The /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultMdexResource and /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultWorkbenchContentSource components both have properties that refer to Endeca hosts, ports, and application names. If you are using non-default Endeca hosts, ports, or application names, you may have to modify these components.

Out of the box, the file looks like this:


# Mdex host

# Mdex port

# Record spec name

In environments that have a single production MDEX for all languages, the host and port properties refer to the host and port of that single MDEX. In environments that have a separate production MDEX for each language, the host and port properties specify the host and port for the MDEX instance that should be used when a language-specific MDEX instance is not available. If the default configuration does not match your environment, make the appropriate changes in your ATG production server’s localconfig directory.

Note: For more information on how DefaultMdexResource is used, see Connecting to an MDEX.

Out of the box, the file includes a number of properties, however, the ones you may have to change are:

# Arg1 - Workbench app name

# Arg3 - Workbench host

# Arg 4 - Workbench port

In environments that have a single production Endeca application for all, the host, port and application name properties refer to the host, port, and application name of that Endeca application. In environments that have a separate Endeca application for each language, the host, port, and application name properties refer to the Endeca application that should be used when a language-specific Endeca application is not available. If the default configuration does not match your environment, make the appropriate changes in your ATG production server’s localconfig directory.

Note: If you followed the instructions in the Configuration for Environments with One Language per MDEX section, you will have already changed the DefaultWorkbenchContentSource component to use the ATGProden Endeca application name.

Note: For more information on how DefaultWorkbenchContentSource is used, see Connecting to the Endeca Workbench Application.

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