8 Changing Configuration Information

This chapter describes how to change Oracle WebCenter Content Server configurations with the Idoc Script Custom Scripting Language and with other development tools and technologies.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 About Changing Configuration Information

You can change configuration information with Idoc Script, a proprietary, server-side custom scripting language for Content Server. With Idoc Script, you can reference variables, conditionally include content in HTML pages, and loop over results returned from queries. Because Idoc Script is evaluated on the server side (rather than the client side), page elements are processed after the browser has made a request, but before the requested page is returned to the client.

For advanced customizations and integration with other business systems, you can use other development tools and technologies that Content Server supports.

8.2 Changing Configurations with the Idoc Script Custom Scripting Language

Idoc Script is primarily used in the following situations:

  • For include code, an include defines pieces of code used to build Oracle WebCenter Content Server web pages. They are defined once in a resource file then referenced by template files as necessary. Includes are used on almost every page of the Oracle WebCenter Content Server website.

    A super tag can also be used, which defines exceptions to an existing include. The super tag tells the include to start with an existing include and add to it or modify it using the specified code.

  • For variables, you can use variables to customize the Oracle WebCenter Content Server behavior. Variable values can be stored in an environment resource, such as the config.cfg file and many are predefined in Oracle WebCenter Content Server. You can also define your own custom variables.

  • For functions, many built-in global functions are used in Oracle WebCenter Content Server. These perform actions such as date formatting or string comparisons. Some functions return results and some are used for personalization functions, such as those found on the My Profile page.

  • For conditionals, you can use conditionals to test code and include or exclude the code from an assembled web page.

  • For looping, two types of looping are available using Idoc Script: ResultSet looping, in which a set of code is repeated for each row in a ResultSet that is returned from a query and while looping, which is a conditional loop.

  • In Administration areas, such as Workflow customization, web layouts, archiver and search expressions.

For information about usage, syntax, and configuration variables, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

8.3 Changing Configurations with Development Tools and Technologies

For advanced customizations and integration with other business systems, Content Server supports the following development tools and technologies:

  • VBScript

  • ASP

  • J++

  • JavaScript

  • ASP+

  • J2EE

  • Java

  • JSP

  • COM

  • Visual Basic

  • DreamWeaver

  • .Net

  • C++

  • Visual InterDev