Package com.endeca.edf.adapter

This package provides the framework for developing pluggable adapters.


Interface Summary
Adapter The Adapter interface provides for extracting records from a data source.

Class Summary
AdapterConfig Contains configuration information handed to the adapter class via the execute method.
AdapterHandler A functor used by an adapter to emit records.
PVal A name-value pair, a collection of which constitutes a Record.
Record A collection of data in the form of pvals, name-value pairs.

Exception Summary
AdapterException The AdapterException represents all exceptions thrown by Adapter related classes.
ShutdownRequestAdapterException The ShutdownRequestAdapterException is thrown to notify the caller that the adapter handler that is processing records, will no longer process records handed to it.

Error Summary
AdapterError The AdapterError represents all errors thrown by Adapter related classes.

Package com.endeca.edf.adapter Description

This package provides the framework for developing pluggable adapters.

Related Documentation

Please see the Content Adapter Guide in the Endeca documentation for more information on the CADK framework and tutorials about building a pluggable adapter.

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