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class  EMSearch
class  EMSort
class  EMSearchQuery
class  EMSearchResult
protocol  <EMURLSearchResponse>
protocol  <EMSearchQueryDataSource>


(EMSearch *) + EMSearch::searchWithKey:terms:
(EMSearch *) + EMSearch::searchWithKey:terms:opts:
(id) - EMSearch::initWithKey:terms:
(id) - EMSearch::initWithKey:terms:opts:
(EMSort *) + EMSort::sortWithKey:displayValue:
(id) - EMSort::initWithKey:displayValue:
(EMSort *) + EMSort::sortWithKey:order:displayValue:
(id) - EMSort::initWithKey:order:displayValue:
(EMSort *) + EMSort::sortWithKey:order:displayValue:momentary:
(id) - EMSort::initWithKey:order:displayValue:momentary:
(BOOL) - EMSort::isEqual:
(id) + EMSearchQuery::queryWithRecordType:
(BOOL) - EMSearchQuery::isEmpty
(void) - EMSearchQuery::augmentQuery:
(void) - EMSearchQuery::clearAllFilters:
(id) - EMSearchResult::initWithRecordType:
(id) - <EMURLSearchResponse>::initWithRecordType:
(void) - <EMSearchQueryDataSource>::submitQuery


NSString * EMSearch::_key
NSString * EMSearch::_terms
NSString * EMSearch::_opts
NSString * EMSort::_key
NSString * EMSort::_displayValue
NSUInteger EMSort::_order
BOOL EMSort::_momentary
NSString * EMSort::_ascendingIndicator
NSString * EMSort::_descendingIndicator
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_searches
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_appliedFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_hiddenFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_searchFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_rangeFilters
NSString * EMSearchQuery::_recordFilter
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_exposedFacets
BOOL EMSearchQuery::_returnFacets
BOOL EMSearchQuery::_exposeAllFacets
BOOL EMSearchQuery::_didYouMeanEnabled
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_sorts
NSInteger EMSearchQuery::_offset
NSInteger EMSearchQuery::_recordsPerPage
BOOL EMSearchQuery::_categoryQuery
Class EMSearchQuery::_recordType
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::_recordSpecs
NSInteger EMSearchResult::_offset
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::_records
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::_facets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::_searchFacets
NSInteger EMSearchResult::_totalRecords
NSString * EMSearchResult::_title
BOOL EMSearchResult::_categoryResult
Class EMSearchResult::_recordType
NSString * EMSearchResult::_didYouMean
NSString * EMSearchResult::_autocorrect


NSString * EMSearch::key
NSString * EMSearch::terms
NSString * EMSearch::opts
NSString * EMSort::key
NSString * EMSort::displayValue
NSUInteger EMSort::order
BOOL EMSort::momentary
NSString * EMSort::ascendingIndicator
NSString * EMSort::descendingIndicator
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::searches
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::appliedFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::hiddenFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::rangeFilters
NSString * EMSearchQuery::recordFilter
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::exposedFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::sorts
NSInteger EMSearchQuery::offset
NSInteger EMSearchQuery::recordsPerPage
Class EMSearchQuery::recordType
BOOL EMSearchQuery::returnFacets
BOOL EMSearchQuery::exposeAllFacets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchQuery::recordSpecs
BOOL EMSearchQuery::categoryQuery
BOOL EMSearchQuery::didYouMeanEnabled
NSInteger EMSearchResult::offset
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::records
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::facets
NSMutableArray * EMSearchResult::searchFacets
NSInteger EMSearchResult::totalRecords
Class EMSearchResult::recordType
NSString * EMSearchResult::title
BOOL EMSearchResult::categoryResult
NSString * EMSearchResult::didYouMean
NSString * EMSearchResult::autocorrect
Class <EMURLSearchResponse>::recordType

Function Documentation

- (void) augmentQuery: (EMSearchQuery *)  query

Applies the filter state from the query argument to the current query.

- (void) clearAllFilters: (BOOL)  clearHidden

Removes searches, dimension filters, range filters, record specs, and sorts and resets the offset to 0. If clearHidden is YES, also clears the hiddenFacets

- (BOOL) isEmpty

Returns true if the query is a root query.

- (BOOL) isEqual: (EMSort *)  sort

For a sort to be functionally the same, all that is required is that the keys and orders be the same. This method only evaluates these two fields. If both keys are nil, this also evaluates to YES.

+ (id) queryWithRecordType: (Class)  recordType

Static convenience constructor that creates a EMSearchQuery with the given record type. The recordType should be a Class object from a class that extends EMRecord

- (void) submitQuery

Submits the data source's query, without modifying the query in any way, releasing the old result altogether.


- (NSMutableArray*) appliedFacets [read, write, retain]

An array of EMFacetValueSelection objects

- (NSString*) ascendingIndicator [read, write, retain]

This string will be appended to the displayValue in the ascending state when momentary = YES.

Default = " \u2191".

- (BOOL) categoryQuery [read, write, assign]

A category query is similar to a records query. Both specify a a navigation state, but in one, records (products) are returned, in the other, categories are returned.

- (BOOL) categoryResult [read, write, assign]

A category query is similar to a records query. Both specify a a navigation state, but in one, records (products) are returned, in the other, categories are returned.

- (NSString*) descendingIndicator [read, write, retain]

This string will be appended to the displayValue in the descending state when momentary = YES.

Default = " \u2193".

- (BOOL) didYouMeanEnabled [read, write, assign]

For searches, whether or not did you mean should be enabled.

Default = true;

- (BOOL) exposeAllFacets [read, write, assign]


- (NSMutableArray*) exposedFacets [read, write, retain]

An array of EMFacetConfiguration objects to be exposed

- (NSMutableArray*) facets [read, write, retain]

An array of EMFacetResult objects

- (NSMutableArray*) hiddenFacets [read, write, retain]

An array of EMFacetValueSelection objects, that while applied to the search, are not displayed to the user

- (BOOL) momentary [read, write, assign]

This flag indicates that the sort order can be changed when the KMSort options are displayed in a UISegmentedControl. See momentary in UISegmentedControl.

Default = NO.

- (NSInteger) offset [read, write, assign]

This is a records offset, not a page offset. For example, if there are 5 records per page, the second page would have an offset of 5.

Default = 0.

- (NSInteger) offset [read, write, assign]

Holds the record offset that was set in the EMSearchQuery that was used to retrieve this EMSearchResult

- (NSUInteger) order [read, write, assign]


- (EMSearchQuery*) query [read, write, retain]

For now, this query is not required to reflect the state of the results. When this query is modified, the results will not be in synch with the query until submitQuery is called.

- (NSMutableArray*) rangeFilters [read, write, retain]

An array of NSString objects that represent range filters

- (NSString*) recordFilter [read, write, retain]

A string which represents a record filter.

Default = nil

- (NSMutableArray*) records [read, write, retain]

An array of EMRecord objects. These will be objects of the type specified by the recordType property

- (NSMutableArray*) recordSpecs [read, write, retain]

An array of NSString objects, each uniquely identifying a record.

- (NSInteger) recordsPerPage [read, write, assign]

Used to specify the records per page.

Default = 10.

- (Class) recordType [read, write, assign]

The data type this query is going to request. This Class should be from a EMRecord subclass, and will get passed through to the EMSearchResult and EMURLSearchResponse, so that the records that get returned from EMSearchResult records property

- (Class) recordType [read, assign]

The class the included records should be expected to be. This class will be set from EMSearchQuery and should extend EMRecord

- (NSMutableDictionary*) requestParameters [read, write, retain]

Can be used to pass parameters through to the HTTP request.

- (EMSearchResult*) result [read, assign]

This result object should get bigger as paging requests are made. Paging requests do not need to fetch facets. Behind the scenes, submitQuery will create

- (BOOL) returnFacets [read, write, assign]

Since the FacetResult object will not change when submitting paging requests, the EMSearchQueryDataSource will set this property to true when it sends a request for a new query (offset = 0), and set this property to false when submitting a request for a paging query (offset > 0).

Implementations of EMURLSearchRequest should use this flag to optimize the request they submit to the search engine.

Default = YES.

- (NSMutableArray*) searches [read, write, retain]

An array of EMSearch objects

- (NSMutableArray*) searchFacets [read, write, retain]

Shoe Buy returns facets as search results

- (NSMutableArray*) sorts [read, write, retain]

An array of EMSort objects

- (NSString*) title [read, write, retain]

The title of the results

- (NSInteger) totalRecords [read, write, assign]

The total records will be greater than or equal to the count of the records array.