Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.apps.fnd.appltest.diagfwk.engine

Interface Summary
DiagBObj<T> Base interface for all diagnostics framework related business objects.
DiagBObjList<T extends DiagBObj>  
DiagContextExtn This interface models the internal diagnostics execution context that is handed over to individual tests and test steps during their execution.
DiagEngine Models the Diagnostics Engine.
ExpressionEvaluator Models APIs for evaluating expressions supported by the diagnostics tests metadata definition.
StepExecutor Provides APIs required for execution of steps within a diagnostics test.
Tag Models a tag entity
TagValuePrereq Represents a prerequisite entity.
TestDef Models the test definition business object.
TestExec Models a single test execution
TestInputSet Models a set of input name value pairs that has been saved by the user as an "input set" for a particular test.
TestInputSetNV Models a single input name value pair that is saved as part of an input set for a test.
TestInputSetNVList Models a list of test input set name value pairs.
TestMoniterable<T> Models an entity that is moniterable by a monitor.
TestParam Models a test parameter.
TestPrereq Represents a prerequisite entity.
TestRun Models a test run by the diagnostic engine.
TestRun.ExecReportLinkProvider Provides a call back API that clients can plug-in in order to compute the link to the reports for executions in this run during report extraction.
TestRun.TestRunVisitor A callback interface for visiting multiple test run and/or executions.
TestStats Models the stastical metrics for a single test.

Class Summary
DiagCmd<T> Abstract base class that models a command that can be run by the diagnostics engine.
DiagCmdExtractReport Extracts the report(s) generated by a particular test run or execution.
DiagCmdExtractReport.ReportWrapper Models the output of this command.
DiagCmdGetTestRun Command that returns the information about a test run given a run id or a run name.
DiagCmdLoadTest Command for registering a test definition based on certain input parameters.
DiagCmdRunTests Command for running one or more tests.
DiagCmdRunTests.AppArg Internal class representing a single "app" argument
DiagCmdRunTests.ChainedTestListSet Models a set of ExecTestListSet objects that have been chained to run in serial.
DiagCmdRunTests.ExecArg Internal class to model an argument name value pair that represents an executable entity.
DiagCmdRunTests.ModKeyArg Internal class representing a single "modkey" argument
DiagCmdRunTests.TagNameValueArg Internal class representing a single "tag:name" and value argument
DiagCmdRunTests.TestArg Internal class representing a single test name argument
DiagCmdRunTests.TestListSet Models a set of Lists of test IDs that can be kicked off in parallel with each other.
DiagCmdRunTests.TVIArg Internal class representing a single tag value Id argument
DiagEngineFactory An abstract factory for creating instances of business objects corresponding to entities used by the diagnostics framework.
DiagRunnable A base class for any diagnostic related runnable classes.
DiagUtil Some common utility APIs for the diagnostics engine
UTestDiagCmdExtractReport Test suite for the extract report command
UTestDiagCmdGetTestRun Test suite for the GetTestRun and GetTestExec commands to the diagnostic engine.
UTestDiagCmdRunTestsCancel Unit tests to test the cancel functionality.
UTestDiagUtil Unit tests for APIs in DiagUtil class.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


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