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Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Uses of Class

Packages that use SchedulerException Enterprise Scheduler API interfaces and classes, including RuntimeService and MetadataService. Support for substitution on environment, configuration, execution context, and parameters. 


Uses of SchedulerException in


Subclasses of SchedulerException in
 class AlreadyExistsException
          Thrown if object being created already exists in the system.
 class ConcurrentUpdateException
          This exception is thrown when the metadata API detects concurrent update on a metadata object.
 class ConstraintException
          This exception class is thrown to violation of a system enforced constraint
 class ExecutionBizErrorException
          Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate a business error condition was encountered during execution.
 class ExecutionCancelledException
          Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate execution cancelled.
 class ExecutionErrorException
          Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate an error condition was encountered during execution.
 class ExecutionManualRecoveryException
 class ExecutionPausedException
          Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate request execution should be paused to allow submitted sub-requests to execute.
 class ExecutionWarningException
          Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate a warning condition was encountered during execution.
 class IllegalArgumentException
          This exception is thrown when one or more arguments to a method is incorrect or invalid
 class IllegalStateException
          This exception class is thrown when system or request state to perform and operation is incorrect or invalid.
 class InvalidPropertyException
          This exception is thrown to indicate that a property in the list of constrainable properties is invalid.
 class MetadataIllegalOperationException
          Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate illegal operations.
 class MetadataNotFoundException
 class MetadataServiceAccessControlException
          Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
 class MetadataServiceException
          Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
 class NotAllowedException
          This exception class is thrown to indicate that a specific operation is not allowed for the given set of arguments.
 class NotFoundException
          This exception class is thrown to indicate that the request object is not found in the system.
 class RequestNotFoundException
 class RollbackException
 class RuntimeIllegalOperationException
 class RuntimeServiceAccessControlException
          Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
 class RuntimeServiceException
          Thrown when the Runtime Service is unable to process the request due to a system error.
 class RuntimeStoreAccessException
 class RuntimeStoreLockException
 class SchedulerUserAssertionException
          Base class for all runtime exceptions..
 class UnsupportedOperationException
          This exception class is thrown to indicate that a specific operation is not supported
 class ValidationException
          Exception class thrown to indicate failures in metadata object validations before persisting into the metadata repository.


Methods in that throw SchedulerException
static Schedule Schedule.fromXmlString(java.lang.String xmlString)
          Deserialize a String returned from Schedule.toXmlString().
 java.lang.String Schedule.toXmlString()
          Serialize this object into an XML String.


Uses of SchedulerException in


Subclasses of SchedulerException in


Uses of SchedulerException in


Subclasses of SchedulerException in
 class SubstitutionException


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Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

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