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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class OdiLoadPlanStepContainer

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement
              extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep
                  extended by oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStepContainer

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, IRepositoryEntity
Direct Known Subclasses:
OdiLoadPlanStepParallel, OdiLoadPlanStepSerial

public abstract class OdiLoadPlanStepContainer
extends OdiLoadPlanStep

This abstract class represents the steps that serve as container for other steps. They own and manage a list of children steps.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep
OdiLoadPlanStep.ExceptionBehavior, OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep


Fields inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement


Method Summary
 OdiLoadPlanStepCase addStepCase(java.lang.String pStepName, OdiLoadPlanVariable pVariable)
          Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepCase, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
 OdiLoadPlanStepParallel addStepParallel(java.lang.String pStepName)
          Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepParallel, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
 OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario addStepRunScenario(java.lang.String pStepName, OdiScenario pScenario, OdiLogicalAgent pLogicalAgent, OdiContext pContext)
          Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
 OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario addStepRunScenario(java.lang.String pStepName, Tag pScenarioTag, OdiLogicalAgent pLogicalAgent, OdiContext pContext)
          Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
 OdiLoadPlanStepSerial addStepSerial(java.lang.String pStepName)
          Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepSerial, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
 void addStepToEnd(OdiLoadPlanStep pStep)
          Adds the OdiLoadPlanStep as the last child of this OdiLoadPlanStepContainer.
 OdiLoadPlanStep copy(boolean generateName)
          Deprecated. since consider using OdiLoadPlanStep.duplicate() or OdiLoadPlanStep.duplicate(OdiLoadPlanStep) method.
 java.util.List<OdiLoadPlanStep> getChildrenSteps()
          Provides a common getter for the persistence layer to obtain an identity, irrespective of the actual type of identity used.
 void moveAfter(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove, OdiLoadPlanStep pAfterThisStep)
          Moves the given step in the children list, putting it right after the second parameter step.
 void moveBefore(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove, OdiLoadPlanStep pBeforeThisStep)
          Moves the given step in the children list, putting it right before the second parameter step.
No action if pStepToMove is already right before pBeforeThisStep.
 int prepareForMovingSteps(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove, OdiLoadPlanStep targetStep)
 void regenerate(OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode pRegenerationMode, IOdiScenarioGenerator pScenarioGenerator)
           Will regenerate all scenarios of this step and its children according to the specified RegenerationMode.
If this step is a RunScenario step type it regenerates only this step scenario.
This operation is not supported if the work repository is a runtime repository.
This operation will not happen if one of the scenario original object doesn't exist anymore (throws OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException
 void removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep pOdiLoadPlanStep)
          Removes the given step of the list of children steps and updates the order for the remaining children steps.


Methods inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep
addVariable, addVariable, duplicate, duplicate, getException, getExceptionBehavior, getLoadPlanStepVariables, getOrder, getParentElement, getSessionKeywordsAsString, getTimeout, isEnabled, removeVariable, setEnabled, setException, setExceptionBehavior, setSessionKeywordsAsString, setTimeout


Methods inherited from class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement
getName, getSecurityContainer, getStepId, hasDisabledParent, setName, toString


Methods inherited from class


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public getInternalId()
Description copied from interface: IRepositoryEntity
Provides a common getter for the persistence layer to obtain an identity, irrespective of the actual type of identity used.

Typically a subclass will delegate to a public SomePrimitiveWrapper getId() method. The necessity for the getInternalId() abstract method is solely because the persistence layer needs a way of obtaining the identity irrespective of the actual identity implementation choice.

Returning null from this method will indicate the object has never been saved. This will likely be relied on by some DAO implementations.

Specified by:
getInternalId in interface IRepositoryEntity
getInternalId in class OdiLoadPlanStep
the persistence identity of this instance


public OdiLoadPlanStepCase addStepCase(java.lang.String pStepName,
                                       OdiLoadPlanVariable pVariable)
Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepCase, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
pStepName - the name of the new OdiLoadPlanStepCase
pVariable - the OdiLoadPlanVariable on which the OdiLoadPlanStepCase will rely
the OdiLoadPlanStepCase created
See Also:
#addStepParallel(String, int), addStepRunScenario(String, OdiScenario, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiContext), addStepSerial(String), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep), getChildrenSteps()


public OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario addStepRunScenario(java.lang.String pStepName,
                                                     OdiScenario pScenario,
                                                     OdiLogicalAgent pLogicalAgent,
                                                     OdiContext pContext)
Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
pStepName - the name of the new OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario. Must not be null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
pScenario - the OdiScenario that the step must run. Must not be null
pLogicalAgent - the OdiLogicalAgent on which the OdiScenario must be run
pContext - the OdiContext on which the OdiScenario must be run
the OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario created
DomainRuntimeException - if the name is null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
DomainRuntimeException - if the scenario is null
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), #addStepParallel(String, int), addStepSerial(String), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep), getChildrenSteps()


public OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario addStepRunScenario(java.lang.String pStepName,
                                                     Tag pScenarioTag,
                                                     OdiLogicalAgent pLogicalAgent,
                                                     OdiContext pContext)
Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
pStepName - the name of the new OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario. Must not be null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
pScenarioTag - the Tag identifier for OdiScenario that the step must run. Must not be null
pLogicalAgent - the OdiLogicalAgent on which the OdiScenario must be run
pContext - the OdiContext on which the OdiScenario must be run
the OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario created
DomainRuntimeException - if the name is null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
DomainRuntimeException - if the scenario tag is null
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), #addStepParallel(String, int), addStepSerial(String), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep), getChildrenSteps()


public void removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep pOdiLoadPlanStep)
Removes the given step of the list of children steps and updates the order for the remaining children steps.
pOdiLoadPlanStep - the step to remove. Must not be null or defined in another loadplan
DomainRuntimeException - if the step is null or defined in another loadplan
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), #addStepParallel(String, int), addStepRunScenario(String, OdiScenario, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiContext), addStepSerial(String), getChildrenSteps()


public java.util.List<OdiLoadPlanStep> getChildrenSteps()
the unmodifiable collection of children OdiLoadPlanStep for this step
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), #addStepParallel(String, int), addStepRunScenario(String, OdiScenario, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiContext), addStepSerial(String), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep)


public OdiLoadPlanStepSerial addStepSerial(java.lang.String pStepName)
Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepSerial, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
pStepName - the name of the new OdiLoadPlanStepSerial. Must not be null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
the OdiLoadPlanStepSerial created
DomainRuntimeException - if the name is null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), #addStepParallel(String, int), addStepRunScenario(String, OdiScenario, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiContext), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep), getChildrenSteps()


public OdiLoadPlanStepParallel addStepParallel(java.lang.String pStepName)
Creates an instance of OdiLoadPlanStepParallel, adds it to the list of children steps in the last position and returns it.
pStepName - the name of the new OdiLoadPlanStepParallel. Must not be null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
the OdiLoadPlanStepParallel created
DomainRuntimeException - if the name is null, empty or longer than #NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
See Also:
addStepCase(String, OdiLoadPlanVariable), addStepRunScenario(String, OdiScenario, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiContext), addStepSerial(String), removeStep(OdiLoadPlanStep), getChildrenSteps()


public int prepareForMovingSteps(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove,
                                 OdiLoadPlanStep targetStep)


public void moveAfter(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove,
                      OdiLoadPlanStep pAfterThisStep)
Moves the given step in the children list, putting it right after the second parameter step.
No action if pStepToMove is already right after pAfterThisStep.
pStepToMove -
pAfterThisStep -
DomainRuntimeException - if the steps are not defined in the same step container


public void moveBefore(OdiLoadPlanStep pStepToMove,
                       OdiLoadPlanStep pBeforeThisStep)
Moves the given step in the children list, putting it right before the second parameter step.
No action if pStepToMove is already right before pBeforeThisStep.
pStepToMove -
pBeforeThisStep -
DomainRuntimeException - if the steps are not defined in the same step container


public void addStepToEnd(OdiLoadPlanStep pStep)
Adds the OdiLoadPlanStep as the last child of this OdiLoadPlanStepContainer.

It is not possible to add the step belonging to a different OdiLoadPlan.

pStep - OdiLoadPlanStep to add
DomainRuntimeException - if pStep belongs to a different OdiLoadPlan


public void regenerate(OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode pRegenerationMode,
                       IOdiScenarioGenerator pScenarioGenerator)
Description copied from class: OdiLoadPlanStep

Will regenerate all scenarios of this step and its children according to the specified RegenerationMode.
If this step is a RunScenario step type it regenerates only this step scenario.
This operation is not supported if the work repository is a runtime repository.
This operation will not happen if one of the scenario original object doesn't exist anymore (throws OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException

regenerate in class OdiLoadPlanStep
pRegenerationMode - Must not be null.
pScenarioGenerator - The scenario generation service used. Must not be null.


public OdiLoadPlanStep copy(boolean generateName)
Deprecated. since consider using OdiLoadPlanStep.duplicate() or OdiLoadPlanStep.duplicate(OdiLoadPlanStep) method.


copy in class OdiLoadPlanStep

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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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