Uses of Class

Packages that use Unique
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta OpenJPA-JDBC ORM Metadata 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema OpenJPA-JDBC Schema Management 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction 

Uses of Unique in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta that return Unique
protected  Unique MappingInfo.createUnique(MetaDataContext context, String prefix, Unique tmplate, Column[] cols, boolean adapt)
          Retrieve/create a unique constraint on the given columns by merging the given template information with any user-provided information.
 Unique FieldMapping.getJoinUnique()
          Unique constraint on join foreign key columns.
 Unique FieldMappingInfo.getJoinUnique(FieldMapping field, boolean def, boolean adapt)
          Unique constraint on the field join.
 Unique NoneMappingDefaults.getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
 Unique MappingDefaultsImpl.getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
 Unique MappingDefaults.getJoinUnique(FieldMapping fm, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default constraint for the join, or null if the join columns should not be constrained by default.
 Unique MappingInfo.getUnique()
          Raw unique constraint information.
 Unique ValueMappingInfo.getUnique(ValueMapping val, String name, boolean adapt)
          Return a unique constraint for the given columns, or null if none.
 Unique NoneMappingDefaults.getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
 Unique MappingDefaultsImpl.getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
 Unique MappingDefaults.getUnique(ValueMapping vm, String name, Table table, Column[] cols)
          Return a default constraint for the value, or null if the value columns should not be constrained by default.
 Unique[] ClassMappingInfo.getUniques()
 Unique[] ClassMappingInfo.getUniques(ClassMapping cm, boolean adapt)
 Unique ValueMappingImpl.getValueUnique()
 Unique ValueMapping.getValueUnique()
          Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.
 Unique FieldMapping.getValueUnique()

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta with parameters of type Unique
 void ClassMappingInfo.addUnique(Unique unique)
protected  Unique MappingInfo.createUnique(MetaDataContext context, String prefix, Unique tmplate, Column[] cols, boolean adapt)
          Retrieve/create a unique constraint on the given columns by merging the given template information with any user-provided information.
 void FieldMapping.setJoinUnique(Unique unq)
          Unique constraint on join foreign key columns.
 void MappingInfo.setUnique(Unique unq)
          Raw unique constraint information.
 void ValueMappingImpl.setValueUnique(Unique unq)
 void ValueMapping.setValueUnique(Unique unq)
          Unique constraint on this value's columns, or null if none.
 void FieldMapping.setValueUnique(Unique unq)
protected  void MappingInfo.syncUnique(MetaDataContext context, Unique unq)
          Sets internal constraint information to match given mapped constraint.

Uses of Unique in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema declared as Unique
static Unique[] Schemas.EMPTY_UNIQUES
 Unique XMLSchemaParser.UniqueInfo.unq

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema that return Unique
 Unique Table.addUnique(String name)
          Add a unique constraint to the table.
 Unique Table.getUnique(String name)
          Return the unique constraint with the given name, or null if none.
 Unique[] Table.getUniques()
          Return the table's unique constraints.
 Unique Table.importUnique(Unique unq)
          Import a constraint; column names must match columns of this table.
protected  Unique SchemaGroup.newUnique(String name, Table table)
          Return a new unique constraint with the given name and owner table.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema with parameters of type Unique
 boolean Unique.equalsUnique(Unique unq)
          Return true if the structure of this primary key matches that of the given one (same table, same columns).
 Unique Table.importUnique(Unique unq)
          Import a constraint; column names must match columns of this table.
 boolean Table.removeUnique(Unique unq)
          Remove the given unique constraint from the table.

Uses of Unique in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type Unique
protected  String DBDictionary.getUniqueConstraintSQL(Unique unq)
          Return the declaration SQL for the given unique constraint.

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