Oracle Fusion Middleware
Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (
Interface IRuntimeConfigService

public interface IRuntimeConfigService

The RuntimeConfigService is used to query and update metadata specific to the runtime operation of the Workflow Service. It is used for querying and setting flexfield mappings, for querying the what Dynamic Assignment Functions are available, and for querying and setting the URIs used to display task details.

An instance of IRuntimeConfigService can be created by calling IWorkflowServiceClient.getRuntimeConfigService(). An instance of IWorkflowServiceClient can be created using the WorkflowServiceClientFactory.

All the RuntimeConfigService methods take IWorkflowContext as their first parameter. The IWorkflowContext object allows the RuntimeConfigService to validate that the method is being called by an authenticated user, and that the user has the necessary authority to perform the action being requested. The IWorkflowContext object also contains information on the user's timezone and locale. An IWorkflowContext object can be obtained by calling ITaskQueryService.authenticate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) or ITaskQueryService.createContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest).

In most cases, any authenticated user can use the query methods, but only a user with specific privileges can use methods that update data.

Many of the parameters and return types of the methods are JAXB model objects from the package These objects do not have public constructors. To create new instances of these objects you should use the appropriate methods on


Nested Class Summary
static class IRuntimeConfigService.WorkflowExtension
          Enumeration that lists all the workflow extensions supported
Method Summary
 void bulkUpdateApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, ApprovalGroup ag)
          Bulk updates an approval group.To be used when bulk changes are made to the approval group content.
 void createApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, ApprovalGroup ag)
          Creates an approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 AttributeLabel createAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx, AttributeLabelType label)
          Creates a new label for a Task flexfield attribute from the supplied AttributeLabel object.
 void createInGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String approvalGroupName, ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
          Create a member in approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 PayloadMapping createPayloadMapping(IWorkflowContext ctx, PayloadMappingType mapping)
          Creates a mapping between a specific task defintion, and a task flexfield attribute, using an attribute label.
 void deleteApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String approvalGroupName)
          Deletes an approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 void deleteAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String labelId)
          Deletes the attribute label with the suppled labelId.
 void deleteFromGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String approvalGroupName, ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
          Delete a member from approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 void deletePayloadMapping(IWorkflowContext ctx, PayloadMappingType mapping)
          Deletes the payload mapping described by the supplied PayloadMapping object.
 void deleteTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, TaskDisplayInfoType taskDisplayInfo)
          Deletes all instances of a particular task display information.
 ApprovalGroup getApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String approvalGroupName)
          Gets an approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 AttributeLabelUsageList getAttributeLabelUsages(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String attributeType)
          Gets a list of attribute labels and their usages by payload mappings.
 java.util.List<PayloadMappingType> getBPMProcessPayloadMappings(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String processDN)
          Gets a list of payload flexfield mappings that have been defined for the specified, BPM Process in the form of a PayloadMappingsList object.
 org.w3c.dom.Element getConfiguration(IWorkflowContext adminCtx)
          Returns the current workflow configuration settings as an org.w3c.dom.Element object.
 java.util.List<DynamicAssignFunctionType> getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx, assigneeType)
          Gets a list of the currently registered dynamic assignment functions.
 DynamicAssignFunctionList getGroupDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx)
          Deprecated. since - use getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(, with an assigneeType of AssigneeType.GROUP instead.
 java.lang.String getInternalServerURL()
          Retrieves the internal server url from the fabric config manager.
 java.lang.String getJndiURLFromFabricConfig()
          Retrieves the server url from the fabric config manager
 java.lang.String getServerURLFromFabricConfig()
          Retrieves the SOA server url.
 java.util.List<IRuntimeConfigService.WorkflowExtension> getSupportedWorkflowExtensions()
          Get list of supported workflow extensions
 TaskDisplayInfoList getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeVersion, java.lang.String applicationName)
          Deprecated. since Use getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext,String,String,String,String,String) instead.
 java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeVersion, java.lang.String partitionName, java.lang.String applicationName)
          Deprecated. since Use getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext,String,String,String,String, String) instead.
 java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeVersion, java.lang.String partitionName, java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String formName)
          Retreives information relating to the URI to be used by client applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, in the form of a TaskDisplayInfoList object.
 java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionId, java.lang.String applicationName)
          Deprecated. Since - use getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String) instead.
 java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionId, java.lang.String applicationName, java.lang.String formName)
          Retreives information relating to the URI to be used by cleint applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, as a list of a TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
 TaskStatus getTaskStatus(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionId, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeInstanceId)
          Get the status of a task instance corresponding to a particular task definition and composite instance.
 UcmInfo getUCMInfo(IWorkflowContext context, UcmRequest request)
          Get UCM configuration information
 DynamicAssignFunctionList getUserDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx)
          Deprecated. since - use getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(, with an assigneeType of AssigneeType.USER instead.
 PayloadMappingsList getWorkflowPayloadMappings(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String workflowId)
          Gets a list of payload flexfield mappings that have been defined for the specified task type, in the form of a PayloadMappingsList object.
 ApprovalGroupNameList searchApprovalGroups(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String searchType, java.lang.String sortType)
          Fetches a list of matching approval group names
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 void setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeVersion, java.lang.String partitionName, java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> taskDisplayInfoList)
          Sets information relating to the URI to be used by client applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, in a particular partition, in the form of a list of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
 void setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx, java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace, java.lang.String compositeVersion, TaskDisplayInfoList taskDisplayInfo)
          Deprecated. since Use setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, List) instead.
 void updateApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, ApprovalGroup ag)
          Updates an approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled
 AttributeLabel updateAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx, AttributeLabelType label)
          Updates an existing attribute label using the supplied AttributeLabel object.
 void updateInGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx, java.lang.String approvalGroupName, ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
          Update a member in approval group
This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

Method Detail


PayloadMappingsList getWorkflowPayloadMappings(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                               java.lang.String workflowId)
                                               throws WorkflowException
Gets a list of payload flexfield mappings that have been defined for the specified task type, in the form of a PayloadMappingsList object. A payload mapping defines a mapping between Tasks of a particular type and a flexfield attribute column on the WFTASK table (such as TextAttribute1), via an AttributeLabel. The mapping may also specify how the value of the flexfield attribute should be determined, either via an xpath expression or by specfifying a payload attribute. The PayloadMappingsList contains a List of PayloadMappingType objects. See createPayloadMapping(, for a complete description of the PayloadMappingType object.

This method should only be used for querying payload mappings for Human Workflow Tasks. The method getBPMProcessPayloadMappings(, java.lang.String) should be used to query payload mappings for BPM Processes.

ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
workflowId - String the TaskDefinitionId of the task type to query mappings for.
PayloadMappingsList contains a List of PayloadMappingType objects.
WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


java.util.List<PayloadMappingType> getBPMProcessPayloadMappings(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                java.lang.String processDN)
                                                                throws WorkflowException
Gets a list of payload flexfield mappings that have been defined for the specified, BPM Process in the form of a PayloadMappingsList object. A payload mapping defines a mapping between process instances (of a particular process) and a flexfield attribute column on the WFTASK table (such as TextAttribute1), via an AttributeLabel. The mapping may also specify how the value of the flexfield attribute should be determined, either via an xpath expression or by specfifying a payload attribute. The method returns a List of PayloadMappingType objects. See createPayloadMapping(, for a complete description of the PayloadMappingType object.

This method should only be used for querying payload mappings for BPM Processes. The method getWorkflowPayloadMappings(, java.lang.String) should be used to query payload mappings for Human Workflow Tasks.

ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
processDN - String the unique id for a particular BPM Process deployment
a List of PayloadMappingType objects.
WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


AttributeLabel createAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                    AttributeLabelType label)
                                    throws WorkflowException
Creates a new label for a Task flexfield attribute from the supplied AttributeLabel object. Only users with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField privilege can create attribute labels, and only users with the workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can create attribute labels for protected flexfields. An AttributeLabel is associated with a particular Task flexfield. (Flexfield columns are the general purpose columns named TextAttribute1...20, NumberAttribute1...10, DateAttribute1...10, ProtectedTextAttribute1...20 and so on). An AttributeLabel allows a more meaningful name to be assigned to a flexfield column (for example, a label named "CustomerName" is more meaningful than "TextAttribute1"). PayloadMappings map task payload attributes to AttributeLabels - a single AttributeLabel can be associated with more than one PayloadMapping. This allows payload attributes from different tasks that share the same semantic meaning to be mapped to a common label. For example, a number of task types may contain payload attributes that contain a customer name - all of them can be mapped to a single "CustomerName" label.

The label name can be used when displaying mapped flexfield columns for tasks of a particular type or types. The method ITaskMetadataService.getTaskAttributesForTaskDefinition(, java.lang.String) will return a list of task attributes including any flexfield attributes that have been mapped for that task defintion. The flexfield attributes in the list will have a display name derived from the appropriate AttributeLabel name. It is possible to provide internationalization support for AttributeLabel names, by adding entries to the file. See the Workflow Services chapter of the BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide for more details.

The AttributeLabel object contains the following properties:
  • id String Unique identifier for AttributeLabel. Automatically populated by API during create operation.
  • dataType String The type of flexfield column this label is for. Automatically maintained by API, will be populated with one of the following values after create operation:
    • "Text"
    • "Form"
    • "Url"
    • "Date"
    • "Number"
  • labelName String The name for the label.
  • taskAttribute String The name of the flexfield attribute column the label is for. Should be one of the following values:
    • TextAttribute1..20
    • FormAttribute1..10
    • UrlAttribute1..10
    • DateAttribute1..10
    • NumberAttribute1..10
    Users with the workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField permission can also create AttributeLabels using the following values:
    • ProtectedTextAttribute1..20
    • ProtectedFormAttribute1..10
    • ProtectedUrlAttribute1..10
    • ProtectedDateAttribute1..10
    • ProtectedNumberAttribute1..10
  • descriptionOptional field used to provide aditional information on the label - for example, to note the origianl source for the data that is stored in attributes mapped to this label
  • active Not used.
  • workflowType Not used. Always set to IWorkflowConstants.WF_TYPE by API.
  • createdDate Calendar Date attribute label was created. Automatically maintained by API.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    label - AttributeLabelType object defining attribute label to create.
    the created AttributeLabel, with API maintained properties populated.
    WorkflowException - if a non-admin user attempts to create an attribute label, or some other error condition occurs.


    AttributeLabel updateAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                        AttributeLabelType label)
                                        throws WorkflowException
    Updates an existing attribute label using the supplied AttributeLabel object. Only users with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField privilege can update attribute labels, and only users with the workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can update attribute labels for protected flexfields. See createAttributeLabel(, for a description ofthe AttributeLabel object.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    label - AttributeLabelType to update.
    the updated AttributeLabel.
    WorkflowException - if a non-admin user attempts to update an attribute label, or some other error condition occurs.


    void deleteAttributeLabel(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                              java.lang.String labelId)
                              throws WorkflowException
    Deletes the attribute label with the suppled labelId. Only users with Only users with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField privilege can delete attribute labels, and only users with the workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can delete attribute labels for protected flexfields. When an attribute label is deleted, any payload mappings that use that label are also deleted.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    labelId - String unique identifier for attribute label.
    WorkflowException - if a non-admin user attempts to delete an attribute label, or some other error condition occurs.


    AttributeLabelUsageList getAttributeLabelUsages(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                    java.lang.String attributeType)
                                                    throws WorkflowException
    Gets a list of attribute labels and their usages by payload mappings. All attribute labels can be queried, or the query can be restricted to attribute labels for a specific flexfield type, by passing the appropriate value to the attributeType parameter: The returned AttributeLabelUsageList object contains a List of LabelUsages objects. Each LabelUsages contains information about a particular label, and all its usages in payload mappings. A LabelUsages object contains the following properties:
  • label AttributeLabelType describing the attribute label. See createAttributeLabel(, for a description.
  • usages List of LabelUsageType objects. Each LabelUsageType object describes a usage of the attribute label in a payload mapping, and has the following properties:
    • workflowId String TaskDefinitionId of the task definition whose payload is being mapped.
    • workflowName String name of the task definition whose payload is being mappied.
    • taskDefinitionNamespce String the task definition namespace of the task type the whose payload is being mapped
    • forAllTaskVersions boolean value indicating if this mapping is for this specific task definition version, or applies to all versions of the task definition.
    • payloadAttribute String name of the payload attribute being mapped (if any). The payload attribute must be a simple type. To select a mapped value from a complex payload attribute, an xpath expression should be used instead.
    • xpath XpathType object describing the xpath expression (if any) used to select a value from the Task instance. The xpath expression must evaluate to a simple type. Xpath expressions are typically used to select a value from a complex payload attribute, but any valid xpath expression can be used (for example, an xpath function could be invoked). The XpathType object has the following properties:
      • expression String the xpath expression used to select the value, from within a task instance. For example: /task:task/task:payload/ord:order/ord:item/ord:itemName
      • namespace List of XpathType.NamespaceType objects that describe the namespace prefixes used in the xpath expression, and the namespace URIs they correspond to. Each NamespaceType object has the following properties:
        • prefix String the prefix, for example ord
        • Uri String the namespace URI, for example
    • descriptionOptional field used to provide aditional information on this mapping - for example, to note the origianl source for the data that this mapping corresponds to.
    • createdDate Calendar date the mapping was created.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    attributeType - String null if all attributes are required, otherwise, which type of attributes should be queried.
    AttributeLabelUsageList containing list of attribute labels and their usages in payload mappings.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    PayloadMapping createPayloadMapping(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                        PayloadMappingType mapping)
                                        throws WorkflowException
    Creates a mapping between a specific task defintion, and a task flexfield attribute, using an attribute label. Only users with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField or workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can create a payload mapping.

    Note that mappings to protected flexfield attribute labels cannot be created using this API. Such mappings can only be defined in a task definition, and are created during deployment of the task component.

    A payload mapping can define a mapping between a value in a task's payload and a flexfield attribute column on the WFTASK table (such as TextAttribute1). This mapping can be specified either as the name of a payload attribute, or as an xpath expression. When payload mapping exists for a particular Task type, the value of the Task payload attribute or xpath expression is written to the mapped flexfield column, allowing queries, views and rules to be defined using the mapped value.

    If no payload attribute or xpath expression is specified, then the mapping is for labelling purposes only. It is up to workflow service clients to manually populate the appropriate flexfield attribute on the Task object (e.g. textAttribute1). The label specified in the mapping can still be used in queries etc., however.

    Payload mappings are actually made between the a task type and an AttributeLabel. An AttributeLabel allows a more meaningful name to be assigned to a flexfield column, and allows different task types to map payload attributes to a common label.

    If a payload attribute is being mapped, it must be a simple type (for example, xsd:string. In order to map to values inside a payload attribute that is a complex type, an xpath expression is required instead.

    Payload mappings can be created for a specific version of a task definition, or for all versions of the task definition. If the mapping is created for a specific version, then every time a new version of the task definition is deployed, or every time an existing version of the task definition is redeployed, the payload mappings must be re-created for that new version. If the payload mapping is created for all versions of a task, there is no need to recreate the mapping for new versions or redeployments.

    The mapping to be created is defined by the PayloadMappingType object supplied to the method. The attribute label being mapped to must already exist before creating the mapping. PayloadMappingType has the following properties:

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    mapping - PayloadMapping object describing the mapping to create.
    WorkflowException - if a non-admin user attempts to create a payload mapping, or some other error condition occurs.


    void deletePayloadMapping(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                              PayloadMappingType mapping)
                              throws WorkflowException
    Deletes the payload mapping described by the supplied PayloadMapping object. Only users with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField or workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can delete a payload mapping. Note that mappings to protected flexfields cannot be deleted via this API - such mappings are specified in the task definitionat design time and are deleted only when the task component is undeployed. See createPayloadMapping(, for a description of the PayloadMapping object.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    mapping - PayloadMapping object describing the mapping to delete.
    WorkflowException - if a non-admin user attempts to delete a payload mapping, or some other error condition occurs.


    java.util.List<DynamicAssignFunctionType> getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                            throws WorkflowException
    Gets a list of the currently registered dynamic assignment functions.

    The list can be optionally restricted to only those functions that can select a specific assignee type, by providing the appropriate value for the assigneeType parameter. If this parameter is null, an unrestricted list of all assignment functions will be returned.

    The method returns a List of DynamicAssignFunctionType objects. These have the following properties:

  • name String name of dynamic assignment function.
  • label String human-readable label for dynamic assignment function. If the implementation of this function does not supply a label, the dynamic assignment function name is used as the label. May be localized appropriately for the supplied IWorkflowContext.
  • description String short, human-readable description of the function, if the implementation provides one. May be localized appropriately for the supplied IWorkflowContext.
  • supportedAssigneeTypes contains a List of the assignee types (USER, GROUP, APPROLE) that the function can support.
  • parameters contains a List of DynamicAssignmentParameterType objects that describe the input parameters (if any) for the function. These have the following properties:
    • name String name of the parameter
    • parameterType String the type of parameter (STRING, NUMBER)
    • mandatory boolean value indicating if parameter is mandatory or optional
    • defaultValue String default value for the parameter, if the implementation provides one.
    • label String human-readable label for the parameter. If the implementation of this function does not supply a label, the dynamic parameter name is used as the label. May be localized appropriately for the supplied IWorkflowContext.
    • description String short, human-readable description of the parameter, if the implementation provides one. May be localized appropriately for the supplied IWorkflowContext.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext. used to determine appropraite Locale for user-readable labels.
    assigneeType - a value of IDynamicAssignmentPattern.AssigneeType that specifies what assignee type (user, group, application role) the queried assignment functions should be able to select. If null, then all assignment functions will be returned.
    a List of DynamicAssignFunctionType objects.
    WorkflowException - if an invalid workflow context is provided or some other error condition occurs.

  • getUserDynamicAssignmentFunctions

    DynamicAssignFunctionList getUserDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx)
                                                                throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. since - use getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(, with an assigneeType of AssigneeType.USER instead.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext. used to determine appropraite Locale for user-readable labels.
    DynamicAssignFunctionList contains a List of DynamicAssignFunctionType objects.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    DynamicAssignFunctionList getGroupDynamicAssignmentFunctions(IWorkflowContext ctx)
                                                                 throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. since - use getDynamicAssignmentFunctions(, with an assigneeType of AssigneeType.GROUP instead.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext. used to determine appropraite Locale for user-readable labels.
    DynamicAssignFunctionList contains a List of DynamicAssignFunctionType objects.
    WorkflowException - if somem error condition occurs.


    org.w3c.dom.Element getConfiguration(IWorkflowContext adminCtx)
                                         throws WorkflowException
    Returns the current workflow configuration settings as an org.w3c.dom.Element object.

    Method can only be invoked by authenticated users with workflow.admin level permissions.

    Note that the returned object cannot be used for setting configuration settings. WorkflowConfiguration chnages must be made via config MBeans or via Enterprise Manager.

    Returned DOM Element can be converted to a WorkflowConfigurations object using the method, but the classpath for the client must include the soa-infra-mgmt.jar file for this to work.

    adminCtx - authenticated IWorkflowContext for a user with andministrator privileges.
    WorkflowConfigurations object representing the current state of workflow configuration settings.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to excecute method, or some other error condition occurs.


    TaskDisplayInfoList getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                      java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                                                      java.lang.String compositeVersion,
                                                      java.lang.String applicationName)
                                           throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. since Use getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext,String,String,String,String,String) instead.

    This method is deprecated - the methods getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, String, String) or getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String) should be used instead. This method will only query the task display info for the partition named 'default', and the form named 'default'.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - String namespace that identifies the task type to query task display info for.
    compositeVersion - String The version of the composite the task type is located in. If null, then any placeholder TaskDisplayInfo entries that do not apply to a specific composite version are returned.
    applicationName - String the name of the client application to query task display info for. If null, then task display info for all applications is returned.
    TaskDisplayInfoList TaskDisplayInfoList object contains a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                      java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                                                                      java.lang.String compositeVersion,
                                                                      java.lang.String partitionName,
                                                                      java.lang.String applicationName)
                                                           throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. since Use getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext,String,String,String,String, String) instead.

    This method is deprecated - the methods getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, String, String) or getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String) should be used instead. This method will only query the task display info for forms named 'default'.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - String namespace that identifies the task type to query task display info for.
    compositeVersion - String The version of the composite the TaskDisplayInfo applies to. If null, then any placeholder TaskDisplayInfo entries that do not apply to a specific composite version are returned.
    partitionName - String the name of the partition for which the TaskDisplayInfo applies. If null, then any placeholder TaskDisplayInfo objects that apply to all partitions are returned.
    applicationName - String the name of the client application to query task display info for. If null, then TaskDisplayInfo entries for all applications is returned.
    TaskDisplayInfoList TaskDisplayInfoList object contains a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    void setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                       java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                                       java.lang.String compositeVersion,
                                       TaskDisplayInfoList taskDisplayInfo)
                            throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. since Use setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, List) instead.

    This method has been deprecated. setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, List) should be used instead. Task display information created by this method will apply for a particular task type across all partitions, unless task display information has beeen created for a specific partition, (by the method setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String, List)), in which case the partition-specific information takes precendence.

    The TaskDisplayInfoList object contains a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - String namespace that identifies the task type to set task display info for.
    compositeVersion - String The version of the composite the task type is located in. If null, the currently active composite version will be used, and task display info will be associated with all subsequent deployments of the task type.
    taskDisplayInfo - TaskDisplayInfoList object contains a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to set task display info, or some other error condition occurs.


    void setTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                            java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                            java.lang.String compositeVersion,
                            java.lang.String partitionName,
                            java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> taskDisplayInfoList)
                            throws WorkflowException
    Sets information relating to the URI to be used by client applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, in a particular partition, in the form of a list of TaskDisplayInfoType objects. Only a user with the workflow.admin privilege may set the task display information. The task type must be specified by taskDefinitionNamespace and optionally, compositeVersion.

    The task display information overwrites any existing information - any TaskDisplayInfo entries currently stored for the specified composite & partition will be deleted, and the new list of entries written.

    If no partition name is supplied, then the task display info will apply across all partitions. If a partition name is supplied, then the task display info applies only to tasks in that particular partition.

    If no compositeVersion is specified, then the active version of the composite(s) in the relevant partition(s) is used, and this task display info will be used for any subsequent deployments of the task type to the specified partition. If no compositeVersion is specified, and there are no composites deployed for a partition, then the information is still recorded, and will be set with the active version of the composite when the composite is deployed. This allows task display applications to be deployed prior to the composite.

    The properties of TaskDisplayInfoType are:

  • applicationName String The name of the client application this display info corresponds to. Different client applications may choose to display task details differently, for example for displaying on a mobile device. The worklist application that ships with the product uses the applicationName ""worklist"", and the applicationName is defaulted to this value if it has not been set.
  • formName String The form name used to identify this task display information. Multiple forms can be deployed to display the details for a given task type and client application, and the task instance can specifiy which form should be used using the form name. For, example refer to ITaskService.decomposeTask(, java.lang.String,, which allows a specific form name to be specfiied for decomposed task instances. If no form name is specified, it will be defaulted to ""default"".
  • formDisplayName String A translatable display name for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle. Any value for this parameter passed to setTaskDisplayInfo will be ignored.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • formDescription String A translatable description of for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle. Any value for this parameter passed to setTaskDisplayInfo will be ignored.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • uri String the uri to the task display page.
  • hostname String the name of the host that hosts the task display page.
  • httpPort String the port number for http requests to the host.
  • httpsPort String the port number for https requests to the host.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext. Authenticated user should have admin privileges.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - namespace that identifies the task type to set task display info for.
    compositeVersion - The version of the composite the task type is located in. If null, the currently active composite version for the partition will be used. Identifies specific composite version to set task display info for.
    partitionName - The partition this task display info applies to. If no partition name is supplied, this task display info applies to the task type in all partitions, apart from partitions that already have their own task display info specified for the task type.
    taskDisplayInfoList - List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to set task display info, or some other error condition occurs.


    void deleteTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                               TaskDisplayInfoType taskDisplayInfo)
                               throws WorkflowException
    Deletes all instances of a particular task display information. Delete is performed across all namespaces, versions and partitions where the task display info is found. Any entries that match the application, hostname, uri and http or https port are deleted. Typically called when a particular task form application is undeployed, and needs to be removed from any component deployments that refer to it.

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext. Authenticated user should have admin privileges.
    taskDisplayInfo - the TaskDisplayInfoType to delete.
    WorkflowException - if non-admin user attempts to delete task display info, or some other error condition occurs.


    java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                                        java.lang.String taskDefinitionId,
                                                                                        java.lang.String applicationName)
                                                                             throws WorkflowException
    Deprecated. Since - use getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String) instead.

    This method is deprecated - use getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext, String, String, String) instead. This method will return TaskDisplayInfo objects with form name of ""default"".

    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionId - the unique ID of the task definition.
    applicationName - String the name of the client application to query task display info for. If null, then task display info for all applications is returned.
    TaskDisplayInfoList a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.


    java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                                             java.lang.String taskDefinitionId,
                                                                             java.lang.String applicationName,
                                                                             java.lang.String formName)
                                                                             throws WorkflowException
    Retreives information relating to the URI to be used by cleint applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, as a list of a TaskDisplayInfoType objects. The task type must be specified by taskDefinitionId.

    The method can retreive the task display information for all client applications (by passing a null value to the applicationName parameter), or for a specific client application (by passing the application name to the applicationName parameter).

    The method can also retreive the task display information for all forms (by passing a null value to the formName parameter), or for a specific form (by passing the form name to the applicationName parameter).

    The properties of TaskDisplayInfoType are:

  • applicationName String The name of the client application this display info corresponds to. Different client applications may choose to display task details differently, for example for displaying on a mobile device. The worklist application that ships with the product uses the applicationName ""worklist"".
  • formName String The form name used to identify this task display information. Multiple forms can be deployed to display the details for a given task type and client application, and the task instance can specifiy which form should be used using the form name. For, example refer to ITaskService.decomposeTask(, java.lang.String,, which allows a specific form name to be specfiied for decomposed task instances. If no form name was specified, it will be defaulted to ""default"".
  • formDisplayName String A translatable display name for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • formDescription String A translatable description of for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • uri String the uri to the task display page.
  • hostname String the name of the host that hosts the task display page.
  • httpPort String the port number for http requests to the host.
  • httpsPort String the port number for https requests to the host.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionId - the unique ID of the task definition.
    applicationName - String the name of the client application to query task display info for. If null, then task display info for all applications is returned.
    formName - String the name of the form to query the task display info for. If null, then task display infor for all form names is returned.
    TaskDisplayInfoList a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.


    TaskStatus getTaskStatus(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                             java.lang.String taskDefinitionId,
                             java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                             java.lang.String compositeInstanceId)
                             throws WorkflowException
    Get the status of a task instance corresponding to a particular task definition and composite instance. The task definitino must be identified by passing either the taskDefinitionId or the taskDefinitionNamespace. Method returns a TaskStatus object that has the following parameters:
  • status String the status of the task instance.
  • taskId String unique identifier for the task instance.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionId - String the unique identifier for the task type to get task status info for.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - String namespace that identifies the task type to get task status info for.
    compositeInstanceId - a String the unique identifier for the composite instance.
    TaskStatus object.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.


    void createApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                             ApprovalGroup ag)
                             throws WorkflowException
    Creates an approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    ag - an approval group ApprovalGroup
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    void updateApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                             ApprovalGroup ag)
                             throws WorkflowException
    Updates an approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    ag - an approval group ApprovalGroup
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    void bulkUpdateApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                                 ApprovalGroup ag)
                                 throws WorkflowException
    Bulk updates an approval group.To be used when bulk changes are made to the approval group content.
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    ag - an approval group ApprovalGroup
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    ApprovalGroup getApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                                   java.lang.String approvalGroupName)
                                   throws WorkflowException
    Gets an approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    approvalGroupName - internal name of the group
    the ApprovalGroup object
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    void deleteApprovalGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                             java.lang.String approvalGroupName)
                             throws WorkflowException
    Deletes an approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    approvalGroupName - internal Name of the Group
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    void createInGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                       java.lang.String approvalGroupName,
                       ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
                       throws WorkflowException
    Create a member in approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    approvalGroupName - internal Name of the Group
    approvalGroupMember - ApprovalGroupMemberType object ApprovalGroupMemberType


    void updateInGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                       java.lang.String approvalGroupName,
                       ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
                       throws WorkflowException
    Update a member in approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    approvalGroupMember - ApprovalGroupMemberType object ApprovalGroupMemberType


    void deleteFromGroup(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                         java.lang.String approvalGroupName,
                         ApprovalGroupMemberType approvalGroupMember)
                         throws WorkflowException
    Delete a member from approval group
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    approvalGroupName - internal Name of the Group
    approvalGroupMember - ApprovalGroupMemberType object ApprovalGroupMemberType


    ApprovalGroupNameList searchApprovalGroups(IWorkflowContext wctx,
                                               java.lang.String searchString,
                                               java.lang.String searchType,
                                               java.lang.String sortType)
                                               throws WorkflowException
    Fetches a list of matching approval group names
    This API is available only if Approval Management Extension is enabled

    wctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext
    searchString - String for the search. Can contain wild card characters.
    searchType - GROUP or USER. If GROUP, it should return all the groups for the search string. If USER, it should return all the groups in which that user (the search string) is present. By default this parameter is set to GROUP.
    sortType - ASC, DSC or null. If ASC, it should return the groups sorted in ascending order of name. If DSC, it should return the groups in descending order of name. If null, it should return the groups in the order they were created.
    ApprovalGroupNameList object -- a List of matching approval group names or null if nothing found


    java.lang.String getServerURLFromFabricConfig()
                                                  throws WorkflowException
    Retrieves the SOA server url. If FusionAppsFrontendHostUrl has been configured in the HWF configuration MBeans, that value is returned, otherwise the ServerUrl configured in the Fabric configuration MBeans is returned.

    String -- a server url
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    java.lang.String getInternalServerURL()
                                          throws WorkflowException
    Retrieves the internal server url from the fabric config manager. Value is retrieved directly from the value of ServerUrl configured in the Fabric configuration MBeans - any value configured for FusionAppsFrontendHostUrl in the HWF configuration MBeans is ignored.

    String -- a server url
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    java.lang.String getJndiURLFromFabricConfig()
                                                throws WorkflowException
    Retrieves the server url from the fabric config manager

    String -- a server url
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    java.util.List<IRuntimeConfigService.WorkflowExtension> getSupportedWorkflowExtensions()
                                                                                           throws WorkflowException
    Get list of supported workflow extensions

    List<WorkflowExtension> List of supported workflow extensions
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    UcmInfo getUCMInfo(IWorkflowContext context,
                       UcmRequest request)
                       throws WorkflowException
    Get UCM configuration information

    request - - UCMRequest object which contains request information.
    UCMResponse - Response object which contains response of the request
    WorkflowException - in case of error


    java.util.List<TaskDisplayInfoType> getTaskDisplayInfo(IWorkflowContext ctx,
                                                           java.lang.String taskDefinitionNamespace,
                                                           java.lang.String compositeVersion,
                                                           java.lang.String partitionName,
                                                           java.lang.String applicationName,
                                                           java.lang.String formName)
                                                           throws WorkflowException
    Retreives information relating to the URI to be used by client applications to display the task details for tasks of a particular type, in the form of a TaskDisplayInfoList object. The task type must be specified by taskDefinitionNamespace and/or compositeVersion.

    The method can retreive the task display information for all client applications (by passing a null value to the applicationName parameter), or for a specific client application (by passing the application name to the applicationName parameter).

    The method can also retreive the task display information for all forms (by passing a null value to the formName parameter), or for a specific form (by passing the form name to the applicationName parameter).

    If the partitionName is specified, then the information pertaining to that specific partition will be retrieved. Otherwise, placeholder TaskDisplayInfo entries (if any) that apply across all partitions are returned.

    If the compositeVersion is specified, then the information pertaining to that specific compositeVersion will be retrieved. Otherwsie, placeholder TaskDisplayInfo entries (if any) that are not targeted to a specific compositeVersion are returned.

    The method returns a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects. The properties of TaskDisplayInfoType are:

  • applicationName String The name of the client application this display info corresponds to. Different client applications may choose to display task details differently, for example for displaying on a mobile device. The worklist application that ships with the product uses the applicationName ""worklist"".
  • formName String The form name used to identify this task display information. Multiple forms can be deployed to display the details for a given task type and client application, and the task instance can specifiy which form should be used using the form name. For, example refer to ITaskService.decomposeTask(, java.lang.String,, which allows a specific form name to be specfiied for decomposed task instances. If no form name was specified, it will be defaulted to ""default"".
  • formDisplayName String A translatable display name for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DISPLAY_NAME.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • formDescription String A translatable description of for the form. Read-only field, set on query by the server to a value looked up from a resource bundle.

    Value can be specified in either the resource bundle for the task type, or in the global WorkflowLabels resource bundle, and should use a key of the form TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.{formName}. For example, the key for the "default" form is TASKFORM_DESCRIPTION.default.

    Values specified in the task resource bundle take precedence over values specified in the global bundle.

  • uri String the uri to the task display page.
  • hostname String the name of the host that hosts the task display page.
  • httpPort String the port number for http requests to the host.
  • httpsPort String the port number for https requests to the host.
  • Parameters:
    ctx - an authenticated IWorkflowContext.
    taskDefinitionNamespace - String namespace that identifies the task type to query task display info for.
    compositeVersion - String The version of the composite the TaskDisplayInfo applies to. If null, then any placeholder TaskDisplayInfo entries that do not apply to a specific composite version are returned.
    partitionName - String the name of the partition for which the TaskDisplayInfo applies. If null, then any placeholder TaskDisplayInfo objects that apply to all partitions are returned.
    applicationName - String the name of the client application to query task display info for. If null, then TaskDisplayInfo entries for all applications are returned.
    formName - String the specific form name to query task display info for. If null, then TaskDisplayInfo entries for all forms are returned.
    TaskDisplayInfoList TaskDisplayInfoList object contains a List of TaskDisplayInfoType objects.
    WorkflowException - if some error condition occurs.

    Oracle Fusion Middleware
    Workflow Services Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite
    11g Release 1 (

    Copyright © 2009, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.