Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink (Deprecated)
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Package oracle.toplink.libraries.asm.attrs

Class Summary
Annotation Annotation data contains an annotated type and its array of the element-value pairs.
Annotation.EnumConstValue Container class used to store enum_const_value structure.
AnnotationDefaultAttribute The AnnotationDefault attribute is a variable length attribute in the attributes table of certain method_info structures, namely those representing elements of annotation types.
Attributes Provides static utility methods for attributes.
EnclosingMethodAttribute The EnclosingMethod attribute is an optional fixed-length attribute in the attributes table of the ClassFile structure.
LocalVariableType Container type info used by LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute.
LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute The LocalVariableTypeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute of a Code attribute.
RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations The RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute is similar to the RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute, except that the annotations represented by a RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute must not be made available for return by reflective APIs, unless the JVM has been instructed to retain these annotations via some implementation-specific mechanism such as a command line flag.
RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations The RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute is similar to the RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute, except that the annotations represented by a RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute must not be made available for return by reflective APIs, unless the JVM has specifically been instructed to retain these annotations via some implementation-specific mechanism such as a command line flag.
RuntimeVisibleAnnotations The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute is a variable length attribute in the attributes table of the ClassFile, field_info, and method_info structures.
RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations The RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute is a variable length attribute in the attributes table of the method_info structure.
SignatureAttribute The Signature Attribute introduced in JSR-14 (Adding Generics to the Java Programming Language) and also defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, 3rd edition draft.
SourceDebugExtensionAttribute The SourceDebugExtension attribute is an optional attribute defined in JSR-045 in the attributes table of the ClassFile structure.
StackMapAttribute StackMapAttribute is used by CDLC preverifier and also by javac compiller starting from J2SE 1.5.
StackMapFrame StackMapFrame is used by StackMapAttribute to hold state of the stack and local variables for a single execution branch.
StackMapType Verification type info used by StackMapAttribute.

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