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Interface CommonNamePolicy

public interface CommonNamePolicy

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCommonNameFromPolicy(java.util.Map userData)
          This API returns an auto-generated common name as per the policy.
 java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
          This API returns the description of the default policy configured in the system property - XL.DefaultCommonNamePolicyImpl.
 boolean isCommonNameValid(java.lang.String commonName, java.util.Map reqData)
          Validates if the common name is as per the policy.


Method Detail


java.lang.String getCommonNameFromPolicy(java.util.Map userData)
                                         throws CommonNameGenerationException
This API returns an auto-generated common name as per the policy.
userData - a map of user data containing all user attributes, like First Name, Last Name, act_key, etc. We need all attributes as for checking if the CN already exists in LDAP, we need to evaluate the container rules. These rules could be based on any user attributes.
the auto generated common name based on the policy configured in the system property - XL.DefaultCommonNamePolicyImpl


boolean isCommonNameValid(java.lang.String commonName,
                          java.util.Map reqData)
Validates if the common name is as per the policy. To validate, it again requires the user data - first name, last name, act_key, etc. If this is null, it will only validate if user exists (in ldap, if configured, under default container) or is reserved in OIM DB.
commonName - the commonName which is to be validated whether it conforms to policy or not
reqData - a map of user data containing basic user info - first name, last name, middle name, email, locale. Based on the policy, the applicable attributes will be picked.
true if commonName is valid


java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
This API returns the description of the default policy configured in the system property - XL.DefaultCommonNamePolicyImpl. The translated description will be returned.
locale - the description returned will be translated as per this locale.
the translated description about the default common name generation policy.

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