Class ExprCoalesce

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Expr, QueryNode

public class ExprCoalesce
extends Object
implements Expr

ExprCoalesce instances represent a coalesce expression holding multiple keys. The keys can be evaluated over the associated records, and the first non-null value is computed for each record.

Constructor Summary
ExprCoalesce(CoalesceList cList)
          Constructs a new ExprCoalesce.
Method Summary
 CoalesceList getCoalesceList()
          Gets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.
 void setCoalesceList(CoalesceList cList)
          Sets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.
 String toString()
          Returns the string form of this ExprCoalescep.
 String toWire()
          Returns the wire form of this ExprCoalesce.
 void validateSyntax()
          Validates the syntax of this ExprCoalesce.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExprCoalesce(CoalesceList cList)
Constructs a new ExprCoalesce. The CoalesceList represents a list of expressions from which the first non-null expression will be returned by ExprCoalesce.

cList - the name of the CoalesceList object that has been populated with expressions (objects of type Expr).
Method Detail


public CoalesceList getCoalesceList()
Gets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.

The CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.


public void setCoalesceList(CoalesceList cList)
Sets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.

cList - a CoalesceList object that has been populated with expressions (objects of type Expr).


public String toString()
Returns the string form of this ExprCoalescep. These are of the format:
COALESCE(expression1, expression2...)
where each expression is an expression in the CoalesceList.

Specified by:
toString in interface QueryNode
toString in class Object
A string representation of the ExprCoalesce in the specified format.


public String toWire()
Returns the wire form of this ExprCoalesce. This method is not intended for public use because the wire format is subject to change.

Specified by:
toWire in interface QueryNode
A wire format representation of this ExprCoalesce.


public void validateSyntax()
                    throws SyntaxException
Validates the syntax of this ExprCoalesce. An ExprCoalesce is valid if the CoalesceList is not null and is valid

Specified by:
validateSyntax in interface QueryNode
SyntaxException - if the syntax requirements are not satisfied.

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