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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface ResourceActionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResourceActionHandler, DefaultResourceActionHandler, PopUpResourceActionHandler

public interface ResourceActionHandler

This interface declares the necessary methods that a resource action handler will need to implement in order to render the necessary views of a service's resource. The three different kinds of view renderers are treated in this interface: page, task flow, and resource ID as page. In addition, resourceActioned() can be used to determine whether the built-in inline popup will be used instead of calling the renderers here. Classes implementing this interface will require a default contructor (no arguments).


Nested Class Summary
static class ResourceActionHandler.ResourceActionedResult
          This enum describes the values that should be returned by the resourceActioned() method to indicate what action the WebCenter service framework should take.


Method Summary
 ResourceActionHandler.ResourceActionedResult resourceActioned(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent action, ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
          This API will be called whenever an RAH enabled resource has been actioned to determine what should happen next.
 void viewPage(ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
          This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a page, if the service declares its Resource View to be a page.
 void viewResourceAsPage(ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
          This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a resource when interpreted as a page, if the service declares no Resource Views and the service ID is understood to allow for this to happen.
 void viewTaskFlow(ResourceActionRenderContext resource, TaskFlowId taskFlowId)
          This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a task flow, if the service declares its Resource View to be a task flow.


Method Detail


void viewTaskFlow(ResourceActionRenderContext resource,
                  TaskFlowId taskFlowId)
This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a task flow, if the service declares its Resource View to be a task flow.
resource - The necessary information on how the rendering of the resource will take place
taskFlowId - The ID of the task flow to be viewed


void viewPage(ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a page, if the service declares its Resource View to be a page.
resource - The necessary information on how the rendering of the resource will take place


void viewResourceAsPage(ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
This is how the handler will implement the viewing of a resource when interpreted as a page, if the service declares no Resource Views and the service ID is understood to allow for this to happen.
resource - The necessary information on how the rendering of the resource will take place


ResourceActionHandler.ResourceActionedResult resourceActioned(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent action,
                                                              ResourceActionRenderContext resource)
This API will be called whenever an RAH enabled resource has been actioned to determine what should happen next. This result determines what action will be taken by the WebCenter service framework. For example, whether to show this resource in an ADF inline popup, or to invoke the Resource Action Handler to perform some navigation, or whether this API has already handled the action itself and no further action is required. Note that portletized taskflow requests, RAH requests invoked via external urls (owResource.jspx or resourceExternal.jspx), and RAH requests invoked via the 'Maximize' button will not call this API as their behavior is defined as follows:
- RAH in portletized taskflows will always invoke the inline popup where it is available on the page so that the application context is retained.
- RAH requests from resourceExternal, owResource or the Maximize button on the inline popup will always invoke the RAH viewer navigation renderers.
action - The UI ActionEvent action that caused this API to be invoked
resource - The necessary information on how the rendering of the resource will take place

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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