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Interface OIMMigrationService

public interface OIMMigrationService

Method Summary
 java.util.List exportJars(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria, java.lang.String exportLocation)
          Exports the Jars from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
 java.util.List exportPlugins(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria, java.lang.String exportLocation)
          Exports the Plugins from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
 java.util.List exportResourceBundles(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria, java.lang.String exportLocation)
          Exports the Custom Resource bundles from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
 java.util.HashMap getExportList(java.util.HashMap searchCriteriaMap)
          Get the list of Jars, Plugins and CRBs for export as per the search criteria provided.
 void importPackage(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
          Uploads all the contents of the import packge into the DB .
 void importPlugins(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
          Uploads the set of Plugins to the OIM DB.
 void importResourceBundles(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
          Uploads the set of Resource Bundles to the OIM DB.
 java.util.ArrayList listData(java.lang.String packageLocation)
          Lists the data that is part of the import package
 void printErrorReport()
          Lists the data that is part of the import package


Method Detail


java.util.HashMap getExportList(java.util.HashMap searchCriteriaMap)
Get the list of Jars, Plugins and CRBs for export as per the search criteria provided.
FiletringCriteria - Filtering Criteria to get the data from the DB


java.util.List exportJars(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria,
                          java.lang.String exportLocation)
Exports the Jars from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
FiletringCriteria - Filtering Criteria to get the data from the DB
exportLocation - Location where the files are to be downloaded


java.util.List exportPlugins(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria,
                             java.lang.String exportLocation)
Exports the Plugins from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
FiletringCriteria - Filtering Criteria to get the data from the DB
exportLocation - Location where the files are to be downloaded


void importPlugins(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
Uploads the set of Plugins to the OIM DB.
Consumers - horizontal Migration Utility
dataMap - HashMap of all the Migration Data Objects with their type which are to be imported into the DB


java.util.List exportResourceBundles(SearchCriteria FiletringCriteria,
                                     java.lang.String exportLocation)
Exports the Custom Resource bundles from the OIM DB as per the search criteria provided.
FiletringCriteria - Filtering Criteria to get the data from the DB
exportLocation - Location where the files are to be downloaded


void importResourceBundles(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
Uploads the set of Resource Bundles to the OIM DB.
Consumers - horizontal Migration Utility
dataMap - HashMap of all the Migration Data Objects with their type which are to be imported into the DB


void importPackage(java.util.HashMap dataMap)
Uploads all the contents of the import packge into the DB .
Consumers - horizontal Migration Utility
dataMap - HashMap of all the Migration Data Objects with their type which are to be imported into the DB


java.util.ArrayList listData(java.lang.String packageLocation)
Lists the data that is part of the import package
packageLocation - - Location of the Import package
List of files in the Import package


void printErrorReport()
Lists the data that is part of the import package
packageLocation - - Location of the Import package

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