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EMGridViewCell Class Reference

#import <EMGridViewCell.h>

Inherits <EMGridViewCell>.

Inherited by EMLargeProductGridCell, EMNavStateItemBannerGridCell, EMNavStateItemGridCell, and EMProductGridCell.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:
(TTStyle *selectedStyle) - __attribute__
(TTStyle *unselectedStyle) - __attribute__
(BOOL selectedBackgroundViewAbove) - __attribute__

Protected Attributes

EMGridViewCellStyle _cellStyle
NSString * _reuseIdentifier
UILabel * _textLabel
UILabel * _detailTextLabel1
UILabel * _detailTextLabel2
CGSize _imageSize
BOOL _selected
TTView * _backgroundView
TTView * _selectedBackgroundView
UIEdgeInsets _contentEdgeInsets
UIView * _contentView
id _object
BOOL _selectedStyleAbove


UILabel * textLabel
UILabel * detailTextLabel1
UILabel * detailTextLabel2
id object
NSString * reuseIdentifier
UIView * contentView
UIEdgeInsets contentEdgeInsets
CGSize imageSize
BOOL selected
TTView * backgroundView
TTView * selectedBackgroundView

Detailed Description

EMGridViewCell class is a concrete implementation of EMGridViewCell protocol. It is a generic grid cell implementation that can be used in cases when fully custom implementation is not needed.

It uses the following standard elements: image, text label, detail text labels 1 and 2 that are displayed according to the configured cell style (paradigm similar to UITableViewCell).

EMGridViewCell class supports selection and allows users to configure its selection appearance using either background views or styles (TTStyle). Either background view or styles should be used to define selection appearance but not together. When style is used EMGridViewCell uses background view properties to configure the appearance.

Member Function Documentation

- (TTStyle* selectedStyle) __attribute__ ((deprecated)) 

- use instead

- (TTStyle* unselectedStyle) __attribute__ ((deprecated)) 

- use instead

- (BOOL selectedBackgroundViewAbove) __attribute__ ((deprecated)) 

- use selectedBackgroundView.layer.zPosition instead

Set to YES if you want the selectedBackgroundView display above the content. DEFAULT = NO.

Property Documentation

- (TTView *) backgroundView [read, write, retain]

This view will be displayed behind all other views.

This view is lazy-loaded, so it is nil until the getter method is called, or the setter sets it.

This view is removed in the selected state if there is a non-nil selectedBackgroundView to display.

- (UIEdgeInsets) contentEdgeInsets [read, write, assign]

content edge insets determine positioning of cell content relative to its edges; by default it is set to UIEdgeInsetsZero; this property does not apply to background views - those are configured to occupy entire cell bounds by default - it only affects text labels, images or content view exposed as properties and configured by using EMGridViewCellStyle

- (UIView *) contentView [read, assign]

content view should be used when cell style is EMGridViewCellStyleCustom

- (TTView *) selectedBackgroundView [read, write, retain]

This view will be displayed behind all other views, and in front of the backgroundView in the selected state.

This view is lazy-loaded, so it is nil until the getter method is called, or the setter sets it.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: