Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OAApplicationModuleImpl

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
      extended by oracle.jbo.server.NamedObjectImpl
          extended by oracle.jbo.server.ComponentObjectImpl
              extended by oracle.jbo.server.ContainerObjectImpl
                  extended by oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
                      extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.oaext.model.OAApplicationModuleImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, OAApplicationModule, OASeedDataService, oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule, oracle.jbo.common.TransPostControl,, oracle.jbo.ComponentObject, oracle.jbo.ExprWrappable, oracle.jbo.GenericHints, oracle.jbo.OperationContainer, oracle.jbo.Properties, oracle.jbo.server.ContainerObject, oracle.jbo.server.TransactionListener, oracle.jbo.VariableManagerOwner, oracle.jbo.VariableManagerOwnerBase, oracle.jbo.WarningContainer, oracle.svcmsg.SvcMsgReceiver, oracle.svcmsg.SvcMsgSender
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActivityStreamOptionWSAMImpl, ApplicationAMImpl, ApplSessionPageRootAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyExtnAMImpl, AppsLoggerAMImpl, AttachmentsAuthorizationWSAMImpl, AttachmentsDTAMImpl, AttachmentServiceAMImpl, AttachmentWSAMImpl, CurrencyServiceAMImpl, DataSecurityAMImpl, DataSecurityFilterUIAMImpl, DataSecurityGlobalUIAMImpl, DataSecuritySharedObjectAMImpl, DataSecurityUIAMImpl, DescriptiveFlexfieldServiceAMImpl, DFFAdfdiUIAMImpl, DFFRegUIAMImpl, DFFSetupUIAMImpl, DocSeqServiceAMImpl, EFFCategoryApplicationModuleImpl, EFFRuntimeAMImpl, FavRecentItemsAMImpl, FlexfieldApplicationModuleImpl, FlexMBeanSetupAMImpl, FndDataMigAdfDIAMImpl, FndDeploymentsAMImpl, FndDiagnosticsAMImpl, FndDocumentCategoriesAdminUIAMImpl, FndDocumentEntitiesAdminUIAMImpl, GroupSpaceBaseAMImpl, IndustryServiceAMImpl, IsoLanguageServiceAMImpl, KeyFlexfieldServiceAMImpl, KFFCombinationCreatorImpl, KFFSetupAMImpl, LanguageServiceAMImpl, LookupServiceAMImpl, MenuCustomizationAMImpl, MessageRuntimeTestAMImpl, MessageServiceAMImpl, MessageUIAMImpl, NaturalLanguageServiceAMImpl, OAAppModuleImpl, PreferencesAMImpl, ProfileServiceAMImpl, ProfleSetupUIAMImpl, SetIdServiceAMImpl, TerritoryServiceAMImpl, TimezoneServiceAMImpl, TreeAMImpl, TreeStructureWSAMImpl, ValueSetSetupAMImpl, ValueSetWSAMImpl

public class OAApplicationModuleImpl
extends oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
implements OAApplicationModule, OASeedDataService

A logical container of coordinated objects related to a particular task.

The business logic tier has one or more application modules that the other client and the database tiers interact with. An application module performs a specific application task, for example, handling online orders or processing salary increases. An application module lets you gather data tailored to a client interface, so data can be retrieved in one network round-trip instead of multiple trips. You can also perform calculations in the business logic tier through remotely accessible methods, reducing client overhead. For bulk operations on application data, you can perform the operation in the business logic tier without downloading all of the data to the client. Changes to the data the client is currently viewing will be automatically synchronized.

An application module has these main characteristics:

At runtime, a client creates an instance of an application module for its use. It can create an instance of an application module at design time, or an instance of the base application module class, called a generic application module. You can use a generic application module when you want a container for dynamically created view objects, view links and application modules. For example, if you have a complex application with a client menu containing many tasks, you might decide to create a generic application module that instantiates application modules as needed, based on the menu choice, within the same transaction.

A client can use application module instances in a pool. For example, in the case of a web application, you may have 1,000 users but you know that only 100 will be using a certain application module at one time so you keep 100 application module instances in a pool. When a client needs application module instance, it takes a free one from the pool and releases it to the pool after either committing or rolling back the transaction. Because the instance is pre-created, end users are saved the time it takes to instantiate the application module when they want to perform a task. This is typically used in web-based applications.

Root Application Module and Nested Application Module

An application module may be a root application module or a nested application module. A root application module is not contained in another application module. It provides transaction context for all objects it contains. Optionally, it may contain nested application modules. A root application module is created through JNDI calls.

A nested application module is contained within another application module. The containing application module is referred to as the parent application module. If you traverse this containership ancestry, you will eventually find the root application module. A nested application module uses the transaction context provided by the root application module. Thus, data modifications performed in application modules parented by one root application module will commit or rollback together.


Associated with the root application module is the Transaction object, which provides the transaction context. From any application module, the user can retrieve the transaction object through a call to getDBTransaction(). getDBTransaction() first locates the root application module and then returns the transaction object from it.

The Transaction object manages database connection and entity caches. Thus, changes made through one view object are visible to other view objects as long as these view objects are all parented by the one root application module. In contrast, if two view objects are parented by two separate root application modules, then changes made through the view object will not be seen by the second view object until the changes are committed to database through the first root application module and the second view object executes query as this will retrieve the most up-to-date data from the database. Once the root application module is created, nested application modules can be created by calling createApplicationModule() on the parent application module.

Component Object

An application module may contain other nested application modules as well as view objects and view links. View objects enable the user to set up queries to the database and to retrieve data through them. View links enable the user to relate two view objects, such that events occurring on one of them (referred to as master) will cause the other view object (referred to as detail) to refresh its result set based on the master's data values. These objects that may be contained by an application module are referred to as Component Objects.

A Component Object may be included in an application module during design time or be created in it during run time. Component objects included during design time are referred to as static component objects. Those that are created during run time are referred to as dynamic component objects. Dynamic component objects are created through a call to a create... method, for example createViewObject() creates a view object.

Each component object, whether static or dynamic, is given a name within the application module. This name can be used to locate a component object. When locating the component, the user may pass in a relative or absolute component object name. A relative name causes the application module to look for the component object starting from this application module. An absolute name causes the search to start from the root application module.

Application Module Definition

Behind every instance of an application module, is a definition, or metaobject, that describes the application module. You can look at the application module definition as the factory for application module instance. An application module definition is identified by its full name. The definition's full name is qualified by the package in which the definition resides.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String RCS_ID
          Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.ContainerObjectImpl
mComponentList, mComponents
Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
mFullName, mObjName, mParent, mProperties, RES_ID_SUFFIX
Fields inherited from interface oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.oaext.model.OASeedDataService
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.GenericHints
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.common.TransPostControl
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule getFNDNestedService(java.lang.String service)
          This method can be used to get hold of FND Services like Profiles, Messages, Lookups etc.
static oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule getFNDNestedService(java.lang.String service, oracle.jbo.server.DBTransaction txn)
          This method can be used to get hold of FND Services like Profiles, Messages, Lookups etc.
 java.lang.String getNLSLanguageForSeedData()
 java.lang.String getSeedContext()
          Returns the seed context associated with this instance.
 java.lang.Long getSequenceValue(java.lang.String pSequenceName)
          Gets the next sequence value from the database.
 java.lang.Long getSetId(java.lang.Object setIdDeterminantValue, java.lang.String setIdDeterminantType, java.lang.String referenceGroupName)
          Returns the Set Id corresponding to the specified determinant value, type, and reference group name.
 void invalidateSetIdCache()
          Invalidates all of the Set Id cache.
 void invalidateSetIdCache(long setId)
          Invalidates the cache for a specific Set Id.
 boolean isResetting()
          Internal API.
static boolean isSeedDataExtractMode()
static boolean isSeedDataMode()
          This method signals to application developers that their code is being invoked from within the seed data framework that delivers their seed data to the customers.
static boolean isSeedDataUploadMode()
 boolean isT2PMode()
          For internal ApplCore use only.
protected  void prepareSession(oracle.jbo.Session session)
protected  void prepareSession(oracle.jbo.Session session, java.lang.Boolean avoidSessionStuff)
 void resetState(int flags)
 void resetState(int flags, boolean callSuper)
 OASeedStatus seedExtract(java.lang.String viewName, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload( is, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Deprecated. This method is being retained only as stop gap measure till d8b4a RC7.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload(java.lang.String fileName, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload( url, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.
 void setNLSLanguageForSeedData(java.lang.String oraLang)
 void setSeedContext(java.lang.String ctx)
 void setT2PMode()
          For internal ApplCore use only.
 void synchronizeApplSessionWithDB()
 void unSetT2PMode()
          For internal ApplCore use only.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl
activate, activateConnectionState, activateOpenVOs, activateState, activateState, activateState, activateState, activateStateForUndo, addChild, addResponse, addWarning, afterActivation, afterCommit, afterConnect, afterRemove, afterRollback, afterValidate, beforeCommit, beforeDisconnect, beforeRollback, beforeValidate, bindToWorkingSet, clearVOCaches, createApplicationModule, createComponentObject, createCompositeViewDef, createRootApplicationModule, createSharedDataHandle, createViewLink, createViewLink, createViewLinkBetweenViewObjects, createViewLinkFromEntityAssocName, createViewObject, createViewObject, createViewObjectForDef, createViewObjectFromQueryClauses, createViewObjectFromQueryStmt, createViewObjectFromQueryStmt, createViewObjectOnEntity, createViewObjectOnRowSet, createWorkerApplicationModule, createXMLSharedDataHandle, detach, doMessage, doPoolMessage, dumpQueryResult, executeCommand, executeQueryOnViewObjects, fetchAttributeProperties, findApplicationModule, findComponentObject, findObject, findObject, findOrCreateSharedApplicationModule, findRSIForEntity, findViewLink, findViewObject, findViewObjectUsingEntity, findViewObjectWithParameters, findVOsWithEntityUsage, findVOsWithEntityUsage, finishLoadingComponents, finishSyncWorkingSet, getAMStatistics, getApplicationModuleDef, getApplicationModuleImpls, getApplicationModuleNames, getApplicationModuleNames, getAppModuleRequestHandler, getAttributeDefs, getAttributeDefs, getAttributeDefsForVO, getClientProxyClassName, getClientProxyClassName, getClientProxyInterfaceName, getComponentObjectNames, getComponentObjectNames, getCurrentWorkingSet, getDBTransaction, getDefFullName, getDefName, getEntityAttributesPermission, getEntityRowFromHandle, getExceptionHandler, getImageLoc, getListBindingName, getListBindingRSI, getMostRecentStackId, getObjectMarshaller, getPreferredListRSI, getReleaseLevel, getRemoteObjectId, getResponseName, getSession, getStyles, getSyncLock, getSyncMode, getTransaction, getTransactionInternal, getUserPrincipalName, getViewAttributesPermission, getViewLinkNames, getViewLinkNames, getViewLinks, getViewObjectNames, getViewObjectNames, getViewObjects, getWorkingSetMarshaller, handleDefinitionChangedOnActivate, hasPendingDataPosts, internalGetListBindingRSI, invokeMethod, isForRemote, isLoadComponentsLazily, isNameGenerated, isRoot, isTransientTransactionListener, isValidIdForUndo, launchTester, marshal, marshalForActivate, passivateConnectionState, passivateOpenVOs, passivateState, passivateState, passivateState, passivateState, passivateState, passivateStateForUndo, prepareApplicationModuleSession, prepareForActivation, prepareForPassivation, prepareSession, prepareViewObjects, processChangeNotifications, remove, removeChild, removeState, reservePassivationId, reserveSnapshotId, reset, resetState, selectAttributesForViewObjects, sendServiceMessage, sendWorkingSetRequests, setBoundToWorkingSet, setDataModelRefresh, setDBConnectionRequired, setExceptionHandler, setLoadComponentsLazily, setReleaseLevel, setRemoteAdapter, setSessionUserData, setStoreForPassiveState, setStyles, setSyncMode, setWorkingSetMarshaller, sync, syncMarshaller, syncWorkingSet, transformExceptionParams, transformExceptionParams, transPostGetAttr, transPostPushback, transPostRefresh, transPostRemove, transPostRevert, transPostRowOp, transPostSetAttr, transPostSetAttrValues
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.ContainerObjectImpl
addContainerListener, removeContainerListener
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.ComponentObjectImpl
addListener, applyPersonalization, create, createRef, createVariableValueManager, ensureVariableManager, findOperationDefinitions, findPersDefObject, getAllProperties, getApplicationModule, getCompListeners, getCompListenersList, getDefinitionManager, getFullNameForPersDef, getHintValue, getLabel, getLabelPlural, getMessageBundleClass, getProxyClassName, getProxyClassName, getResourceBundleDef, getRootApplicationModule, getStringFromMessageBundle, getTooltip, getVariableManager, hasVariables, isDead, isPersonalized, isRegWithPiggyMan, resolvePropertyRaw, setName, setParent, setProxyClassName
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.NamedObjectImpl
setParent, setPropertiesMap
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
allocatePropertyMap, getFullName, getName, getParent, getProperties, getPropertiesAsStrings, getPropertiesMap, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyExpressionsMap, getPropertyMap, getResourcesFromBundle, isPropertyExpression, mergePropertyMap, refreshProperty, removeProperty, removeProperty, requiresNamePrefixedResId, resolveObjectProperty, setFullName, setPropertiesMap2, setProperty, setProperty, setPropertyExpression, setPropertyMap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.ComponentObject
getFullName, getName
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.GenericHints
getHintValue, getLabel, getLabelPlural, getTooltip
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Properties
getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, refreshProperty
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.VariableManagerOwner

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RCS_ID
Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OAApplicationModuleImpl()
Method Detail


public oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule getFNDNestedService(java.lang.String service)
This method can be used to get hold of FND Services like Profiles, Messages, Lookups etc. The service is currently an instance of ApplicationModule which is nested inside the root applicaiton module associated with this transaction. Sample code to retrieve the message service is as follows: ApplicationModule messagesAM = myOAApplicationModuleInstance. getFNDNestedService(OAConstants.MESSAGE_SERVICE); The caller can then cast the ApplicationModule to the appropriate service AM. Ex: MessagesAMImpl mam = (MessagesAMImpl)messagesAM; Now call methods on the MessagesAM. Ex: Message message = mam.getMessage(messageCode);

Specified by:
getFNDNestedService in interface OAApplicationModule
service - - Name of the service which needs to be retrieved.
- Returns a nested application module of the service requested.


public static oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule getFNDNestedService(java.lang.String service,
                                                               oracle.jbo.server.DBTransaction txn)
This method can be used to get hold of FND Services like Profiles, Messages, Lookups etc. The service is currently an instance of ApplicationModule which is nested inside the root applicaiton module associated with this transaction. Sample code to retrieve the message service is as follows: ApplicationModule messagesAM = OAApplicationModuleImpl. getFNDNestedService(OAConstants.MESSAGE_SERVICE, txn); The caller can then cast the ApplicationModule to the appropriate service AM. Ex: MessagesAMImpl mam = (MessagesAMImpl)messagesAM; Now call methods on the MessagesAM. Ex: Message message = mam.getMessage(messageCode);

service - - Name of the service which needs to be retrieved.
txn - - DBTransaction instance.
- Returns a nested application module of the service requested.


public java.lang.Long getSequenceValue(java.lang.String pSequenceName)
Gets the next sequence value from the database.

pSequenceName - name of the sequence from which to get the next value. For example: "PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_S"
next sequence value for the specified sequence specified by pSequenceName


public java.lang.Long getSetId(java.lang.Object setIdDeterminantValue,
                               java.lang.String setIdDeterminantType,
                               java.lang.String referenceGroupName)
Returns the Set Id corresponding to the specified determinant value, type, and reference group name. This method caches implements an LRU cache to speed up the lookup.

setIdDeterminantValue - The determinant value
setIdDeterminantType - The determinant type which could be: BU, RR, LE,...
referenceGroupName - the reference group name.
the corresponding Set Id value.


public void invalidateSetIdCache()
Invalidates all of the Set Id cache. Calling this method will result in clearing the Set Id cache built when calling getSetId().


public void invalidateSetIdCache(long setId)
Invalidates the cache for a specific Set Id.

setId - the setId to be invalidated.


public OASeedStatus seedUpload(java.lang.String fileName,
                               java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

Specified by:
seedUpload in interface OASeedDataService
fileName - file to be uploaded
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


public OASeedStatus seedUpload( url,
                               java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

Specified by:
seedUpload in interface OASeedDataService
url - URL abstracting access to the seed data file
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


public OASeedStatus seedUpload( is,
                                          java.util.Map seedArgs)
Deprecated. This method is being retained only as stop gap measure till d8b4a RC7.

Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

Specified by:
seedUpload in interface OASeedDataService
is - Input Stream abstracting the seed data file
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


public OASeedStatus seedExtract(java.lang.String viewName,
                                java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data extract service.

Specified by:
seedExtract in interface OASeedDataService
viewName - name of driver view
seedArgs - parameters for the extract.
status of extract


public static boolean isSeedDataMode()
This method signals to application developers that their code is being invoked from within the seed data framework that delivers their seed data to the customers. Since this is seed data and not transactional data, developers can choose to turn off some of their validations to speed up the seed data load.

true if in Seed Data load mode, false otherwise.


public static boolean isSeedDataUploadMode()


public static boolean isSeedDataExtractMode()


public void setSeedContext(java.lang.String ctx)


public java.lang.String getSeedContext()
Description copied from interface: OASeedDataService
Returns the seed context associated with this instance.

Specified by:
getSeedContext in interface OASeedDataService
a String representing a seed context ("J2EE", "Flex", "T2P", etc)


public java.lang.String getNLSLanguageForSeedData()
                                           throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException,
lang the Oracle language code
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - - if called by code outside of the seed fwk


public void setNLSLanguageForSeedData(java.lang.String oraLang)
                               throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException,
oraLang - the Oracle language code
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - - if called by code outside of the seed fwk


protected void prepareSession(oracle.jbo.Session session,
                              java.lang.Boolean avoidSessionStuff)


protected void prepareSession(oracle.jbo.Session session)
prepareSession in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl


public void resetState(int flags)
Specified by:
resetState in interface oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule
resetState in class oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl


public void resetState(int flags,
                       boolean callSuper)


public boolean isT2PMode()
For internal ApplCore use only. No other use supported. Can be removed at any time.



public void setT2PMode()
For internal ApplCore use only. No other use supported. Can be removed at any time.


public void unSetT2PMode()
For internal ApplCore use only. No other use supported. Can be removed at any time.


public boolean isResetting()
Internal API. No other use supported. May be removed at any time.



public void synchronizeApplSessionWithDB()

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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