Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.rules.sdk2.dictionary

A rule dictionary contains a data model and a list of rule sets.


Interface Summary
Choice A Choice provides a hierarchy of choices for a ChoosableProperty.
DictionaryChangeListener A RuleDictionary user should implement this interface and register it using RuleDictionary.addDictionaryChangeListener(oracle.rules.sdk2.dictionary.DictionaryChangeListener)
DictionaryFinder A RuleDictionary uses a DictionaryFinder to access linked dictionaries.

Class Summary
AbstractDictionaryFinder The base implementation of the DictionaryFinder interface.
AliasRefProperty A Translated property has list of possible values ChoosableProperty.getOptions(boolean) and therefore the property values can be translated (i18n).
ChoiceList A ChoiceList provides a hierarchy to the flat array of Strings returned from the SDK2 getOptions methods.
ChoosableProperty A Choosable property can be chosen using a Choice tree
DictionaryChangeEvent A DictionaryChangeEvent notifies DictionaryChangeListeners of changes in the state or validity of the RuleDictionary.
DictionaryComponent A dictionary component is a Map of name-value pairs that describes a rule, a fact type, an expression, etc.
DictionaryComponent.Diff This class describes the differences between 2 DictionaryComponents, called this and that from different RuleDictionaries.
DictionaryComponentTable<T extends DictionaryComponent> A dictionary component table is a List of DictionaryComponents.
DictionaryLink A DictionaryLink logically includes another dictionary and its linked dictionaries in this one.
DictionaryLinkTable A DictionaryLinkTable is a list of DictionaryLinks.
DictionaryObject Base class for a RuleDictionary and its components and component tables.
DictionaryProperty<T> Base class for all dictionary component properties.
DictionaryProperty.Diff Describe differences between 2 DictionaryProperty this and that, and allow the differences from that to be appled to this so this and that are the same.
DOID Dictionary Object ID
IDTable<T extends DictionaryComponent> An ID table is a List of DictionaryComponent IDs that provides a List<DictionaryComponent> interface similar to DictionaryComponentTable but does not contain the DictionaryComponents.
IDTableProperty<T extends DictionaryComponent>  
IDTableProperty.Diff<T extends DictionaryComponent>  
ObjectTypeNames Internationalization for (static) strings returned from the SDK Includes dictionary object names, FORMs, priorities, etc.
PropertyTranslator.Key The Key to the resource bundle.
PropertyTranslator.KVV Key Value1 Value2
RuleDictionary The RuleDictionary class is used to access and modify a rule dictionary in memory.
SettableProperty<T> A SettableProperty can be set
SettableProperty.Diff<T> Describe differences between 2 SettableProperty this and that, and allow the differences from that to be appled to this so this and that are the same.
TableProperty<T extends DictionaryComponent> A TableProperty is a DictionaryProperty whose value is a DictionaryComponentTable.
TableProperty.Diff<T extends DictionaryComponent>  
TranslatedProperty A Translated property is a settable String-valued property.
UndoableEdit Simplified version of javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit.
UserTranslatedProperty A user-translated property allows the user to set a new translated value.
Util Util contains static methods and constants for use with the editor classes.

Enum Summary
Choice.Kind enumerate the kinds of choice
DictionaryComponent.DiffType Enumerate the types of difference between 2 DictionaryComponents called this and that
DictionaryProperty.DiffType enumerate the types of differences between 2 DictionaryPropertys this and that

Package oracle.rules.sdk2.dictionary Description

A rule dictionary contains a data model and a list of rule sets.  

A RuleDictionary and its contents are DictionaryObjects. A DictionaryObject is either a DictionaryComponent or a DictionaryComponentTable.

Package Specification

The following picture shows the object model inside the package.


Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


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