Package com.endeca.navigation

Provides an interface to query the Endeca MDEX Engine and a structure of objects to handle the data returned from the query.


Interface Summary
ENEConnection A connection with an Endeca MDEX Engine.
PropertyContainer Interface for an object that has properties and has those properties exposed as a PropertyMap.

Class Summary
AggrERec A class composed of multiple records all sharing a similarity.
AggrERecList List of aggregated records (AggrERec objects) exposed as a List.
AnalyticsStatementResult Contains the result of executing an Analytics statement.
AssocDimLocations Class encapsulating a list of dimension locations (DimLocation objects) associated by their dimension.
AssocDimLocationsList The class encapsulates a list of associated dimension location groups (AssocDimLocations objects).
AssocNavigationRefs Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions.
AssocNavigationRefsList List of value intersection groups exposed as a java.util.List.
AuthHttpENEConnection Extends HttpENEConnection to provide a connection over to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP that requires authentication.
Dimension Core component of a navigation state query encapsulating all information known about a dimension at the navigation state.
DimensionList List of dimensions (Dimension objects).
DimensionSearchResult Result class for a value search query.
DimensionSearchResultGroup Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions, corresponding to the a result group for a dimension search.
DimensionSearchResultGroupList List of dimension search result groups exposed as a java.util.List.
DimGroup Class encapsulating a group of dimensions.
DimGroupList List of dimension groups (DimGroup objects) exposed as a java.util.List.
DimLocation A class representing a specific location in a dimension.
DimLocationList List containing dimension locations (DimLocation objects).
DimSearchRefinementConfig Class representing a refinement config for dimension search for a dimension value.
DimSearchRefinementConfigList Class that encapsulates a collection of refinement configs for dimension value search (DimSearchRefinementConfig objects).
DimSearchResult Deprecated. This class may not be available in future
DimVal A dimension value is the lowest-level building block that compose dimensions, navigations, and classifications of records.
DimValIdList Every dimension value (DimVal object) has a unique ID.
DimValList A list of dimension values (DimVal objects).
DisabledRefinementsConfig This class represents the configuration of the Disabled Refinement results that will be returned with the query results.
ENEPrincipal Class representing the abstract notion of a principal, which can be used to represent any entity, such as an individual, a corporation, or a login ID.
ENEQuery An object used for expressing queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEQueryInfo An object used to store logging-specific query information, such as a session ID and query ID.
ENEQueryResults Result object returned from a query to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEQueryToolkit ENEQueryToolkit provides static methods for managing the value of the primary URL query parameter in a navigation query.
ERec ERec class is composed of properties and values it is tagged by.
ERecCompoundSearchKey Key with which a record set can be or is text group searched by.
ERecCompoundSearchKeyList Collection of record compound search keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecIdList List of record specifications.
ERecList List of Endeca records exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecRank Class representing a relevance ranking on a navigation record set.
ERecRollupKey Key with which a record set can or is rolled up by.
ERecRollupKeyList Collection of record rollup keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecSearch Class representing a search on a navigation record set.
ERecSearchKey Key with which a record set can be or is text searched by.
ERecSearchKeyList Collection of record search keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecSearchList Class that encapsulates a collection of ERecSearch objects, each of which represents a record search.
ERecSortKey Key with which a record set can or is sorted by.
ERecSortKeyList Collection of record sort keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ESearchAutoSuggestion ESearchAutoSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the MDEX Engine when a record search is performed.
ESearchDYMSuggestion ESearchDYMSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the MDEX Engine when a record search is performed.
ESearchReport ESearchReport objects contain detailed information about record searches.
ESearchReport.Mode Enumeration of Endeca search modes.
ETInstrumentor Class that instruments HTML pages for use with the web-based tools package.
FieldList A list of Endeca property or dimension names that will be used to specify which values will be returned for each record in the result set of a navigation query.
HttpENEConnection Provides a connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
KeyProperties Class providing access to a collection of properties associated with a given Dimension or Property key.
Navigation Top level object returned from an Endeca MDEX Engine.
NavigationRefsList List of navigation refinement values exposed as a java.util.List.
NavStateSearchResult Class encapsulating the results from a dimension value intersection search.
OptionalBoolean Class representing an boolean or an unset value.
OptionalInt Class representing an int or an unset value.
Property Class representing a name/value Endeca property pair.
PropertyMap Class providing access to a collection of properties.
RangeFilter Class representing a range filter on a navigation record set.
RangeFilterList Class that encapsulates a collection of range filters (RangeFilter objects).
RefinementConfig Class representing a dynamic refinement config for a dimension value.
RefinementConfigList Class that encapsulates a collection of dynamic refinement configs (RefinementConfig objects).
StaticCallbackHandler Implements a simple CallbackHandler that only provides user name and password.
StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory A SocketFactory implementation that takes a KeyStore to be used for SSL connections in place of any environment or JVM-specific class.
StratifiedDimVal Class representing the assignment of a dimension value to a specific stratum for sorting.
StratifiedDimValList Class that encapsulates a collection of stratified dimension values (StratifiedDimVal objects).
Supplement Class representing supplemental information and data for a navigation query.
SupplementList List of supplements (Supplement objects) exposed as a java.util.List.
UrlENEQuery An object used for formulating queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine through the use of an input URL.
UrlGen A generic toolkit for manipulating and generating URL query strings.

Exception Summary
EmptyENEQueryException Exception signalling that the query method was called with an empty query object.
ENEAuthenticationException Abstract exception representing a general error while attempting to query the MDEX Engine.
ENEConnectionException Exception represents an error dealing with the communication with the MDEX Engine from an ENEConnection.
ENEException Exception represents an exception that comes from the MDEX Engine.
ENEQueryException Abstract exception representing a general error while attempting to query the Endeca MDEX Engine.
InternalException Exception signalling that an internal error has occured in the system.
PartialENEQueryException Exception that is triggered if there is a query that does not completely express a query with all necessary parameter.
UrlENEQueryParseException Exception representing an error while parsing a URL for a UrlENEQuery.
VersionMismatchException Exception signalling the mismatch of two incompatible modules in the system while processing the query.

Package com.endeca.navigation Description

Provides an interface to query the Endeca MDEX Engine and a structure of objects to handle the data returned from the query. In addition, this package provides a set of tools to generate and manipulate queries and their results.

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