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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive

Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces.


Interface Summary
IActionHelper This interface provides the generic helper methods for various actions on ODI interface objects.
IAliasComputer This interface provides the alias name computation for ODI interface data stores.
IAutoFixManager This interface manages the auto-fixing of actions.
IClauseImporter This interface imports the filter and join conditions for ODI interface objects.
IdManager This is the interface for managing object ids for ODI interface objects.
IImpacts Implementations of this interface represent impacts that have been caused by the execution of an action.
IInteractiveInterfaceHelper Any class implementing this interface is a helper to manipulate Odi interfaces in an interactive way.
IInteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions Any class implementing this interface is a helper to manipulate Odi interfaces in an interactive way.
IInterfaceAction This is the interface for performing various actions on ODI interface objects.
IInterfaceActionListener This is the interface for responding to the result of the various actions performed on ODI interface objects.
IInterfaceIssue This is the interface representing the errors (issues) related to ODI interface objects.
IInterfaceUndoListener This is the interface for managing the "undo" of actions performed on ODI interface objects.
IIssueFix This is the interface representing the fixes that can be applied to issues related to ODI interface objects.
IMappingMatchPolicy An interface that can be implemented to define a matching policy that is used to reuse mappings when the target data store of an interface is changed.
ISourceSetComputer Computes source sets for an interface.


Class Summary
InterfaceObjectModification This class manages the modifications performed on ODI interface objects.


Enum Summary
IInterfaceIssue.Origin Origin indicates the area of the interface where the issue is related to.
IInterfaceIssue.Severity Severity levels give information about the state of the interface and its children.
InterfaceObjectModification.Modification Modification indicates the action performed on the ODI interface object.


Package oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Description

Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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