Class AttributeSettingsManager

  extended by com.endeca.portal.attributes.AttributeSettingsManager

public class AttributeSettingsManager
extends java.lang.Object

Endeca Technologies, Inc

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static AttributeSettings createEmptyAttributeSettings()
          Convenience method that creates a new empty instance of the AttributeSettings model.
static AttributeSettings createEmptyAttributeSettings(int attrSize, int groupSize)
          Convenience method that creates a new empty instance of the AttributeSettings model with predefined collection sizes.
static AttributeSettings deserializeAttributeSettings(java.lang.String attributeSettingsJson)
          Deserializes an attribute settings model using Jackson.
static AttributeSettings filter(AttributeSettings attributeSettings, BPCFilter groupFilter, BPCFilter attributeFilter, boolean removeUngroupedAttributes)
          This method allows an AttributeSettings model object to be filtered in accordance with the specified filters.
static AttributeSettings mergeTwoPartials(AttributeSettings base, AttributeSettings changes, BPCFilter groupFilter, BPCFilter attributeFilter, boolean allowCleanup, boolean doUnion)
          Merges two attribute settings model structures.
static AttributeSettings mergeTwoPartials(DataSource datasource, AttributeSettings base, AttributeSettings changes)
          This method merges two attribute sets with each other, and adds filters for the datasource's global groups and attributes.
static AttributeSettings mergeWithGlobal(DataSource datasource, AttributeSettings changes)
          This method merges the submitted changes with the global attribute settings associated with the datasource.
static AttributeSettings mergeWithGlobal(DataSource datasource, AttributeSettings changes, BPCFilter groupFilter, BPCFilter attributeFilter, boolean doUnion)
          Does a join between the global model associated with the datasource, and the given attribute settings object.
static java.lang.String serializeAttributeSettings(AttributeSettings attributeSettings)
          Serialize a given AttributeSettings object into a JSON model
static java.lang.String serializeAttributeSettingsPrettyPrint(AttributeSettings attributeSettings)
          Same as serializeAttributeSettings(AttributeSettings) except it uses pretty-print format for output.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AttributeSettingsManager()
Method Detail


public static AttributeSettings deserializeAttributeSettings(java.lang.String attributeSettingsJson)
                                                      throws org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException,
Deserializes an attribute settings model using Jackson.

attributeSettingsJson - - a serialized JSON representation of the AttributeSettings model.
a newly constructed AttributeSettings object based on the serialized input String.


public static java.lang.String serializeAttributeSettings(AttributeSettings attributeSettings)
                                                   throws org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException,
Serialize a given AttributeSettings object into a JSON model

attributeSettings -
a string serialized JSON model


public static java.lang.String serializeAttributeSettingsPrettyPrint(AttributeSettings attributeSettings)
                                                              throws org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException,
Same as serializeAttributeSettings(AttributeSettings) except it uses pretty-print format for output. NOTE: Do not use this except for debug/test as it is somewhat slower than serializeAttributeSettings

attributeSettings -
a pretty-printed string serialized JSON model


public static AttributeSettings mergeWithGlobal(DataSource datasource,
                                                AttributeSettings changes)
                                         throws DataSourceException
This method merges the submitted changes with the global attribute settings associated with the datasource. It does a left join of the global attributes with the submitted changes.

datasource -
changes -


public static AttributeSettings mergeWithGlobal(DataSource datasource,
                                                AttributeSettings changes,
                                                BPCFilter groupFilter,
                                                BPCFilter attributeFilter,
                                                boolean doUnion)
                                         throws DataSourceException
Does a join between the global model associated with the datasource, and the given attribute settings object. Anything contained in the global set should be considered immutable, therefore we should not try to apply removal indicators to it (i.e. allowCleanup will always be false). This method also takes additional parameters that define whether or not the merged Attribute Groups should be filtered.

datasource - - the left hand side of the merge operation is the global attribute settings object associated with this datasource. Required.
changes - - the right hand side of the merge operation. This should be an instance of an attribute settings model that contains changes that should be applied to the global attribute settings. Required.
groupFilter - - optional BPC Filter object that is used to filter the groups in the final result of the merge operation before it is returned. If this parameter is set to null, no filtering occurs. Otherwise, only the groups that pass the filter test will be included in the results. This filter will also be applied to the groupOrder list. However, this filter will NOT prevent ungrouped attributes from appearing in the result.
attributeFilter - - a BPC Filter object that is used to filter the attributes portion of the merge operation before it is returned. If this parameter is set to null, no filtering occurs. Otherwise, only the attributes that pass the filter test will be included in the results.
doUnion - - when true, this merge will be a union of the two maps with some special handling surrounding null values. If this parameter is false, this merge will be a left join, with global attributes on the left side of the join (objects only appearing on the right hand side will not be included in the results).
A merged AttributeSettings model. Note that the returned model may contain references to the cached objects from the global model or the "changes" model if those objects are taken verbatim.


public static AttributeSettings mergeTwoPartials(DataSource datasource,
                                                 AttributeSettings base,
                                                 AttributeSettings changes)
                                          throws DataSourceException
This method merges two attribute sets with each other, and adds filters for the datasource's global groups and attributes. It does allow cleanup, and does a union merge. Calling this convenience method is the same as calling AttributeSettingsManager#mergeTwoPartials(AttributeSettings base, AttributeSettings changes, datasource.getGlobalAttributeSettings().getGroupFilter(), datasource.getGlobalAttributeSettings().getAttributeFilter(), true, true)

base -
changes -


public static AttributeSettings mergeTwoPartials(AttributeSettings base,
                                                 AttributeSettings changes,
                                                 BPCFilter groupFilter,
                                                 BPCFilter attributeFilter,
                                                 boolean allowCleanup,
                                                 boolean doUnion)
Merges two attribute settings model structures. This method is designed to merge an older partial model (previous preferences) with updates to that model. The "changes" model may indicate that certain properties or whole BPCs should be removed and allowCleanup should be set to true in that case. This method can also be used to merge global attributes with local saved preferences, as long as the global group filter and global attribute filters are passed into the merge to ensure that BPCs that no longer exist in the MDEX Engine are excluded from the results of the merge, and allowCleanup is set to false (anything contained in the global set should be considered immutable, so do not try to edit it). When merging global attribute settings, the use of mergeWithGlobal(DataSource, AttributeSettings) is recommended. This method also takes additional parameters that define whether or not empty value cleanup is allowed, whether to do a union style merge or a left join, and whether the Attribute Groups should be filtered.

base - - the Left-Hand Side of the merge operation. This should be an instance of an attribute settings model, to which the changes should be applied. Required.
changes - - the Right-Hand Side of the merge operation. This should be an instance of an attribute settings model that contains changes that should be applied to the "base". Required.
groupFilter - - a BPC Filter object that is used to filter the final result of the merge operation before it is returned. This parameter provides a filtering mechanism that allows the resulting AttributeSettings model to only contain information limited to the specified groups. If this parameter is set to null, no filtering occurs. Otherwise, only the groups that pass the filter test will be included in the results. This filter will also be applied to the groupOrder list. However, this filter will NOT prevent ungrouped attributes from appearing in the result.
attributeFilter - - a BPC Filter object that is used to filter the attributes portion of the merge operation before it is returned. If this parameter is set to null, no filtering occurs. Otherwise, only the attributes that pass the filter test will be included in the results.
allowCleanup - - when true allows individual properties or whole attributes/groups to be removed from the result of the merge. Generally, this should be set to true when merging to partial models and false when merging a global model with the partial diff. The removal works as follows. If a property is specified in the changes but its value is set to null, that property is removed from the merged attribute/group. If an attribute/group key is specified in the "changes" but the corresponding value is set to null, that attribute/group is excluded from the model. If after all properties for a given attribute/group have been merged that attribute/group ends up being empty (as defined by the isEmpty() method), that attribute/group is excluded from the merged model.
doUnion - - when true, this merge will be a union of the two maps with some special handling surrounding null values. If this parameter is false, this merge will be a left join on the base map. In general, this value should be set to false when doing global merges, and true when doing partial diff merges.
A merged AttributeSettings model. Note that the returned model may contain references to the cached objects from the global model or the "changes" model if those objects are taken verbatim.


public static AttributeSettings filter(AttributeSettings attributeSettings,
                                       BPCFilter groupFilter,
                                       BPCFilter attributeFilter,
                                       boolean removeUngroupedAttributes)
This method allows an AttributeSettings model object to be filtered in accordance with the specified filters. Separate filters can be specified for attributes and groups. Note that this method will never modify the original model and will always return a new instance of the AttributeSettings. However, the filtered model may reference individual objects from the original.

attributeSettings - - the AttributeSettings model to be filtered
groupFilter - - a filter to be applied to the groups collection and the groupOrder list. Only the groups that pass the filter test will be included. This filter can also be applied to attributes indirectly depending on the value of the removeUngroupedProperties flag
attributeFilter - - a filter to be applied to the attributes collection. Only the attributes that pass the filter test will be included. This filter can also be indirectly combined with the groupFilter depending on the value of the removeUngroupedProperties flag. Additionally, if this filter is specified, the Groups will be checked to make sure that they only reference valid attributes. This will always be done to preserve referential integrity of the model.
removeUngroupedAttributes - - this is a rather confusing setting that controls whether or not the attributes not contained in the groups that remain after filtering should also be removed from the model. In other words, when this parameter is set to true, an additional ExclusiveSetFilter will be created to represent only the attributes contained by the remaining groups. This new filter will be and-chained with the attributeFilter if necessary.
a new instance of the AttributeSettings class.


public static AttributeSettings createEmptyAttributeSettings()
Convenience method that creates a new empty instance of the AttributeSettings model. A note on performance. This method assumes the typical size of 100 for the attributes collection and 10 for groups collection. If these sizes are known ahead of time you should use createEmptyAttributeSettings(int, int) method instead.

a new instance of AttributeSettings with empty (but initialized) attributes, groups, and groupOrder collections.


public static AttributeSettings createEmptyAttributeSettings(int attrSize,
                                                             int groupSize)
Convenience method that creates a new empty instance of the AttributeSettings model with predefined collection sizes. Use this method if the size of the AttributeSettings model is known in advance and is not expected to change over time.

attrSize - - expected size of the attributes collection. This is used to calculate the initial capacity of the HashMap that contains attributes.
groupSize - - expected size of the groups collection. This is used to calculate the initial capacity of the HashMap that contains groups.
a new instance of AttributeSettings with empty (but initialized) attributes, groups, and groupOrder collections.