Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


Interface DiagLOVProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
SampleAppLOVProvider, SampleAppLOVProviderCustomBean, SampleDiagTestLOVProvider

public interface DiagLOVProvider

Provides APIs that define a LOV Provider class. Contains APIs that return the LOV data as well as the metadata about the LOV (e.g. LOV column information)

Method Summary
 java.util.List getData(InputParamContext context)
          Returns the data for this LOV.
 java.util.List<LOVColumn> getLOVColumnList()
          Returns the metadata about the LOV columns in the form of a list of LOVColumn objects
 java.lang.String getNlsBundle()
          Returns the NLS Bundle name for the LOV.
 java.lang.String getValueColumnName()
          Returns the name of the value column for this LOV

Method Detail


java.lang.String getNlsBundle()
Returns the NLS Bundle name for the LOV. This is generally the class name for a Java Resource Bundle.

the NLS Bundle name.


java.util.List<LOVColumn> getLOVColumnList()
Returns the metadata about the LOV columns in the form of a list of LOVColumn objects

a list of LOVColumn objects for each column in the LOV.


java.lang.String getValueColumnName()
Returns the name of the value column for this LOV

the name of the value column for this LOV.


java.util.List getData(InputParamContext context)
Returns the data for this LOV. The list can be either a list of Java bean objects (with attribute names matching the corresponding column names). This list can also be a list of Map objects with the attributes keyed using the corresponding column names.

context - the context provided by the framework when getting the data for the LOV.
the list of data for the LOV.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


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