Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Interface GraphFormatManager

All Superinterfaces:
FormatManager, Manager, UIBundle
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphFormatManager
extends FormatManager

Methods for formatting the numbers that appear in a graph. The Graph bean provides an implementation of this interface, and classes in the Graph bean call these methods.

Application developers do not normally need to call these methods or implement them.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data, ViewFormat viewFormat, double maxValue, double minValue, double tickStep, int axisID, boolean isPercent, boolean bLogScale, double logBase)
          Formats a data object for a specified axis.
 java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data, ViewFormat componentFormat, double maxValue, double minValue, int axisID, boolean isPercent)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by formatAxisValue(double, ViewFormat, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, double).
 java.lang.String formatDataValue(double data, ViewFormat viewFormat, int axisID, int column, int row, boolean isPercent, QDR qdr, boolean isTooltip)
          Formats a data value.
 java.lang.String formatPieValue(double data, ViewFormat viewFormat, boolean isPercent, QDR qdr, boolean isTooltip)
          Formats a data value for a pie graph.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.FormatManager
formatDataValue, getBundles, setBundles
Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.Manager
Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.UIBundle
getUIBundle, setUIBundle

Method Detail


java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data,
                                 ViewFormat componentFormat,
                                 double maxValue,
                                 double minValue,
                                 int axisID,
                                 boolean isPercent)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by formatAxisValue(double, ViewFormat, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, double).

Format a data object for a specified axis.

data - The data value to format.
viewFormat - The default ViewFormat to apply to the data value.
maxValue - The maximum data value plotted on this axis.
minValue - The minimum data value plotted on this axis.
axisID - An identifies the axis with which this value is associated. The return from oracle.dss.dataView.ComponentHandle.getID is appropriate.
isPercent - true if data represents a percentage, false if it does not.
The formatted data item, as a String.


java.lang.String formatAxisValue(double data,
                                 ViewFormat viewFormat,
                                 double maxValue,
                                 double minValue,
                                 double tickStep,
                                 int axisID,
                                 boolean isPercent,
                                 boolean bLogScale,
                                 double logBase)
Formats a data object for a specified axis.

data - The data value to format.
maxValue - The maximum data value plotted on this axis.
minValue - The minimum data value plotted on this axis.
tickStep - The increment between data labels on the axis.
axisID - An identifies the axis with which this value is associated. The return from oracle.dss.dataView.ComponentHandle.getID is appropriate.
isPercent - true if data represents a percentage, false if it does not.
bLogScale - true if the axis has a logarithmic scale, false if it does not.
logBase - If the axis is scaled logarithmically, the base of the scale.
The formatted data item, as a String.


java.lang.String formatPieValue(double data,
                                ViewFormat viewFormat,
                                boolean isPercent,
                                QDR qdr,
                                boolean isTooltip)
Formats a data value for a pie graph.

data - The data value to format.
viewFormat - The default ViewFormat to apply to the data value.
isPercent - true if data represents a percentage, false if it does not.
qdr - The QDR that identifies the dimension members to which the data value belongs.
isTooltip - true if the returned String will be displayed in a tooltip, false if it will not.


java.lang.String formatDataValue(double data,
                                 ViewFormat viewFormat,
                                 int axisID,
                                 int column,
                                 int row,
                                 boolean isPercent,
                                 QDR qdr,
                                 boolean isTooltip)
Formats a data value.

data - The data value to format.
viewFormat - The default ViewFormat to apply to the data value.
axisID - An identifies the axis with which this value is associated. The return from oracle.dss.dataView.ComponentHandle.getID is appropriate.
column - The data column to which the data value belongs.
row - The data row to which the data value belongs.
isPercent - true if data represents a percentage, false if it does not.
qdr - The QDR that identifies the dimension members to which the data value belongs.
isTooltip - true if the returned String will be displayed in a tooltip, false if it will not.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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