schedule is created for each sourcing option you choose.

  • For interunit transfer, the source inventory business unit and destination inventory business unit are checked, if no valid transfer accounting information is found, an error message is displayed on the Sales Order Messages page. The same validation is applied to direct receipt production orders.

  • For purchase orders, the vendor ID, buyer ID, purchase business unit and inventory item ID should be properly defined. If the buyer ID is not present, the CSR will be prompted to enter one for the transaction. The CSR should set up a default buyer ID and purchase business unit for requisitions and purchase orders.

    See Defining Procurement Options.

  • For requisitions, you may enter vendor ID and buyer ID, but these also appear by default from the Requisition Loader if requisition defaults were defined in Purchasing when the requisition was created.


Click to return to the order line or schedule without accepting the sourcing options.

Note. If you want the requisition or purchase order shipped to your warehouse, you can use the alternate sources page to select the direct receipt disposition for the items. Note that the item must be defined as a stocked item to receive the items into the destination warehouse. If the business unit item definition does not exist on the destination warehouse, then the system will create one for you based on the item template defined in the Inventory business unit transfer item copy definition.

Note. When you create a direct receipt purchase order from alternate sources of supply, the location address of the Inventory business unit is defined as an override address on the purchase order line to ensure that the items are shipped to the exact location of the warehouse.

Choosing Alternate Sources on the Supply Sources Tab

The results of the sources appear in the grid.

Seq (sequence)

The results appear in this order:

  1. Current pegs for the order.

  2. New supply sources sorted by:

    1. The sort option on the arbitration plan.

    2. The arbitration decision on the sequence.

  3. Existing supply documents (requisitions, purchase orders, interunit transfers, production orders).

Quantity Requested

Enter an amount to be sourced. You can select multiple source options by entering quantity in different fields. Each quantity sourced becomes its own schedule.

Quantity Available

Displays the amount that is available for each Inventory business unit.

Source Type

Displays the source possibilities. The rows of the grid appear based on the sort option selected on the arbitration plan for alternate sources of supply. If pegs exist, then they appear first. They are followed by the sourcing engine sources of supply and then the existing supply documents if the user has the authority to peg to existing supply.


For new sourcing, you can select the shipping option; otherwise, the field is unavailable for entry. Values are:

Receipt: Ship from the vendor or warehouse to a warehouse.

Ship: Ship from the vendor or warehouse to a customer.

Inventory Unit

The Inventory business unit appears for Inventory business unit and Network source types.

Vendor ID

If you set up alternate sources of supply rules, the vendor ID appears based on your sourcing formula. Otherwise, all of the valid vendors for the item are available for you to choose from the prompt on the vendor ID field. The Vendor Name fields appears.

For new requisitions and purchase orders, you can select from the valid list of vendors.

Vendor Location

For existing sources, the field is display-only. For new sources, you can use the search button to select from a list of valid locations for the selected vendor.

Order Line

Displays line information for the purchase order.

Unit Price

This value is display-only. This is the purchase price of the item for source types of requisition or purchase order. This is the unit cost for Inventory business unit or Network source types. For purchase orders, the Unit Price is the cost that is used to calculate the margin.

Get Price

For new purchase orders where the Vendor ID was selected, click the button to retrieve the price that will be defaulted to the new purchase order. The price will be updated in the Unit Price field.


Ship Via Code

Optionally select for Distribution Network and Inventory business unit source types where the disposition is direct receipt and you are creating an interunit transfer.

Lead Days

If the Ship Via Code appears, then the interunit transportation lead times will be included for Distribution Network and Inventory business unit source types.

The vendor lead time appears for new supply for purchase orders or requisitions. For existing pegs or existing supply not yet pegged, the lead time is calculated using the dates on the schedule.

The production portion of the Lead Days displayed is based on the schedule quantity. If the user changes the new production quantity, the Lead Days will be recalculated based on the new quantity.

If the lead days is blank, the lead days are less then zero.

Note. If you want to create an interunit transfer (MSR), select either Inventory Business Unit or Distribution Network in the Source Type field and Direct Receipt in the Disposition field.

If you want to create supply shipped directly from the vendor to your customer (drop ship), select either New Requisition or New Purchase Order in the Source Type field and Direct Ship in the Disposition field.

See Viewing and Updating Supply Source Information.

Changing Supply Information

Sourcing options for order schedules that were already pegged can be changed on the alternate sources of supply page. Schedules with existing pegs appear at the top of the supply sources grid with the peg quantity supplied by default to the requested quantity field in the grid. You can change the quantity to change the peg. If the supply is hard-pegged, the supply document will be automatically updated. If the supply is soft-pegged, a notification is sent to the buyer or the warehouse manager depending on the supply type.

Hard-pegged requisitions are updated through the Requisition Loader process.

Hard-pegged purchase orders are updated when you save the sales order if the update is allowed. You define when the purchase order update is allowed on the Order Management business unit. Update is allowed up to the purchase order due date or up to the time the purchase order is dispatched to the vendor.

Hard-pegged interunit transfers are updated if the demand change configuration for the source inventory business unit allows changes to be made from Order Management, depending on the state of the demand in fulfillment.

Changes for soft-pegged supply only results in a notification to the buyer or the warehouse manager, depending on the supply type. Changes for hard-pegged production orders will only be made if the status is Entered, Firmed or Released. When changes are made to a sales order with a direct receipt production order, the changes are only applied to the interunit transfer since the interunit transfer is hard-pegged to the sales order. Changes are not made to the soft-pegged production order. However, if a schedule change results in the interunit transfer being cancelled, the production order will also be cancelled if the order output quantity is equal to the interunit transfer quantity and the production order status is Entered, Firmed or Released.

Note. If the purchase order has already been created for the requisition, changes made on the sales order will take effect immediately on the purchase order via the alternate sourcing order change functionality. Only the purchase order will be updated with the changes.

View Cost Information on the Cost Detail Tab

The fields display additional pricing and cost information.

Total Unit Cost

The unit cost of the item multiplied by the markup percent and the transportation cost.

Unit Cost

The unit cost of the item or the transfer price.

Transfer Price

The cost to transfer the item out of the PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit from either the Inventory Business Unit item or Inventory Business Unit level.

Transportation Cost

The transit cost between two PeopleSoft Inventory business units, the Inventory Business Unit item level or Inventory Business Unit level.

Price Markup %

Percent of price markup defined at either the PeopleSoft Inventory Business Units item level or Inventory Business Unit level. If defined, this price markup is applied to the unit cost.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Updating Supply Source Information

Access the Supply Source Detail page (click the Supply Source Data link on the Claimbacks/Supply Source tab in the line grid area of the Order Entry Form page).

Current Pegs

Existing purchase order, requisitions, interunit transfer and production order pegs for the entire order appear at the top of the page. Each peg shows the information and the quantity pegged, the order type, the link to view the document for the peg, and a button to take you to view or update the supply document.

New Pegged Supply for Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Interunit Transfers and Production Orders

Below the existing pegs grid, the new supply source detail information is presented to the CSR where it can be changed prior to saving the sales order and creating the new supply documents such as new requisition, purchase order, interunit transfer or production order. New requisition lines and new purchase order lines are consolidated by Vendor ID and location. New interunit transfer lines are consolidated by source inventory business unit.

Once the new supply document is created, the supply detail information is no longer available, and the CSR uses the "Edit Document" button in the top of the grid to view or update the actual supply document that was generated and pegged to the sales order schedule.

For new requisitions, the quantity cannot be changed. The purchase quantity for the requisition is set by the Requisition Loader and is always set to the order schedule quantity. A hard-peg is created when the process creates the requisition. If you increase the requisition quantity in PeopleSoft Purchasing after it has been created, the hard-peg to the sales order is changed to a soft-peg.

For new purchase orders, the purchase quantity can be changed. If you increase the purchase quantity so that it is greater than the sales order schedule quantity, the order quantity is pegged to the PO and a hard peg is created. The hard peg is not removed until the purchase order is received at the warehouse, at which time the order quantity is reserved and possibly allocated. The remaining quantity received is put away to stock as available quantity on hand.

For new direct ship production orders, the production quantity can be changed. If you increase the production order quantity to be greater than the sales order schedule quantity, the order quantity is pegged to the production order and a hard peg is created. The hard peg is not removed until the production order is completed. The order quantity is reserved and possibly allocated at this time. The remaining quantity produced is put away to stock as available quantity on hand.

For new direct receipt production orders, the production quantity can be changed. This will cause the interunit transfer necessary to receive the goods to increase by the same amount. The order quantity is pegged to the interunit transfer and a hard peg is created. A soft peg will be created between the production order and the interunit transfer. In addition, the carrier and ship type can be changed for the interunit transfer. The hard peg is not removed until the interunit transfer is received and put away. The order quantity is reserved and possibly allocated at this time. The remaining quantity received is put away to stock as available quantity on hand.

Note. After you perform initial sourcing, you can change the status of the line or schedule to Pending and save the order so that you can update the sourcing information at a later time. When you update the order, you can access the Supply Sources Detail page and make changes. You cannot perform sourcing for a line or schedule that is in Pending status, the status must be set to Open initially.

See Also

Setting Up Alternate Sources of Supply

Pegging Supply and Demand

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Lot Allocations

While entering orders, you can lot allocate a line to multiple lots or partially lot allocate the line. You can also change the lot allocations on the sales order pages, depending on the stage of fulfillment processing for the line.

This section provides overviews of partial lot allocations and changes to lot-allocated lines and lists the pages used to use lot allocations.

To lot allocate an order line or schedule, the status must be Open. Lot allocation is performed as soon as you save the order if the Skip Lot Allocation option is not selected on the schedule or line and the Lot Allocate option is selected for the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit. Otherwise, you can lot allocate from the Lot Allocation component accessible from the Header menu on the Order Entry Form page.

Note. Lot allocations cannot be performed in the counter sales environment if the customer is picking up the product unless you navigate to the Picking Feedback page.

See Also

Creating a Lot Allocation

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Partial Lot Allocations

If you partially lot allocate a line during order entry, the system creates a backorder for the unallocated portion of the line, as long as back orders are not set for automatic cancellation (cancel backorder flag equals Yes). To allocate the back order when more lot-controlled products become available, use the Allocation Workbench or the Allocate Lots component in PeopleSoft Inventory (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests).

Note. The backordered quantity must be fully lot allocated.

To enable partial lot allocation, set the Partials field to Yes and the Cancel BO field to No on the Ship Options 2 tab in the Order Lines region of the Order Entry Form page or the Shipment Schedules page. The default values for these fields come from the Ship To region in the Order Header region of the Order Entry Form page. Depending on how you set up your customers, you can set the defaults on one of these pages:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Changes to Lot-Allocated Lines

You can change a lot allocation for the order line or schedule on the sales order pages depending on the status of the order within the fulfillment process.

The schedule can be allocated or canceled until some portion of the schedule has been allocated from a storage location in PeopleSoft Inventory. You can no longer lot allocate or cancel the allocation of any demand lines associated with the schedule if any of the demand lines are in the Released (40) state in PeopleSoft Inventory.

If the line that was lot allocated, either partially or fully, has not appeared on the picking plan, you can change the lot allocation on the Allocate Lots component accessible from the line and schedule.

If the lot-allocated line has appeared on a picking plan, you can view how the quantity was allocated, but it is unavailable for update from the sales order pages.

For partial lot allocations, you can allocate the backorder portion of the line on the Allocate Lots component if the back order has not appeared on a picking plan.

You can also use the Allocate Lots component in PeopleSoft Inventory to lot allocate an order line or schedule that was not allocated during order entry or to reallocate an order line or schedule after you entered the order.

When manually lot allocating, the quantity is automatically reserved, regardless of the PeopleSoft Order Management Business Unit auto-reserve setting. The quantity is reserved against the inventory business unit as well as the lot. When you increase the quantity of the lot, the reserved quantity and lot quantity of the inventory business unit is adjusted to reflect the increase. When you decrease the quantity of the lot, only the lot quantity is adjusted to reflect the decrease. The quantity reserved against the inventory business unit will remain reserved. To cancel the reserve of this line, you will have to go to the Undo Fulfillment process page.

See Also

Allocating Orders in Demand Fulfillment

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Orders

You can use these methods to change orders:

To cancel an order line or schedule, change the status to Canceled. However, the system allows the status of a header, line or schedule to be changed to Canceled only if no part of the associated schedule has been shipped.

If an order has a status of Canceled or Closed, you cannot change the order.

For Pending and Open orders, any changes to the header status, ship-to location, ship-to contract, or ship-to address override are propagated to the line and schedule level. Other changes to the header populate new lines and schedules but are not propagated to existing lines and schedules. If the change cannot be made to a particular schedule, it is made to the rest of the lines. To make changes to shipping data on all schedules for an order, use the Update All Schedules page.

Changes to orders in an Open status may be restricted depending on how far it is in the fulfilment process. You can configure the fields that you want to be able to change using the Demand Change Configuration component.

When establishing the Demand Change Configuration parameters in PeopleSoft Inventory, if you configure the quantity decrease and cancel quantity to be pick confirmed, your paperwork may be inconsistent with what was already printed for the shipping documentation. To prevent this situation, you should configure notifications. However, it may not stop the shipment.

Regardless of how you set up your demand change configuration parameters or what state the demand is, in PeopleSoft Inventory, keep these scenarios in mind to make sure you get your intended results.

The table displays the changes that you can make in PeopleSoft Order Management before the order is sent to PeopleSoft Inventory:

PeopleSoft Order Management Status or Change

PeopleSoft Order Management Effect

PeopleSoft Inventory Effect

Order Closed



Any change

Not allowed


Order Canceled



Any change

Not allowed





Any change to Order Line

Apply changes


Any change to Order Schedule

Apply changes


Change Sold to or Bill To Customer

Not allowed if order lines exist.


Delete Header

Not allowed


Delete Line

Not allowed


Delete Schedule

Not allowed


See Also

Changing, Canceling, and Holding Orders

Working with Large Orders and Quotes

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Using Sales Order and Quotation Enterprise Integration Points

Setting up the Demand Change Configuration

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Order Information

This section lists the pages used to view order information and discusses how to view sales order summary information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Order Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Order Summary


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Summary

View information about a single sales order.

Summary by Bill-To/PO


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information

View orders associated with a single purchase order linked to a bill-to customer. This page appears automatically during order entry if you enter a purchase order number that is already entered on another order.

Shipments by Schedule


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information

View shipment information for the schedule.

Shipments Invoice


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Shipments by Schedule

View invoice information for the schedule.

Shipments by Lot/Serial


Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Shipments by Schedule

View lot and serial ID information for products that are lot or serial controlled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Sales Order Summaries

Access the Order Summary page (Order Management, Quotes and Orders, Review Order Information, Summary).

Currency Detail

Click to access the Currency Data page to view or change the currency for the order. You can change the currency as long as there are no order lines.

Tax Amount

Displays a best-guess estimate of taxes for an order. This number is not posted to any tax registers. If you have PeopleSoft Billing installed, the system recalculates taxes, even if they were calculated previously in the order entry process by the Order Completion processes.

Order Total

The freight charge and tax amount are added to the total net price to derive the order total.

Note. PeopleSoft Order Management does not pass tax calculations to PeopleSoft Billing.

See Also

Integrating with Sales and Use Tax Applications