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Package oracle.iam.callbacks.vo

Class Summary
ApplicableCallbacks This class contains about applicable callbacks for given orchestrations and given provisioning steps.
CallbackConfiguration This object is not thread-safe.
CallbackConfigurationType Java class for CallbackConfigurationType complex type.
CallbackInvocationResult ### Generated by Oracle TopLink Workbench - Thu Mar 19 01:51:17 PDT 2009.
CallbackType Java class for CallbackType complex type.
LocaleSpecificString A type that contains a string that has been expressed in the language indicated by its language attribute (an empty language attribute indicates that the language is either unknown or is the system default).
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the oracle.iam.callbacks.vo package.
PolicyStepsType Async steps are invoked asynchronously, syncSteps are invoked synchronously.
PolicyType Java class for PolicyType complex type.
StepsType Java class for StepsType complex type.


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