2.4 Installation Issues

2.4.1 DHCP Service Not Restarted After Upgrade

The utpreserve script stops the dhcpd service while upgrading Sun Ray Software, and the service is not restarted on the Sun Ray server after the upgrade finishes. This problem affects only Sun Ray servers that provide DHCP services.

Workaround: Manually start the DHCP service on the Sun Ray server after the upgrade.

Reference: CR 16050120

2.4.2 utpreserve Does Not Restore the utwc (Windows Connector) Group During Upgrade

If you use the utpreserve script to back up and restore the Sun Ray server configuration during an upgrade (because of an operating system upgrade), the utwc group is not backed up and restored. The utsetup script requires the utwc group on the server to complete an upgrade. If not available, the following error is displayed: Invalid groupname : utwc. Please specify an existing groupname.

Workaround: Before running the utsetup script to upgrade a Sun Ray server, you must create the utwc group on the Sun Ray server. Here is an example command for Oracle Linux:

# groupadd utwc

Reference: CR 14763147