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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Device
oracle.irm.engine.core.desktop Desktop to server access. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.device Device related operations. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.license Licensing rules and license distributing algorithms. Desktop storage services. 
oracle.irm.engine.rights.journal Context classification system journal. 


Uses of Device in oracle.irm.engine.core.desktop


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.desktop that return Device
 Device Desktop.getDevice()
          The device associated with the desktop.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.desktop with parameters of type Device
static Desktop DesktopFactory.createDesktop(UUID uuid, ProductVersion version, String operatingSystem, Locale locale, Device device, DesktopApplication application, Date timeStamp)
          Create a desktop.


Uses of Device in oracle.irm.engine.core.device


Fields in oracle.irm.engine.core.device declared as Device
static Device DeviceConstants.NULL_DEVICE
          A "null" device.


Fields in oracle.irm.engine.core.device with type parameters of type Device
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.EMPTY_DEVICES
          An empty Device collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.device that return Device
static Device DeviceFactory.createDevice()
          Create a device.
static Device DeviceFactory.createDevice(UUID uuid)
          Create a device.
static Device DeviceFactory.createDevice(UUID uuid, String name, Collection<NetworkAdapter> adapters)
          Create a device.
static Device DeviceCollectionFactory.getDeviceByUuid(Collection<Device> collection, UUID key)
          Get an element from a Device collection by Uuid.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.device that return types with arguments of type Device
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.copyDevices(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Device collection.
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.createDevices(Device... elements)
          Create a Device collection containing zero or more elements.
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.createDevices(int capacity)
          Create an empty Device collection with a capacity specified.
static Map<UUID,Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.devicesAsMap(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Uuid from a collection of Device elements.
static Set<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.devicesAsSet(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a set of Device elements from a collection.
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.unmodifiableDevices(Collection<Device> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Device collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.device with parameters of type Device
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.createDevices(Device... elements)
          Create a Device collection containing zero or more elements.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.core.device with type arguments of type Device
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.copyDevices(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Device collection.
static Map<UUID,Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.devicesAsMap(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Uuid from a collection of Device elements.
static Set<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.devicesAsSet(Collection<Device> collection)
          Create a set of Device elements from a collection.
static Device DeviceCollectionFactory.getDeviceByUuid(Collection<Device> collection, UUID key)
          Get an element from a Device collection by Uuid.
static Collection<Device> DeviceCollectionFactory.unmodifiableDevices(Collection<Device> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Device collection.


Uses of Device in oracle.irm.engine.core.license


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.license that return Device
 Device License.getDevice()
          Attached device.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.license that return types with arguments of type Device
 Collection<Device> LicenseInUseException.getDevices()
          The list of devices the licenses are being used.


Constructor parameters in oracle.irm.engine.core.license with type arguments of type Device
LicenseInUseException(Collection<Device> devices)
LicenseInUseException(Collection<Device> devices, Throwable cause)


Uses of Device in


Methods in that return Device
 Device DesktopStore.getDevice()
          Device details.


Methods in with parameters of type Device
static DesktopStore DesktopStoreFactory.createDesktopStore(Device device, Collection bundles)
          Create a desktop store.


Uses of Device in oracle.irm.engine.rights.journal


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.rights.journal that return Device
 Device ContextJournalEntry.getDevice()
          The device the action was performed.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.rights.journal with parameters of type Device
static ContextJournalEntry ContextJournalEntryFactory.createContextJournalEntry(Date time, ContextJournalEntry.Status status, Account account, Feature feature, ContextInstance contextInstance, ItemCode itemCode, URI uri, Device device)
          Create a context journal entry.
static ContextJournalEntry ContextJournalEntryFactory.createContextJournalEntry(UUID uuid, Date time, ContextJournalEntry.Status status, Account account, Feature feature, ContextInstance contextInstance, ItemCode itemCode, URI uri, Device device)
          Recreate a context journal entry.


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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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