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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OdiSubModel

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by oracle.odi.domain.model.AbstractOdiSubModel
                  extended by oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiSubModel

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable,, IExportable, IOdiEntity, IRepositoryEntity, IWorkDevelopmentOdiEntity, ISmartExportable

public class OdiSubModel
extends AbstractOdiSubModel

A sub model is a group of functionally homogeneous datastores within a model.

A sub model may be contained by a OdiModel or another sub model. A sub model may also contain any number of other sub models.

The datastores of a model can be inserted directly by using AbstractOdiSubModel.addDataStore(OdiDataStore), or by automatic distribution. The base class AbstractOdiSubModel handles adding, removing datastores. This class handles the automatic distribution configuration for the datastores.

For automatic distribution, Use this class to define a distribution rule of the datastores in your sub models. Datastores, depending on the datastores distribution rule for each sub model, are compared to the automatic distribution mask. If they match this pattern, then they are moved into this sub model.

There are two methods to classify:

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class OdiSubModel.DistributionRule
          Defines data store distribution rule that apply to an OdiSubModel.


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.model.AbstractOdiSubModel


Fields inherited from class


Constructor Summary
OdiSubModel(OdiModel pParentModel, java.lang.String pName, java.lang.String pCode)
          Creates a sub model with a parent model, a name and a code.
OdiSubModel(OdiSubModel pParentSubModel, java.lang.String pName, java.lang.String pCode)
          Creates a sub model with a parent sub model, a name and a code.


Method Summary
 void addSubModel(OdiSubModel pSubModel)
          Add the given sub model to the collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.
 java.lang.String getDistributionMask()
          Get the distribution mask for this OdiSubModel instance.
 java.lang.String getDistributionOrder()
          Get the distribution order for this OdiSubModel instance.
 OdiSubModel.DistributionRule getDistributionRule()
          Get the distribution rule for this OdiSubModel instance.
 OdiSubModel getParentSubModel()
          Returns the parent sub model of this OdiSubModel instance.
 java.util.Collection<OdiSubModel> getSubModels()
          Obtains the unmodifiable collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.
 void removeSubModel(OdiSubModel pSubModel)
          Remove the given sub model from the collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.
 void setDistributionMask(java.lang.String pDistributionMask)
          Set the distribution mask for this OdiSubModel instance.
 void setDistributionOrder(java.lang.String pDistributionOrder)
          Defines the distribution order of this OdiSubModel instance.
 void setDistributionRule(OdiSubModel.DistributionRule pDistributionRule)
          Set the distribution rule for this OdiSubModel instance.
 void setName(java.lang.String pName)
          Set the name of this OdiSubModel instance.


Methods inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.model.AbstractOdiSubModel
addDataStore, getCode, getDataStores, getInternalId, getModel, getName, getSecurityContainer, getSubModelId, removeDataStore


Methods inherited from class
equals, getFirstDate, getFirstUser, getInternalVersion, getLastDate, getLastUser, hashCode, isInstanceLevelSecurityNeeded, isNew, toString


Methods inherited from class


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.odi.domain.IOdiEntity
getFirstDate, getFirstUser, getLastDate, getLastUser, isInstanceLevelSecurityNeeded


Constructor Detail


public OdiSubModel(OdiModel pParentModel,
                   java.lang.String pName,
                   java.lang.String pCode)
Creates a sub model with a parent model, a name and a code.
pParentModel - parent model
pName - sub model name
pCode - unique code for sub model
DomainRuntimeException - if parent model is null ; if the name is null, empty or longer than NAME_MAX_LENGTH; if the code is null, empty, longer than CODE_MAX_LENGTH, or contains whitespaces or is not uppercase
See Also:


public OdiSubModel(OdiSubModel pParentSubModel,
                   java.lang.String pName,
                   java.lang.String pCode)
Creates a sub model with a parent sub model, a name and a code.
pParentSubModel - parent sub model
pName - sub model name
pCode - unique sub model code
DomainRuntimeException - if the parent sub model is null ; if the name is null, empty or longer than NAME_MAX_LENGTH ; if the code is null, empty, longer than CODE_MAX_LENGTH, contains whitespaces or is not uppercase

Method Detail


public OdiSubModel getParentSubModel()
Returns the parent sub model of this OdiSubModel instance.
an OdiSubModel object representing the parent sub model value


public java.util.Collection<OdiSubModel> getSubModels()
Obtains the unmodifiable collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.

Use removeSubModel(OdiSubModel) and addSubModel(OdiSubModel) to respectively add and remove a sub model.

the unmodifiable collection of sub models
See Also:
addSubModel(OdiSubModel), removeSubModel(OdiSubModel)


public void addSubModel(OdiSubModel pSubModel)
Add the given sub model to the collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.

This will also set the ParentSubModel of the given sub model to this sub model. If the given sub model was already associated to an other sub model, it will be removed from the other sub model.

pSubModel - sub model to be added
DomainRuntimeException - if pSubModel is null or if you try to move the pSubModel to an other OdiModel or if you try to create cycles in hierarchy


public void removeSubModel(OdiSubModel pSubModel)
Remove the given sub model from the collection of sub models of this OdiSubModel instance.

This will also reset the OdiSubModel of the given sub model to null.

Note: IOdiEntityManager.remove(pSubModel) must also be called in order to remove the sub model from the repository

pSubModel - sub model to be removed
DomainRuntimeException - if pSubModel is null or does not belong to this OdiSubModel


public java.lang.String getDistributionMask()
Get the distribution mask for this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution mask determines the pattern to which the datastores names must adhere to be classified in this OdiSubModel instance.

the mask for data stores distribution
See Also:


public void setDistributionMask(java.lang.String pDistributionMask)
Set the distribution mask for this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution mask determines the pattern to which the datastores names must adhere to be classified in this OdiSubModel instance.

pDistributionMask - the data stores distribution mask
See Also:


public OdiSubModel.DistributionRule getDistributionRule()
Get the distribution rule for this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution rule determines which datastores will be considered and compared to the automatic assignment mask.

the distribution rule
See Also:


public void setDistributionRule(OdiSubModel.DistributionRule pDistributionRule)
Set the distribution rule for this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution rule determines which datastores will be considered and compared to the automatic assignment mask.

By default distribution rule is set to OdiSubModel.DistributionRule.NO_DISTRIBUTION.

pDistributionRule - the distribution rule
DomainRuntimeException - if given rule is null
See Also:


public java.lang.String getDistributionOrder()
Get the distribution order for this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution order determines the order in which the mask is applied at the end of a reverse-engineering process. Consequently, a rule with a high priority order on all datastores will have precedence. A rule with a high order on non classified datastores will apply only on datastores ignored by the other rules' patterns. At the end of the reverse-engineering process, new datastores are considered as non classified. Those already classified as a sub model stay attached to their sub model.

the distribution order of this OdiSubModel instance
See Also:


public void setDistributionOrder(java.lang.String pDistributionOrder)
Defines the distribution order of this OdiSubModel instance.

The distribution order determines the order in which the mask is applied at the end of a reverse-engineering process. Consequently, a rule with a high priority order on all datastores will have precedence. A rule with a high order on non classified datastores will apply only on datastores ignored by the other rules' patterns. At the end of the reverse-engineering process, new datastores are considered as non classified. Those already classified as a sub model stay attached to their sub model.

By default distribution order is set to null.

pDistributionOrder - the distribution order
See Also:


public void setName(java.lang.String pName)
Set the name of this OdiSubModel instance.
pName - sub model name
DomainRuntimeException - if the name is null, empty, contains whitespaces or is longer than NAME_MAX_LENGTH

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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