Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dt.patterns.metadata.creator.dialogDetails

Dialog Details creator.


Class Summary
ApplicationsDialogDetailsCreator ApplicationDialogDetailsCreator is a creator panel class for conditionally checking which UI to be shown.
ApplicationsDialogDetailsPanel ApplicationsDialogDetailsPanel is a class for creating the DialogDetails component first UI and its resulting element.
GenericDialogDetailsBound GenericDialogDetailsBound is Generic creator panel class for generating UI to be shown to the user incase the dragged collection is a stand alone collection.
GenericDialogDetailsMasterBound GenericDialogDetailsMasterBound is Generic creator panel class for generating UI to be shown to the user incase the dragged collection is a detail/child collection of the underlying table collection.
GenericDialogDetailsTableBound GenericDialogDetailsTableBound is Generic creator panel class for generating UI to be shown to the user incase the dragged collection is same as the underlying table collection.
GenericDialogDetailsUnboundForm GenericDialogDetailsUnboundForm is Generic creator panel class for generating UI to be shown to the user incase a no data is bound.

Package oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dt.patterns.metadata.creator.dialogDetails Description

Dialog Details creator.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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