Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Release Notes General Information

11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


November 2014

This chapter introduces Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes General Information, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).

1 Latest Release Information

This document is accurate at the time of publication. Oracle will update the release notes periodically after the software release. You can access the latest information and additions to these release notes on the Oracle Technology Network at:

This section contains the following topic:

1.1 Finding Release Information Quickly

Prior to June 2014, the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes document contained all generic issues across all product areas. Different port-specific versions of the document contained additional port-specific information.

In June 2014, two usability improvements were introduced to make it easier to find release information:

2 Purpose of this Document

This document contains the release information for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). It describes differences between Oracle Fusion Middleware and its documented functionality.

Oracle recommends you review its contents before installing, or working with the product.

3 System Requirements and Specifications

Oracle Fusion Middleware installation and configuration will not complete successfully unless users meet the hardware and software pre-requisite requirements before installation.

For more information, see "Review System Requirements and Specifications" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Planning Guide

4 Memory Requirements

Oracle Fusion Middleware memory requirements for installation, configuration, and runtime are as follows:

  1. Without a Database on the same server: Minimum 4 GB physical memory and 4 GB swap.

  2. With a Database on the same server: Minimum 6 GB physical memory and 6 GB swap.


    These minimum memory values are with the assumption that no user or operating system process is consuming any unusually high amount of memory. If such a condition exists, corresponding amount of additional physical memory will be required.

5 Certification Information

This section contains the following:

5.1 Where to Find Oracle Fusion Middleware Certification Information

The latest certification information for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) is available at the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations Central Hub:

5.2 Certification Exceptions

This section describes known issues (exceptions) and their workarounds that are associated with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g certifications. For a list of known issues that are associated with specific Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) components, see the Release Notes for the specific Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) component.

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Certification Information for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g R1 with Oracle Database

If you choose to configure Oracle Internet Directory with Database vault, do the following:

  1. Apply patch 8897382 to fix bug 8897382.


    the following workaround is required only if the Oracle Fusion Middleware version is (11gR1). This issue will be fixed in
  2. Apply the workaround for bug 8987186 by editing <OH>/ldap/datasecurity/dbv_oid_command_rules.sql file and find the following declaration:

          command => 'CONNECT'
          ,rule_set_name => 'OID App Access'
          ,object_owner => 'ODS'
          ,object_name => '%'
          ,enabled => 'Y');

and change the line that is indicated in bold:

      command => 'CONNECT'
      ,rule_set_name => 'OID App Access'
      ,object_owner => '%'
      ,object_name => '%'
      ,enabled => 'Y');

5.2.2 Excel Export Issue on Windows Vista Client

Vista prevents applets from creating files in the local file system if the User Account Control (UAC) system is turned on. You can experience this problem if you have the UAC setting enabled on Vista and if you use a component like Discoverer Plus. If you start Discoverer Plus and if you try exporting a worksheet to a specified directory, the exporting succeeds but you cannot see the exported file in the directory. The available workarounds is to disable UAC and set protection mode to OFF. Refer to Bugs 8410655 and 7328867 for additional information.

5.2.3 Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports 11g Installer Issues In Windows Vista and Windows XP

Only the design-time environments (Builders) are supported for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports in Windows Vista and Windows XP.However, in the Configure Components screen in the Oracle Installer, the Server Components, Management Components and System Components are selected by default, but Developer Tools is deselected. When installing Oracle Forms Builder, or Oracle Reports Builder on Windows Vista and Windows XP computers, you must:

  • Select Developer Tools, such as Oracle Forms Builder or Oracle Reports Builder. Their respective server components are automatically selected.

  • Deselect all System Components and Management Components.

  • Deselect the Portal and Discoverer tools. Two of the Discoverer components – Discoverer Admin and Discoverer Desktop – will be installed even if you do not select Discoverer in the Configure Components screen of the installer. This is the correct, expected behavior in

For Oracle Forms, since the System Components including Oracle HTTP Server are not supported in Windows Vista and Windows XP, the following features are not supported:

  1. Oracle Forms and Reports integration.

  2. The creation of virtual directories.

5.2.4 Restrictions on Specific Browsers Internet Explorer 11

Internet Explorer 11 support requires patch 18277370, which is available from Oracle Support. Internet Explorer Browser Goes Blank When Adding Portlets in Oracle WebCenter

If you add portlets in Oracle WebCenter by using Internet Explorer, then the page can go blank. When it does go blank, a download message appears on the browser's status bar. However, nothing is downloaded and the browser remains blank until you click the browser's back button. If this problem occurs, the portlets will appear only when you hit the browser's back button. This issue does not occur with Firefox.

As a workaround, click the browser's back button. Unable to View the Output of a JSPX Page in Internet Explorer 7

When a JSPX page is deployed and is then accessed using Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), the XHTML source is displayed instead of the page contents. This occurs in both normal and modes.

The workaround is to instruct application users to access the application with Firefox or Safari. Unable to View the Output of SVG files in Internet Explorer 7

When a page using Scalar Vector Graphics is deployed and is then accessed using Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), the source is displayed instead of the page's graphic contents. This occurs in both normal and modes.

The workaround for this issue is that Application developers should avoid using SVG graphics in their applications, as it is not natively supported in IE7. If they are used, a warning similar to the following should be added:

All current browsers, with the exception of Internet Explorer, support SVG files. Internet Explorer requires a plug-in to display SVG files. The plug-ins are available for free, for example, the Adobe SVG Viewer at Java Plugin for Discoverer Plus Not Downloaded Automatically on Firefox

When you attempt to connect to Discoverer Plus by using the Mozilla Firefox browser on a computer that does not have Java 1.6 installed, Firefox does not download the JRE 1.6 plug-in automatically. Instead, Firefox displays the following message: "Additional plugins are required to display this page..."

The workaround is to download the JRE 1.6 plug-in by clicking the Install Missing Plugin link to install it manually.

5.3 JMSDELIVERYCOUNT Is Not Set Properly

When using AQ JMS with Oracle Database, JMXDELIVERYCOUNT is not set correctly.

The workaround is to apply patch 9932143 to Oracle Database For more information, contact Oracle Support.

5.4 Viewer Plugin Required On Safari 4 To View Raw XML Source

You need a Safari plugin to view raw XML. If there is no plugin installed, you will see unformatted XML which will be difficult to read. This is because Safari applies a default stylesheet, which only displays the text nodes in the XML document.

As a workaround, go to View > View Source in the Safari menu bar to see the full XML of the metadata document. Also, selecting File > Save and choosing XML Files as the file type, will correctly save the XML metadata file with all the markup intact.

6 Downloading and Applying Required Patches

After you install and configure Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (, there might be cases where additional patches are required to address specific known issues.

Complete the following steps to obtain a patch:

  1. Log into the My Oracle Support web site at

  2. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

  3. Use the Patch Search area to locate patches.

  4. On the Patch Search Results page, select a patch and click Download to download the patch.

  5. Install the patch by following the instructions in the README file that is included with the patch.

Table 1 lists some of the specific Oracle Fusion Middleware patches that were available at the time these release notes were published.

Table 1 Patches Required to Fix Specific Issues with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

Oracle Fusion Middleware Product or Component Bug/Patch Number Description

Oracle SOA Suite - Oracle BPM Worklist application


Unless you apply this patch, errors appear in the log files when you access the Event Driven page in the Oracle Business Process Management Worklist application.

Oracle XDK for Java


This patch fixes the following issue.

If you use the XSU utility to insert some data into the database, and the database connection had the connection property called oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant set to "true", and the target column was some kind of numeric column, then it is possible for the insert to fail with a the following error:


7 Licensing Information

Licensing information for Oracle Fusion Middleware is available at:

Detailed information regarding license compliance for Oracle Fusion Middleware is available at:

8 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Release Notes General Information, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) &platform;


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