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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto FIPS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Class SRRandomBitsSource

  extended by
      extended by

public class SRRandomBitsSource
extends RandomBitsSource

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clears out sensitive data pools within the PRNG.
 byte randomByte()
          Generate a random byte.
 byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
          Fill a byte array with random bytes.
 void seed(byte[] seed)
          Seed the PRNG with the supplied array of bytes.
 void seed(EntropySource egs)
          Seed the PRNG with a default number of bytes from the supplied entropy source.


Methods inherited from class
getDefault, getRNGTest, randomBigInt, randomBigInteger, seed, setDefault


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public SRRandomBitsSource()

Method Detail


public void clear()
Description copied from class: RandomBitsSource
Clears out sensitive data pools within the PRNG. Note that in so doing, the PRNG may be brought to an unusable state (e.g. requiring new seed material). Implementing classes should throw an exception when random bytes are request in this case.
Specified by:
clear in class RandomBitsSource


public byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
Fill a byte array with random bytes.
randomBytes in class RandomBitsSource


public byte randomByte()
Description copied from class: RandomBitsSource
Generate a random byte.
Specified by:
randomByte in class RandomBitsSource


public void seed(byte[] seed)
Description copied from class: RandomBitsSource
Seed the PRNG with the supplied array of bytes.
Specified by:
seed in class RandomBitsSource


public void seed(EntropySource egs)
Description copied from class: RandomBitsSource
Seed the PRNG with a default number of bytes from the supplied entropy source.

Note that entropy source algorithms are frequently time and/or resource-intensive, which may cause significant delay before this method returns.

Specified by:
seed in class RandomBitsSource

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Crypto FIPS Java API Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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