OracleJavaScript API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces


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__addComponentTarget(Object) - Method in AdfDnDContext
Adds a component with a AdfDropTarget
__CreateComponentEvent(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Converts a Component AdfBaseEvent from a DOM event
__findComponent(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
__findComponentByLocator(String, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Search for and return the AdfUIComponent with locator that matches the specified absolute locator expression.
__getFirstTouch(TouchEvent) - Static method in AdfComponentTouchEvent
Get the first Touch object from a touch event.
__getRegisteredMethods() - Method in AdfProfiler
Returns a list of instrumented methods by method id
__isNamingContainer(Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
__removeComponentTarget(Object) - Method in AdfDnDContext
Remove a component with a AdfDropTarget
__setComponent(Object) - Method in AdfDragSource
Set by the AdfUIComponent when the drag source is attached
__setComponent(Object) - Method in AdfDropTarget
Set by the AdfUIComponent when the drag source is attacjed
__setNamingContainer(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
__setParent(Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
__TYPE_ATTR - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_acceptDrag(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfDropTarget
_ACCESSOR_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_ACCESSOR_NAME_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_ADD_LISTENER_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_ADD_LISTENER_NAME_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_addComponentEventHandlers(Class, String[]) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called with list of peer component event handlers to call back based on component event type.
_addComponentPropertyChanges(Class, String...) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called with list of component properties that the peer wants to listen to changes for.
_addComponentPropertyGetters(Class, String[]) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called with list of property names to callback to retrieve component properties from DOM
_addDisplayedRecords() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Adds all of the the contents of the Log Records
_addDomEventHandlers(Class, String[]) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called with list of DOM event handlers to call back based on DOM event type.
_addedColumns - Field in AdfColumnSelectionEvent
_addedSet - Field in AdfRowKeySetChangeEvent
_addFacesMessage(Object, Object) - Method in AdfUIEditableValue
_addFlavorIfNecessary(AdfDataFlavor, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfObjectTransferable
Adds the DataFlavor to the associateFlavors associative array if it isn't already present in the array
_addRequiredFacesMessage() - Method in AdfUIEditableValue
_addSuperclassFlavors(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfObjectTransferable
_addSuppressedPPRAttributes(Function, String[]) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called with list of property names that won't result in a PPR request when this property changes on a component and the peer doesn't explicitly handle the change.
_allowedActions - Field in AdfBasicDropTarget
_allowedActions - Field in AdfDragSource
_allowedFlavors - Field in AdfBasicDropTarget
_ALT_MODIFIER - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_applyFunctionProperties(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfObject
Apply class and function name properties to the functions of an Object.
_autoSubmit - Field in AdfValueChangeEvent
_backupLogWriter - Field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_backupLogWriter - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_baseObjects - Field in AdfObjectTransferable
_BEHAVIORS_KEY - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_BROWSER_VERSION - Static field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_bubbleEvent(Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
_busy - Field in AdfBusyStateEvent
_busyCursorShown - Field in AdfAgent
_CACHE - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_calcMsg(Object) - Method in AdfLogger
Calculate the message to use when logging
_changedComponentCount - Field in AdfPage
_changedComponents - Field in AdfPage
_checkIfNeedsValidate - Field in AdfAttributeDragSource
_checkIfNeedsValidate - Field in AdfAttributeDropTarget
_checkpointEnabled - Static field in AdfCheckpoint
Tells whether or not new checkpoints are enabled by default or not.
_checkpoints - Static field in AdfCheckpoint
A map of all the checkpoints
_CLASS_PROPERTY_KEYS - Static field in AdfUIComponent
Name of property containing the list of property keys for this class
_clearDisplayedRecords() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Clear the displayed records from the DOM
_clearDragReady(Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
_clientId - Field in AdfUIComponent
_closed - Field in AdfLogWriter
_columns - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_commitEdit() - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Commits the current value back to the component
_commitEditStub() - Static method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Called back DOM Event handler to Establishes "this" before calling _commitEdit
_component - Field in AdfDragSource
_component - Field in AdfDropTarget
_component - Field in AdfRichInlineEditor
_COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_consoleWindow - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_CONSTANT_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_CONSTANT_REGEXP - Static field in AdfStrings
_converters - Field in AdfObjectTransferable
_copyMouseEvent(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
_CREATE_SUB_ID_ARRAY - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_createAccessorName(Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Given the name of a property, returns the name of the accessor convenience for that property.
_createAppletTag() - Static method in AdfClientFileLogWriter
Attaches the ClientFileWriter applet tag to the DOM.
_createDataFlavors(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfObjectTransferable
Returns an associative array of dataflavors and the index of the corresponding Javascript objects
_createHeaders() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Creates the headers for the logging table
_createMutatorName(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Given the name of a property, returns the name of the mutator convenience for that property.
_createRow(Object) - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Creates a row to add to the lgging table
_CSS3_TO_CSS2_MAP - Static field in AdfAgent
Maps the CSS3 cursor name to the nearest CSS2 cursor name
_CSS_TO_DOM_MAP - Static field in AdfAgent
Maps the CSS property name to DOM property name.
_CTRL_MODIFIER - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_currTarget - Field in AdfPhasedEvent
_dataFlavor - Field in AdfComponentDragSource
_dataFlavors - Field in AdfObjectTransferable
_DEFAULT_VALUE_UNDEFINED - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_defaultAction - Field in AdfDragSource
_defaultInstanceEventHandler(Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Default implementation that calls back the peer instance correctly with a DOM Event attached directly to a DOM Node.
_deliverEvent(Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
protected handling of the event
_deliverEventToListener(AdfBaseEvent, Object, Function) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Delivers an event, either to a function or an AdfClientListener
_deliverEventToListeners(AdfBaseEvent, Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
Delivers an event, either to a function or an AdfClientListener
_detail - Field in AdfFacesMessage
_disclosureCounterpart - Field in AdfDisclosureEvent
_dispatchDomEvent(Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Dispatch a DOM event to this peer, binding the peer if the peer will handle the event
_document - Field in AdfAgent
_document - Field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_DRAG_RECOGNIZER - Static field in AdfUIPeer
_dragRecognizer - Field in AdfDragSource
_dropHandler - Field in AdfBasicDropTarget
_elementFromPagePointImpl(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfAgent
_END_TAG - Static field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_endColumn - Field in AdfMarker
_endLine - Field in AdfMarker
_eventPhase - Field in AdfPhasedEvent
_extraWidth - Static field in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
_filter - Field in AdfLogger
_filter - Field in AdfLogWriter
_findAbsoluteComponent(Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Find a component using an absolute scoped id
_findCommentNodeWithContent(Node, String) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Searches for a comment node whose comment matches the given String.
_findRelativeComponent(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
_finishEdit() - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Cleans up editing of the current component
_fixClientId(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Recursive call to track indices of client id fragments that will be either skipped or replaced with a implementation-agnostic fragment, when converting a clientId to an absolute locator.
_FLAG_PERSISTENCE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_FOR_CONTAINER_PREFIX - Static field in AdfPage
ID prefix that is also used on the server to identify a container for future message DOM.
_formatters - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_GECKO_STACK_RE - Static field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_GENERIC_ROWDATA_FLAVOR - Static field in AdfDataFlavor
_GET_COMPONENT_FORMAT - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_GET_FUNCTION_NAME_REGEXP - Static field in AdfObject
_getBestMatchSubId(Object, Number) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Returns the best match subId for the given domElement if it exists, else returns null if no subId match is found.
_getClassId(Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns a unique class id.
_getClassName(Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns this objects class name or "[anonymous]" if the object name is anonymous.
_getClientListeners() - Method in AdfUIComponent
_getCommentNodeForComponent(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
_getDocument() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Returns the Console Window's document
_getEventRelatedTarget(Object) - Method in AdfAgent
_getFirstMenuPeer(Object) - Method in AdfRichPopup
Visits the first child looking to see if it's a Menu.
_getFirstTouch() - Method in AdfComponentTouchEvent
_getFuncParams(Object) - Static method in AdfAssert
Returns the param String for a function, or null if there are no parameters
_getKey(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfCheckpoint
Returned a key representation of this id and group
_getKeyValueString(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIUtils
_getMethodId(String, Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns a unique method id that is duplicatable based on the methodName and the given object.
_getModifierDisplayString(Number) - Static method in AdfKeyStroke
Returns the human-readable concatenated value for the modifiers string
_getModifierString(Number) - Static method in AdfKeyStroke
Returns the concatenated value for the modifiers string
_getNameFromKeyCode(Object) - Static method in AdfKeyStroke
Returns a canonical key name corresponding to the keycode
_getRecordDiv() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Returns the Console Window's recordDiv DomElement
_getStackString(Object) - Static method in AdfAssert
_getStackTrace(Object) - Static method in AdfAssert
Returns the stack trace as an array of function callers
_getStringForm(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfKeyStroke
_getTargetFlavor() - Method in AdfAttributeDropTarget
Return the AdfDataFlavor that we are looking for
_HANDLE_DOM_EVENT_FORMAT - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_handleEditorEvent(Event) - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Handles editing completion from blur or key strokes ENTER, ALT+ENTER and ESC
_handleEditorEventStub(Object) - Static method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Called back DOM Event handler to Establishes "this" before calling _handleEditorEvent
_handleEvaluate(Object) - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Handles changes to the eval field
_hasMovedSufficientDistance(Object, Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
_hasOwnMethod(Object, String) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns true if the object has its own version of the method.
_hints - Field in AdfPopupOpeningEvent
_ID_PARAM_NAME - Static field in AdfUIComponents
_immediate - Field in AdfCustomEvent
_index - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is a counter for generating uids
_init(String, String) - Method in AdfCheckpoint
Initializes the checkpoint.
_initAccessors(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
_initBehaviors(Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
_initClasses(Object) - Static method in AdfObject
Perform any class-level initializtion.
_initializeCallbacks(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Utility function for initializing class callbacks
_innerInit(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Implementation of Init for inner classes that initializes the .outerThis.
_innerSubIdInitialize(Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Implementation of initialize() for inner classes whose root DOM node can be identified by a subNode on the outer component's root DOM element
_instrumenterFunction() - Static method in AdfProfiler
This is a "prototype" of the function that will be used for instrumentation.
_instrumentFunction(String, String, Object, Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Instruments a function on the object and returns a reference to the new function.
_isAndroid - Field in AdfDragRecognizer
_isEnabled(String, String) - Static method in AdfCheckpoint
Tells whether or not a checkpoint corresponding to this id and optionally this group is enabled or disabled.
_isExpanded - Field in AdfDisclosureEvent
_isGeckoAgentSupported(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfAgent
_isInstrumentable(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns true if this function is one which should be instrumented or not.
_isInstrumented(Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns true if this method is part of the instrumentation.
_isMaximized - Field in AdfMaximizeEvent
_isPrototype(Object, String) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns true if the given object is the prototype of its base class or false if it is either an instance or the class itself.
_isRowKey - Field in AdfDataFlavor
_isWindow(Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Returns true if the given object is the window object or false if it is not.
_itemAction - Field in AdfItemEvent
_JSOBJECT_PREFIX_STRING - Static field in AdfDataFlavor
_keyCode - Field in AdfKeyStroke
_KEYCODE_MAPPINGS - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_keystrokeCallback(Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Keystroke callback used as the implementation of the keystroke registration convenience.
_level - Field in AdfLogger
_LINK_TRACE_TO_LINE_NUMBERS - Static field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_locale - Field in AdfLocaleContext
_localeContext - Field in AdfPage
_loggedMessages - Field in AdfBufferedLogWriter
_loggedMessages - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_loggerName - Field in AdfLogger
_LOGGERS - Static field in AdfLogger
_logInternalError(Object, Object) - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Logs an internal error to to the backup AdfLogWriter
_logToBackupLogWriter(Object) - Method in AdfClientFileLogWriter
Logs to the backup logger.
_logWriter - Field in AdfLogger
_lookAndFeel - Field in AdfPage
_matchAbsoluteIdCallback(Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Callback called from AdfUIComponent._findAbsoluteComponent to match components
_MAX_ALERT_ROWS - Static field in AdfUIUtils
_MAX_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT - Static field in AdfAssert
_message - Field in AdfMarker
_messageType - Field in AdfFacesMessage
_META_MODIFIER - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_MODIFIER_DISPLAY_NAMES - Static field in AdfAgent
_MODIFIER_DISPLAY_STRINGS - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_MODIFIER_NAME_TO_FLAG - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_MODIFIER_STRINGS - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_modifiers - Field in AdfKeyStroke
_MOUSE_EVENTS - Static field in AdfAgent
Set of DOM event types that are mouse events
_MUTATOR_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_MUTATOR_NAME_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_NATIVE_TO_COMPONENT_MAPPINGS - Static field in AdfAgent
_NEW_WINDOW_NAME - Static field in AdfPage
_newItemKey - Field in AdfCarouselSpinEvent
_newValue - Field in AdfPropertyChangeEvent
_newValue - Field in AdfValueChangeEvent
_noResponse - Field in AdfBaseEvent
_NULL_ID - Static field in AdfCheckpoint
Prefix used to replace a null id on the checkpoint overrides and disabled indexes for start() and stop().
_nullFunction() - Static method in AdfUIComponents
Stub method used for classes that have no subclass property names
_OBJECT_FLAVOR_MAP - Static field in AdfDataFlavor
_objectsForFlavors - Field in AdfObjectTransferable
_oldBodyCursor - Field in AdfAgent
_oldItemKey - Field in AdfCarouselSpinEvent
_oldValue - Field in AdfPropertyChangeEvent
_oldValue - Field in AdfValueChangeEvent
_onResizeHandler(Event) - Method in AdfAgent
Callback handler invoked by a resize event.
_onResizeHandlerTimeout(Object) - Static method in AdfAgent
The delayed on resize handler uses the dom id to locate the associated node and agent state.
_openConsoleWindow() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Creates and opens the ConsoleLogWindow
_operation - Field in AdfQueryOperationEvent
_OPTIMIZED_PROPAGATION_PROPERTY - Static field in AdfPopupCanceledEvent
_os - Field in AdfAgent
_outcome - Field in AdfDialogEvent
_overrides - Static field in AdfCheckpoint
Specifies exceptions to the _checkpointEnabled flag.
_params - Field in AdfCustomEvent
_PARAMS_NAME_PROPERTY - Static field in AdfAssert
_parentWindow - Field in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_parseFloatVersion(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfAgent
_phase - Field in AdfPage
_platform - Field in AdfAgent
_POPUP_ID_DEFAULT - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_POPUP_LIST - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_popupClosedHandler(Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
_prepContextDelayCallback(Object) - Method in AdfDragRecognizer
_PROFILER_GROUP - Static field in AdfProfiler
The group id of all checkpoints added by the profiler class
_PROFILER_VERSION - Static field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_PROP_CLASS_ID - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on instance objects so that we can maintain consistant methodIds.
_PROP_CLASSNAME - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains a flag as to whether this method was actually present on the object when it was instantiated
_PROP_REGISTERED - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains the method's name
_PROP_REGISTERED_CHECKPOINT - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains the method's checkpoint
_PROP_REGISTERED_INST_METHOD - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains the origional method
_PROP_REGISTERED_IS_PRESENT - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains a flag as to whether this method was actually present on the object when it was instantiated
_PROP_REGISTERED_METHOD_NAME - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains the method name
_PROP_REGISTERED_OBJECT - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is put as a property on every method that is registered and contains a reference to the containing object
_propagatesToServer - Field in AdfDisclosureEvent
_propagatesToServer - Field in AdfMaximizeEvent
_properties - Field in AdfFacesMessage
_PROPERTIES_PARAM_NAME - Static field in AdfUIComponents
_PROPERTY_DEFAULT_VALUES - Static field in AdfUIComponents
_propertyName - Field in AdfAttributeDragSource
_propertyName - Field in AdfAttributeDropTarget
_propertyName - Field in AdfPropertyChangeEvent
_propertyName - Field in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
_PROPETY_CHANGED_FORMAT - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_props - Field in AdfUIComponent
_REDISTRIBUTE_EVENTS - Static field in AdfAgent
_REGEXP_FUNCTION - Static field in AdfProfiler
This regular expression is for retrieving the BODY of a function.
_REGEXP_FUNCTION_NAME - Static field in AdfProfiler
This is the regular expression for retrieving the name of a function or object in the format of "function f(x)".
_REGEXP_REGEXP - Static field in AdfProfiler
This regular expression is used to detect and parse a regular expression.
_REGEXP_REPLACE_METHOD - Static field in AdfProfiler
This regular expression is for replacing the $methodname$ token in the body of the instrumentation function with another value.
_REMOVE_LISTENER_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_REMOVE_LISTENER_NAME_CACHE - Static field in AdfUIComponent
_removedColumns - Field in AdfColumnSelectionEvent
_removedSet - Field in AdfRowKeySetChangeEvent
_removePersistedFlag(Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Given the name of the property, strips of the persisted flag if present
_removeTwinkleCallback(Object) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Called back to remove twinkling adding by ProcessPushData
_REPLACE_PATTERN - Static field in AdfStrings
_RESIZE_EVENTS - Static field in AdfAgent
_rightToLeft - Field in AdfLocaleContext
_ROWDATA_FLAVOR_MAP - Static field in AdfDataFlavor
_rowKey - Field in AdfFocusEvent
_safeJoin(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfAssert
_sessionId - Field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_setPropertyInfo(Function, String, String, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Private utility method to change the property type metadata.
_setSource(Object) - Method in AdfUIComponent
_SETTABLE_STYLE_PROPS - Static field in AdfAgent
_severity - Field in AdfMarker
_SHIFT_MODIFIER - Static field in AdfKeyStroke
_showMessage(Object) - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
_sliceArgumentsArray(Array, Number) - Static method in AdfRichUIPeer
Create a new Array object containing the arguments array starting at the specified index
_source - Field in AdfBaseEvent
_START_TAG - Static field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_startColumn - Field in AdfMarker
_startLine - Field in AdfMarker
_stringForm - Field in AdfDataFlavor
_stringForm - Field in AdfKeyStroke
_summary - Field in AdfFacesMessage
_syncFromPropertyChange(Object) - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
_tempSubclassConstructor() - Static method in AdfObject
Temporary constructor used to assign the correct prototype to subclasses
_THE_INSTANCE - Static field in AdfProfiler
The reference to the profiler singleton.
_TRIM_ALL_RE - Static field in AdfUIUtils
_TRIM_BEGINNING_RE - Static field in AdfUIUtils
_TRIM_END_RE - Static field in AdfUIUtils
_trimAbsoluteScopedId(Object, Object) - Static method in AdfUIComponent
Trim an absolute scoped id of the correct number of trailing sections including a trailing ":"
_truncateClientId(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Recursive call to record which indices in the clientId fragment should be skipped when converting a clientId to an absolute scoped id.
_TWINKLE_ON_STYLECLASS - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_TWINKLE_TIMER_ID_ATTR - Static field in AdfRichUIPeer
_type - Field in AdfBaseEvent
_TYPE_MAP - Static field in AdfDataFlavor
_UICOMPONENT_FLAVOR - Static field in AdfComponentDragSource
_uid - Static field in AdfCheckpoint
This is a counter for the unique ids that are served back from the start method.
_uninstrumentFunction(Object) - Static method in AdfProfiler
Removes instrumentation from a method and reverts the method back to its origional state.
_updateHeaders() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Updates the table headers
_updateRecords() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Update the contents of the Log Records
_updateTextAreaPosition(Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichPlainTextEditor
Update the bounds of the text area given the current position of the editedDomElement
_USAGE_PARAM_NAME - Static field in AdfUIComponents
_VALID_USER_ACTIONS - Static field in AdfDnDContext
_value - Field in AdfQueryOperationEvent
_value - Field in AdfReturnPopupEvent
_version - Field in AdfAgent
_visitChildren(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in AdfRichUIPeer
Helper for visitChildren that walks DOM nodes.
_visitChildrenForMenu(Object) - Method in AdfRichPopup
Callback invoked for _getFirstMenuPeer that test to see if the component is a AdfRichMenu.
_window - Field in AdfAgent
_window - Field in AdfClientFileLogWriter
_windowResized() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
Resize the Div containing the table to stretch down to the bottom of the window
_windowUnloaded() - Method in AdfConsoleLogWriter
IE doesn't like us messing with properties on closed window objects, so clean up in onunload
_XML_FILE_HEADER - Static field in AdfClientFileLogWriter

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Generated on 2013.01.09 16:37 UTC
Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.