Class DimVal

  extended by com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DimVal
extends Object
implements PropertyContainer

A dimension value is the lowest-level building block that compose dimensions, navigations, and classifications of records. A Dimension is a collection of related dimension values, organized into a tree. The top-most dimension value in a dimension tree is known as the dimension root. A dimension root always has the same name as its dimension. Every dimension value has a unique ID.

Dimension values are tags that classify the records in a data set. Tagging a record with a dimension value identifies the record as a valid result when that dimension value is selected in a navigation query.

Method Summary
 long getDimensionId()
          Gets the ID of the dimension to which this value belongs.
 String getDimensionName()
          Gets the name of the dimension to which this dimension value belongs.
 long getId()
          Gets the ID of this dimension value.
 String getName()
          Gets the name of this dimension value.
 PropertyMap getProperties()
          Gets the properties associated with this dimension value.
 boolean isLeaf()
          Indicates if this dimension value is a leaf.
 boolean isMultiSelectAnd()
          Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select and" functionality.
 boolean isMultiSelectOr()
          Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select or" functionality.
 boolean isNavigable()
          Indicates if this dimension value is navigable.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean isLeaf()
Indicates if this dimension value is a leaf.

true if this dimension value is a leaf (has no child dimension values). false if this dimension value has child dimension values.


public boolean isNavigable()
Indicates if this dimension value is navigable. If the dimension value is navigable, it can be placed in the navigation state or can classify a record.

true if this value is navigable, false if it is not.


public boolean isMultiSelectAnd()
Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select and" functionality.

true if this value is "multi-select and" capable, false if it is not.


public boolean isMultiSelectOr()
Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select or" functionality.

true if this value is "multi-select or" capable, false if it is not.


public String getName()
Gets the name of this dimension value.

The name of this dimension value.


public long getId()
Gets the ID of this dimension value. Note that every dimension value has a unique ID.

The ID of this dimension value.


public String getDimensionName()
Gets the name of the dimension to which this dimension value belongs.

Name of the Dimension to which this dimension value belongs.


public long getDimensionId()
Gets the ID of the dimension to which this value belongs.

ID of the Dimension to which this value belongs.


public PropertyMap getProperties()
Gets the properties associated with this dimension value. The method will still return a valid but empty property list if there are no properties associated with this dimension value.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface PropertyContainer
PropertyMap object containing the properties associated with this dimension value. If there are no properties, a valid property list will still be returned.

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