Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (



Class Summary
ActiveDataProperties Deprecated.  
Alert Defines properties for an alert on a graph.
AlertSet Defines a set of alerts for a graph.
Annotation Defines properties for an annotation of a graph.
AnnotationSet Defines a set of annotations for a graph.
Background Defines properties for the background of the graph.
BaseAxis Base class for axis objects in a graph.
BaseAxisTitle Base class for axis titles in a graph.
BaseDataAxis Base class for data axes in a graph.
BaseDataAxisTickLabel Base class for data axis tick labels in a graph.
BaseFormat The base component class for format tag under marker text.
BaseFrame Base class for frame objects in a graph.
BaseLine Base class for line objects in a graph.
BaseMajorTick Base class for major tick marks in a graph.
BaseMinorTick Base class for minor tick marks in a graph.
BaseTextComponent Base class for text objects in a graph.
BaseTick Base class for tick marks in a graph.
BaseTitle Base class for the title objects in a graph.
CoreGraph Graph component.
DataContext Deprecated. DataContext is not serializable and should not be used
DataSelection Use the DataSelection instance to retrieve the information for a single selection.
FunnelFrame Defines properties for the funnel graph frame.
GraphContext Deprecated. GraphContext is not serializable and should not be used
GraphFont Defines font properties for the graph text objects.
GraphFootnote Defines properties for the graph footnote.
GraphPersistable Deprecated.  
GraphSelection Use the GraphSelection instance to get the information of a selected item on the UIGraph.
GraphSelectionAttributeChange Handles GraphSelectionAttribute changes, which need to be handled specially because they are mutable and programmers assume that the instances don't change
GraphSelectionSet This set is a mutable collection of GraphSelection objects.
GraphSubtitle Defines properties for the graph subtitle.
GraphTitle Defines properties for the graph title.
LegendArea Defines properties for the legend area of a graph.
LegendText Defines properties for the legend text for a graph.
LegendTitle Defines properties for the legend title of a graph.
MarkerText Defines properties for the marker text.
O1Axis Defines properties for the o1 axis.
O1MajorTick Defines properties for the o1 major tick marks.
O1TickLabel Defines properties for the o1 tick labels.
O1Title Defines properties for the o1 axis title.
ParetoLine Defines properties for the line that displays cumulative values on a pareto graph.
ParetoMarker Defines properties for the markers on a pareto graph.
PieFeeler Defines properties for the lines that connect a pie slice and its label.
PieFrame Defines properties for the area surrounding a pie.
PieLabel Defines properties for the label that appears below a pie.
PlotArea Defines properties for the plot area of a graph.
ReferenceObject Defines properties for a reference object in a graph.
ReferenceObjectSet Defines a set of reference objects for a graph.
RichSparkChart Use the RichSparkChart component to create a spark chart in ADF Faces, used for visualizing trends in data.
SelectPointLegendText Deprecated.  
SelectPointMarker Deprecated.  
Series Defines properties for a specific series in a graph.
SeriesSet Defines properties for the series of a graph.
Slice Defines properties for a pie slice.
SliceLabel Defines properties for the labels of a pie or funnel slice.
StockMarker Defines properties for the markers of a stock graph.
Threshold Defines properties for the threshold of a spark chart or funnel graph.
ThresholdSet Defines a set of thresholds for a component.
TimeAxisDateFormat Defines properties for formatting date and time values in a graph.
TimeSelector Defines properties for the time selector on time axis graphs.
UIGraph Use the UIGraph component to create a graph in ADF Faces.
UISparkChart Spark chart component.
UISparkItem Defines values for a spark chart.
VolumeMarker Defines properties for the volume markers on stock volume graphs.
X1Axis Defines properties for the x1 axis.
X1MajorTick Defines properties for the x1 major tick marks.
X1MinorTick Defines properties for the x1 minor tick marks.
X1TickLabel Defines properties for the x1 tick labels.
X1Title Defines properties for the x1 axis title.
Y1Axis Defines properties for the y1 axis.
Y1BaseLine Defines properties for the baseline of the y1 axis.
Y1MajorTick Defines properties for the y1 major tick marks.
Y1TickLabel Defines properties for the y1 tick labels.
Y1Title Defines properties for the y1 axis title.
Y2Axis Defines properties for the y2 axis.
Y2BaseLine Defines properties for the base line of the y2 axis.
Y2MajorTick Defines properties for a y2 major tick mark.
Y2TickLabel Defines properties for y2 tick labels.
Y2Title Defines properties for the y2 axis title.

Enum Summary
DataContext.DataType Data types for getDataValue
GraphSelection.SelectionType Specifies the graph selection type
data: data components like bars, data markers, etc., can be selected
series: series components like legend markers, dataline, etc., can be selected
group: group components y1TickLabels, y1MajorTick, etc., can be selected
non_data: data components like Title, Subtitle, etc., can be selected.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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