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Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidationException Enterprise Scheduler API interfaces and classes, including RuntimeService and MetadataService. Request Log and Output Content API. 


Uses of ValidationException in


Methods in that throw ValidationException
 void Incompatibility.addEntity(IncompatibleEntity incompEntity)
          Adds an incompatibility entity to this object.
 void Incompatibility.addEntity(MetadataObjectId entity, boolean selfIncompatible)
          Adds an incompatibility entity to this object.
 void Incompatibility.addEntity(MetadataObjectId entity, java.lang.String property, boolean selfIncompatible)
          Adds an incompatibility entity to this object.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, ExclusionsDefinition exclusion, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Exclusion in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Incompatibility incompatibility, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist an Incompatibility in the metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobDefinition jobDefn, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobDefinition in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobSet jobset, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobSet in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobType jobType, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobType in the metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Schedule schedule, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Schedule in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 void JobSet.addStep(JobSetStep step)
          Adds the given step to this JobSet.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.addTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Trigger trigger, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Trigger in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Map RuntimeService.checkRequestPrivilege(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long[] requestIds, RuntimeDataPermission.Action... privileges)
          Check whether the current user has privilegs on the input requests identified by a list of request ids.
abstract  T BaseMetadata.clone(java.lang.String newName)
 Incompatibility Incompatibility.clone(java.lang.String newName)
 JobSet JobSet.clone(java.lang.String newName)
 void MetadataService.close(MetadataServiceHandle handle)
          Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.
 void MetadataService.close(MetadataServiceHandle handle, boolean abort)
          Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Exclusion to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone an Incompatibility to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobDefinition to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobSet to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobType to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Schedule to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId MetadataService.copyTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Trigger to another with the given name.
 void MetadataService.customizeJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobDefinition jobDefinition, MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property, newValue)
 void MetadataService.customizeJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobSet jobSet, MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property, newValue)
 java.lang.Object RuntimeService.getRequestParameter(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the value of a request parameter.
static java.lang.Object JobSetStepProperty.getTypedObject(java.lang.String propName, java.lang.String val)
          Returns the given value converted into the appropriate type for the given property name.
 void RuntimeService.publishEvent(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String targetApplication, ApplicationEvent event)
          Publishes an application event to the event queue.
 java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.Long> RuntimeService.queryRequests(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, RuntimeService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Retrieves an enumeration of the request identifers for all requests whose attribute and system properties match those specified by the query parameters
 void RuntimeService.replaceSchedule(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, MetadataObjectId scheduleId)
          Replace the current schedule for a request that has already been submitted.
 void RuntimeService.replaceSchedule(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, MetadataObjectId scheduleId, Schedule schedule, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end)
          Replace the current schedule for a request that has already been submitted with a schedule.
 void RuntimeService.replaceSchedule(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, Schedule schedule)
          Replace the current schedule for a request that has already been submitted.
 void JobSet.setJsSteps(JobSetStep[] steps)
          Sets the steps for this jobset to the given steps.
 void RuntimeService.setRequestParameter(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the value of a request parameter for a specified request.
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, RequestExecutionContext context, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId definition, RequestParameters parameters)
          Submits a sub-request.
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String description, JobType.ExecutionType type, Schedule schedule, Trigger trigger, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end, RequestParameters parameters)
          Adhoc job request submission using specified Schedule and Trigger instances.
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId definition, java.util.Calendar start, RequestParameters parameters)
          Creates a new job request using metadata definition of the job to run once on a specific time.
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId definition, MetadataObjectId trigger, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end, RequestParameters parameters)
          Creates a new job request using metadata definitions of the job and associated trigger
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId definition, MetadataObjectId schedule, MetadataObjectId trigger, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end, RequestParameters parameters)
          Creates a new job request using metadata definitions of the job, schedule and associated trigger.
 long RuntimeService.submitRequest(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId definition, Schedule schedule, Trigger trigger, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end, RequestParameters parameters)
          Adhoc job request submission using job definition from metadata.
 void MetadataService.updateExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, ExclusionsDefinition exclusion)
          Method to update a given Exclusion.
 void MetadataService.updateIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Incompatibility incompatibility)
          Method to update a given Incompatibility.
 void MetadataService.updateJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobDefinition jobDefn)
          Method to update a given JobDefinition.
 void MetadataService.updateJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobSet jobset)
          Method to update a given JobSet.
 void MetadataService.updateJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobType jobType)
          Method to update a given JobType.
 void RuntimeService.updateRequestParameter(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Updates the value of a request parameter for a specified request.
 void RuntimeService.updateRequestStartEnd(RuntimeServiceHandle handle, long requestId, java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end)
          Replace the start and end time for a request that has already been submitted.
 void MetadataService.updateScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Schedule schedule)
          Method to update a given Schedule.
 void MetadataService.updateTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Trigger trigger)
          Method to update a given Trigger.
 void BaseMetadata.validate()
 void Exclusion.validate()
          Validates this instance of Exclusion to make sure it contains valid Recurrence or ExplicitDate.
 void Recurrence.validate()
          Checks if this Recurrence instance represents a complete recurrence pattern or not.
 void JobDefinition.validate(JobType jobType)
 void WorkAssignment.validateBound()
          Validates this as a bound WorkAssignment.
protected abstract  void BaseMetadata.validateCustom()
protected  void ExclusionsDefinition.validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of ExclusionsDefinition.
protected  void Incompatibility.validateCustom()
          Validates this incompatibility definition instance.
protected  void JobDefinition.validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of JobDefinition.
protected  void JobSet.validateCustom()
          Validates this JobSet.
protected  void JobType.validateCustom()
          Performs validations on this object to ensure the associated data is valid.
protected  void Schedule.validateCustom()
          Validates this object.
protected  void Trigger.validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of Trigger.
protected  void WorkAssignment.validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of WorkAssignment.
protected  void Workshift.validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of Workshift.
 void JobSet.validateForExecution()
          Validates this JobSet for execution.


Uses of ValidationException in


Methods in that throw ValidationException
static OutputContentHelper ContentFactory.getOutputContentHelper(long requestId)
          Gets the helper for creating output content for requests with Standard or Extended request mode.
static OutputContentHelper ContentFactory.getOutputContentHelper(long requestId, RuntimeServiceHandle rsh)
          Gets the helper for creating output content for requests with Standard or Extended request mode.
static RequestOutput ContentFactory.getRequestOutput(RuntimeServiceHandle rsh, long requestId, ContentType contentType, java.lang.String contentName)
          Returns the request output and creates the output content for the request.
 void RequestOutput.write(byte[] bytes)
          Appends the bytes to the binary output content.
 void RequestOutput.write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
          Appends the bytes to the binary output content.
 void RequestOutput.write(char[] chars)
          Appends the characters to the text output content.
 void RequestOutput.write(char[] chars, int offset, int length)
          Appends the charactes to the text output content.
 void RequestOutput.write(java.lang.String str)
          Appends the String to the text output content.
 void RequestOutput.write(java.lang.String str, int offset, int length)
          Appends the String to the text output content.
 void RequestOutput.writeln(java.lang.String str)
          Appends the String to the text output content, followed by a line feed character.


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Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (

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