Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class ThreeDViewMatrix

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
      extended by oracle.dss.graph.ThreeDViewMatrix

public class ThreeDViewMatrix
extends BaseComponentXML

Allows you to adjust the 3-D properties of the graph.

Field Summary
protected  PFJ m_pfj
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
Constructor Summary
ThreeDViewMatrix(CommonGraph graph, PFJ pfj)
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.String getComponentName()
 double getFocusFactor()
          Retrieves the focus factor for this 3-D graph.
 double getLightSourceX()
          Retrieves the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 double getLightSourceY()
          Retrieves the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 double getLightSourceZ()
          Retrieves the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 double getPanX()
          Retrieves the pan value of the graph in the X direction.
 double getPanY()
          Retrieves the pan value of the graph in the Y direction.
 double getSizeX()
          Retrieves the size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates.
 double getSizeY()
          Retrieves the hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates.
 double getSizeZ()
          Retrieves the size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates.
 boolean getStyleXML(boolean allProperties, oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 double getTranslationX()
          Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the X direction.
 double getTranslationY()
          Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the Y direction.
 double getTranslationZ()
          Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the Z direction.
 double getViewerX()
          Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 double getViewerY()
          Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 double getViewerZ()
          Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 double getWallThickX()
          Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.
 double getWallThickY()
          Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the Y-axis of the graph.
 double getWallThickZ()
          Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph.
 double getZoomFactor()
          Retrieves the zoom factor of the graph.
 boolean isIsometricProjection()
          Indicates whether the 3-D components of the graph are displayed isometrically, without distortion.
 boolean isSquareRisers()
          Indicates whether the data markers in this graph are perfectly square.
protected  void resetStyle()
 void setFocusFactor(double newValue)
          Specifies the focus factor for this 3-D graph.
 void setIsometricProjection(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the 3-D components of the graph are displayed isometrically, without distortion.
 void setLightSourceX(double newValue)
          Specifies the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 void setLightSourceY(double newValue)
          Specifies the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 void setLightSourceZ(double newValue)
          Specifies the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.
 void setPanX(double newValue)
          Specifies the pan value of the graph in the X direction.
 void setPanY(double newValue)
          Specifies the pan value of the graph in the Y direction.
 void setSizeX(double newValue)
          Specifies the size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates.
 void setSizeY(double newValue)
          Specifies the hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates.
 void setSizeZ(double newValue)
          Specifies the size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates.
 void setSquareRisers(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the data markers in this graph are perfectly square.
 void setStyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 void setTranslationX(double newValue)
          Specifies the translation value of the graph in the X direction.
 void setTranslationY(double newValue)
          Specifies the translation value of the graph in the Y direction.
 void setTranslationZ(double newValue)
          Specifies the translation value of the graph in the Z direction.
 void setViewerX(double newValue)
          Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 void setViewerY(double newValue)
          Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 void setViewerZ(double newValue)
          Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph.
 void setWallThickX(double newValue)
          Specifies the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.
 void setWallThickY(double newValue)
          Specifies the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.
 void setWallThickZ(double newValue)
          Specifies the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph.
 void setZoomFactor(double newValue)
          Specifies the zoom factor of the graph.
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
getNonstyleXML, getStyleXML, getXML, setNonstyleXML, setNonstyleXML, setXML, setXML, setXML, setXML
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected PFJ m_pfj
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor Detail


public ThreeDViewMatrix(CommonGraph graph,
                        PFJ pfj)
graph - The graph object in which this matrix belongs
pfj - The PFJ object of the graph that this object belongs to. PFJ is an acronym for Perspective for Java. Perspective for Java is a third party package of objects that are used and manipulated by the BI Beans.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor. Application developers should not have to construct this object, because the graph does it automatically.
Method Detail


public double getFocusFactor()
Retrieves the focus factor for this 3-D graph. The focus factor indicates the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D components of the graph when you zoom in and zoom out of the graph. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0. To make the graph use the return value of this method, set the setIsometricProjection method to false

A value that represents the focus factor for this graph.


public void setFocusFactor(double newValue)
Specifies the focus factor for this 3-D graph. The focus factor indicates the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D components of the graph when you zoom in and zoom out of the graph. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0. To make the graph use the parameter value of this method, set the setIsometricProjection method to false

newValue - A value that represents the focus factor for this graph.


public boolean isIsometricProjection()
Indicates whether the 3-D components of the graph are displayed isometrically, without distortion. When the graph displays the 3-D components isometrically, opposite sides of a 3-D component cube are parallel.

true if they are displayed isometrically, false if they are displayed with distortion.


public void setIsometricProjection(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the 3-D components of the graph are displayed isometrically, without distortion. When the graph displays the 3-D components isometrically, opposite sides of a 3-D component cube are parallel.

yesNo - true to display them isometrically, false to display them with distortion.


public double getLightSourceX()
Retrieves the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The X-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 0.0.

A value that represents the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public void setLightSourceX(double newValue)
Specifies the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The X-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 0.0.

newValue - A value that represents the X-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public double getLightSourceY()
Retrieves the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The Y-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 40.0.

A value that represents the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public void setLightSourceY(double newValue)
Specifies the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The Y-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 40.0.

newValue - A value that represents the Y-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public double getLightSourceZ()
Retrieves the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The Z-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 100.0.

A value that represents the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public void setLightSourceZ(double newValue)
Specifies the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph. The Z-coordinate light source represents the direction from which a light source is projected onto the graph. The values for the light source indicate the amount of shadow that is created. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 100.0.

newValue - A value that represents the Z-coordinate light source for the shading of walls and data markers in this 3-D graph.


public double getPanX()
Retrieves the pan value of the graph in the X direction. The pan value indicates the X position of the graph within its frame. You use pan to move the graph in an axis direction without changing the perspective. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 39.3.

The pan value of the graph in the X direction.


public void setPanX(double newValue)
Specifies the pan value of the graph in the X direction. The pan value indicates the X position of the graph within its frame. You use pan to move the graph in an axis direction without changing the perspective. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 39.3.

newValue - The pan value of the graph in the X direction.


public double getPanY()
Retrieves the pan value of the graph in the Y direction. The pan value indicates the Y position of the graph within its frame. You use pan to move the graph in an axis direction without changing the perspective. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 60.7.

The pan value of the graph in the Y direction.


public void setPanY(double newValue)
Specifies the pan value of the graph in the Y direction. The pan value indicates the Y position of the graph within its frame. You use pan to move the graph in an axis direction without changing the perspective. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 60.7.

newValue - The pan value of the graph in the Y direction.


public double getSizeX()
Retrieves the size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 30.0.

The size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates.


public void setSizeX(double newValue)
Specifies the size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 30.0.

newValue - The size of the 3-D graph floor along the X edge, in virtual coordinates.


public double getSizeY()
Retrieves the hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 25.0.

The hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates.


public void setSizeY(double newValue)
Specifies the hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 25.0.

newValue - The hight for the walls of the 3-D graph, in virtual coordinates.


public double getSizeZ()
Retrieves the size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 30.0.

The size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates.


public void setSizeZ(double newValue)
Specifies the size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 30.0.

newValue - The size of the 3-D graph floor along the Z edge, in virtual coordinates.


public boolean isSquareRisers()
Indicates whether the data markers in this graph are perfectly square. To oblongate the data markers, adjust the value in the setRiserThickness method.

true if the data markers are perfectly square, false if the data markers are the width that is set in the setRiserThickness method.


public void setSquareRisers(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the data markers in this graph are perfectly square. To oblongate the data markers, adjust the value in the setRiserThickness method.

yesNo - true to make the data markers perfectly square, false to make the data markers the width that is set in the setRiserThickness method.


public double getTranslationX()
Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the X direction. The translation value indicates the X position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 65.0.

The translation value of the graph in the X direction.


public void setTranslationX(double newValue)
Specifies the translation value of the graph in the X direction. The translation value indicates the X position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 65.0.

newValue - The translation value of the graph in the X direction.


public double getTranslationY()
Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the Y direction. The translation value indicates the Y position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 42.5.

The translation value of the graph in the Y direction.


public void setTranslationY(double newValue)
Specifies the translation value of the graph in the Y direction. The translation value indicates the Y position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 42.5.

newValue - The translation value of the graph in the Y direction.


public double getTranslationZ()
Retrieves the translation value of the graph in the Z direction. The translation value indicates the Z position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Z direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0.

The translation value of the graph in the Z direction.


public void setTranslationZ(double newValue)
Specifies the translation value of the graph in the Z direction. The translation value indicates the Z position of the graph within its frame. Translation moves the graph in an axis direction while changing the perspective so that the dimensions and position of the graph are altered. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Z direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0.

newValue - The translation value of the graph in the Z direction.


public double getViewerX()
Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerX property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite X position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0.

The value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public void setViewerX(double newValue)
Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerX property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite X position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the X direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0.

newValue - The value that represents the position of the viewer in the X direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public double getViewerY()
Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerY property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite Y position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 60.0.

The value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public void setViewerY(double newValue)
Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerY property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite Y position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Y direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 60.0.

newValue - The value that represents the position of the viewer in the Y direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public double getViewerZ()
Retrieves the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerZ property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite Z position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Z direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 36.8.

The value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public void setViewerZ(double newValue)
Specifies the value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph. You are the viewer. The ViewerZ property moves the graph within its frame and displays it with perspective, as though you are viewing the graph from an opposite Z position. Perspective refers to the amount of distortion in the display of the 3-D objects of the graph. The default value centers the graph in the Z direction. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 36.8.

newValue - The value that represents the position of the viewer in the Z direction, in relation to the position of the graph.


public double getWallThickX()
Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.


public void setWallThickX(double newValue)
Specifies the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

newValue - A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.


public double getWallThickY()
Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the Y-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the Y-axis of the graph.


public void setWallThickY(double newValue)
Specifies the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

newValue - A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the X-axis of the graph.


public double getWallThickZ()
Retrieves the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph.


public void setWallThickZ(double newValue)
Specifies the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph. Values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 20.0.

newValue - A value that represents the thickness of the wall on the Z-axis of the graph.


public double getZoomFactor()
Retrieves the zoom factor of the graph. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0. A value greater than 1 indicates that the graph is zoomed in.

A value that represents the zoom factor of the graph.


public void setZoomFactor(double newValue)
Specifies the zoom factor of the graph. The values range from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 50.0. To zoom in, set a value greater than 1.

newValue - A value that represents the zoom factor of the graph.


protected java.lang.String getComponentName()
getComponentName in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the name of the component


public boolean getStyleXML(boolean allProperties,
                           oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
getStyleXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves style properties of this component to XML returns whether if the style is overridden


public void setStyleXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
setStyleXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets style properties of this component from XML


protected void resetStyle()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
reset style properties

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.