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Class tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy

  extended by com.thortech.xl.util.adapters.tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy

public class tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class that creates the organization hierarchy from an LDAP perspective in a vector. Uses the lookup LDAP.Organization.Type.Map to map organization types ("Company",...) to object types ("OU",...)

Nishant Kaushik
January 22, 2002

Constructor Summary
tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy(com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataProvider DataBase)
          Creates a new tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy object.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHierarchyString(java.lang.String psActKey)
          Returns the hierarchy string
 java.util.Vector getHierarchyVector(java.lang.String psActKey)
          Returns the hierarchy vector
 java.lang.String getParentHierarchyString(java.lang.String psActKey)
          Returns the hierarchy string of the organization that is the parent of the specified organization
 java.util.Vector getParentHierarchyVector(java.lang.String psActKey)
          Returns the hierarchy vector of the organization that is the parent of the specified organization
 java.lang.String getPathFromVector(java.util.Vector hierarchy)
          Uses the hierarchy vector of string arrays (of format {Class Type, Object CN}) to build the hierarchy string


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy(com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataProvider DataBase)
Creates a new tcUtilLDAPOrganizationHierarchy object.
DataBase -

Method Detail


public java.util.Vector getHierarchyVector(java.lang.String psActKey)
Returns the hierarchy vector
psActKey - the organization whose hierarchy needsd to be built (inclusive)
A vector of string arrays, where each string array contains one organization record, with the following data: {Org. Type, Org. Name}. The Org Type refers to the LDAP object type, eg OU, CN, etc


public java.lang.String getHierarchyString(java.lang.String psActKey)
Returns the hierarchy string
psActKey - the organization whose hierarchy needsd to be built (inclusive)
A String of format "Class Type=Object CN,Class Type=Object CN" where:
- Class Type is the objects class type ("CN", "OU", ...)
- Object CN is the LDAP objects common name (" nkaushik", "finance group", ... ). Basically whatever is assigned to the mandatory property "cn" or "ou".


public java.util.Vector getParentHierarchyVector(java.lang.String psActKey)
Returns the hierarchy vector of the organization that is the parent of the specified organization
psActKey - the organization whose parent hierarchy needs to be built (exclusive)
A vector of string arrays, where each string array contains one organization record, with the following data: {Org. Type, Org. Name}. The Org Type refers to the LDAP object type, eg OU, CN, etc


public java.lang.String getParentHierarchyString(java.lang.String psActKey)
Returns the hierarchy string of the organization that is the parent of the specified organization
psActKey - the organization whose parent hierarchy needs to be built
A String of format "Class Type=Object CN,Class Type=Object CN" where:
- Class Type is the objects class type ("CN", "OU", ...)
- Object CN is the LDAP objects common name (" nkaushik", "finance group", ... ). Basically whatever is assigned to the mandatory property "cn" or "ou".


public java.lang.String getPathFromVector(java.util.Vector hierarchy)
Uses the hierarchy vector of string arrays (of format {Class Type, Object CN}) to build the hierarchy string
hierarchyVector -
String Hierarchy vector converted to a string

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