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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Real-Time Decisions
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use ValueFilter
com.sigmadynamics.server.rtis.PredictionEngine Platform support for prediction models. 


Uses of ValueFilter in com.sigmadynamics.server.rtis.PredictionEngine


Subclasses of ValueFilter in com.sigmadynamics.server.rtis.PredictionEngine
 class DiscreteValueFilter
           Used in querying Prediction Models for filtering discrete attributes.
 class NumericValueFilter
          Filter for numeric values.


Methods in com.sigmadynamics.server.rtis.PredictionEngine that return ValueFilter
 ValueFilter[] PredictorInterface.makeExplicitFilter(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] filter)
          Creates an explicit representation of a filter by filling in missing values, numeric intervals and missing sub-filters.


Methods in com.sigmadynamics.server.rtis.PredictionEngine with parameters of type ValueFilter
 void PredictorInterface.getExpectedValues(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, SDDoubleArray values)
          Returns predicted numeric values for a set of values of partitioning attributes specified by an output filter.
 void PredictorInterface.getExpectedValues(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, SDDoubleArray values, SDDoubleArray standardDeviations)
          Returns predicted numeric values and their standard deviations for a set of values of partitioning attributes specified by an output filter.
 void PredictorInterface.getLikelihoods(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, SDDoubleArray likelihoods, boolean relaxed)
          Returns predicted likelihoods for a set of values of target and partitioning attributes specified by an output filter.
 void PredictorInterface.getLikelihoods(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, SDDoubleArray likelihoods, SDDoubleArray standardDeviations, boolean relaxed)
          Returns predicted likelihoods for a set of values of target and partitioning attributes specified by an output filter.
 int PredictorInterface.getModelCount(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, ModelCount modelCount)
 float PredictorInterface.getModelError(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, ModelError modelError)
 float PredictorInterface.getModelLift(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, ModelLift modelLift)
 float PredictorInterface.getModelQuality(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] outputFilter)
 void PredictorInterface.getMostLikelyValues(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, int outputAttributeId, int n, SDStringArray values, SDDoubleArray likelihoods)
          Returns predicted most likely values of a given attribute.
 PredictionContribution[][] PredictorInterface.getWhy(ModelInterface model, InputProvider input, ValueFilter[] outputFilter, int topN)
          Returns a list of attribute values that contribute the most to the model score.
 ValueFilter[] PredictorInterface.makeExplicitFilter(ModelInterface model, ValueFilter[] filter)
          Creates an explicit representation of a filter by filling in missing values, numeric intervals and missing sub-filters.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Real-Time Decisions
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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