Package atg.commerce.pricing

Interface Summary
CalculatorInfoProvider Allows a calculator to provide its own CalculatorInfo.
ItemPriceSourceHandler This class defines a calculator specific interface used to generate ItemPriceSource objects from previously priced Orders and to consume ItemPriceSource objects during a pricing operation.
ItemPricingCalculator An ItemPricingCalculator modifies the price of a CommerceItem.
ItemPricingEngine This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for CommerceItem objects.
OrderPricingCalculator An OrderPricingCalculator modifies the price of an Order.
OrderPricingEngine This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for Order objects.
PricingConstants Constants which are currently used in pricing orders from within a pipeline chain.
PricingEngine A PricingEngine is the main interface for interaction with the atg.commerce.pricing package.
PricingModelEvaluationVetoer Interface to implement a promotion evaluation vetoer.
PricingModelHolderVetoer Interface to implement a promotion vetoer.
PricingModelType interface for storing static values that the PricingModel 'type' property may have
PromotionQualifyingFilter Interface to allow custom filters for promotion qualifying.
ShippingPricingCalculator A ShippingPricingCalculator modifies the price of the shipping for an Order.
ShippingPricingEngine This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for ShippingGroup objects.
TaxPricingCalculator A TaxPricingCalculator modifies the price of the tax for an Order.
TaxPricingEngine This extension of the PricingEngine interface describes an object whose job it is to determine prices for ShippingGroup objects.

Class Summary
AddressVerificationTaxProcessorTaxCalculator An extension of the TaxProcessorTaxCalculator which optionally verifies the shipping address about to be taxed, the billing address about to be taxed, or both.
Aggregator Base abstract class for an aggregator.
AggregatorInfo Bean class used to hold aggregated information.
AggregatorManager This class is responsible for keeping a track of the currently configured aggregators.
AmountInfo Represents price information about an object.
AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to display avalable shipping methods for a particular shipping group.
BandedDiscountCalculatorHelper A helper class with methods common to all banded calculators for use.
BulkItemDiscountCalculator Calculator to support bulk item discount.
BulkOrderDiscountCalculator Calculator to support bulk order discount.
BulkShippingDiscountCalculator Calculator to support bulk shipping discount.
BulkTaxDiscountCalculator Calculator to support bulk tax discount.
CalculatorInfo Holds details on calculator discounts.
ClosenessQualifierEvaluator This class serves as the base class for several specific types of ClosenessQualiferEvaluators: ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator, OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator, ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator, and TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator.
ConfigurableItemPriceCalculator A calculator which calculates the list price of a configurable item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
Constants This contains all of the non-public constants used by the package, including messsage strings read from the resource file.
DetailedItemPriceInfo Represents a breakdown of a CommerceItem's price.
DetailedItemPriceTools This class provides various methods for manipulating DetailedItemPriceInfos.
DiscountAttributeInfo Contains information on a discount structure or discount detail attribute the calculator uses.
DiscountCalculatorService A GenericService version of a discount calculator.
DoubleRangeShippingCalculator An abstract shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on comparing a value from the ShippingGroup to a series of ranges.
FilteredCommerceItem Represents a CommerceItem that's currently participating in a rules evaluation in the Qualifier.
FilteredCommerceItemPropertyMapper This class describes a DynamicPropertyMapper for FilteredCommerceItems.
FixedPriceShippingCalculator A shipping calculator that sets the shipping amount to a fixed price.
GWPDiscountCalculator GWP calculator to target items to make free and also to generate GWPInfo objects so free items can be auto added to the cart.
GWPInfo Contains information on the state of a GWP promotion.
GWPPriceCalculator GWP prePromotionProcessing to make existing auto added and selected GWP quantity free before promotions are evaluated.
ItemClosenessQualifierEvaluator This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to item promotions.
ItemDiscountCalculator Calculates the new price for an item or items based on a given pricing model.
ItemListPriceCalculator A calculator which determines the list price of an item and sets the itemPriceInfo to be that amount.
ItemPriceCalculator Superclass for all CommerceItem calculators.
ItemPriceInfo Contains information about a CommerceItem's price.
ItemPriceSource This object is used to specify a pricefor a product and sku combination that will be used in place of the current day price source, such as a price list.
ItemPricingDroplet An abstract class which is used as the foundation for pricing items and displaying the results to the user.
ItemPricingEngineImpl An ItemPricingEngine implementation which computes the price for an order.
ItemSalePriceCalculator A calculator which determines the sale price of an item and discounts the itemPriceInfo to that amount, while at the same time maintaining the audit trail of the ItemPriceInfo.
NoTaxCalculator Creates a new TaxPriceInfo that specifies no tax.
OrderClosenessQualifierEvaluator This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to order promotions.
OrderDiscountCalculator Calculates OrderPriceInfos for Orders which the calculator is given.
OrderPriceInfo Contains the following information about the price of an Order: taxableShippingItemsSubtotalPriceInfos is a map of shipping group IDs to OrderPriceInfos that describe the prices of the totals of the taxable items in the order's shippinggroups.
OrderPricingEngineImpl An OrderPricingEngine implementation which computes the price for an order.
OrderSubtotalCalculator Computes the rawSubtotal and amount of an OrderPriceInfo that corresponds to the input Order.
PriceChanged This event gets generated everytime an order is repriced and the price changed.
PriceEachItemDroplet This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to price a collection of items.
PriceItemDroplet This Dynamo Servlet Bean is used to price a single item.
PriceRangeShippingCalculator A shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on the subtotal of all the items in the shipping group.
PricingAdjustment Represents an element of a price's audit trail.
PricingCommerceItem A simple CommerceItem that is used just as a placeholder while pricing items.
PricingContext Service class for common parameters passed within methods for a pricing operation.
PricingContextFactory Factory service to create PricingContext instances.
PricingEngineService A GenericService version of a PricingEngine.
PricingModelComparator A comparator used for sorting pricing models by priority and secondary sort by repository id.
PricingModelEvaluationSiteVetoer Promotions site vetoer for pricing evaluation.
PricingModelHolder A session-scoped component which is intended to hold all the active promotions (aka pricing models) of a user while they are using the web application.
PricingModelProperties Stores names of pricing model properties, so that they pricing model property names may be internationalized or otherwise changed to suit a particular installation.
PricingServices Exposes pricing functionality for use in web services.
PricingTools A class which can perform a variety of pricing functions across different types of PricingEngine.
PromotionClosenessMessage This class is the base for two types of JMS messages: - A PromotionClosenessQualificationEvent indicates that an order has met a closenessQualification of a given promotion.
PropertyAggregator An implementation of the Aggregator class.
PropertyRangeShippingCalculator A shipping calculator that determines the shipping price based on the summing the values of a specific property of all the items in the shipping group.
QualifiedItem Holds information about a CommerceItem that has qualified for a discount.
Qualifier A Helper class for discount calculators.
QuantityAggregator An implementation of the Aggregator class.
ShipItemRelPriceDroplet Given a shipping group commerce item relationship, return the amount.
ShippingCalculatorImpl This abstract class is a starting point for some general functionality on calculating pricing for shipping groups.
ShippingClosenessQualifierEvaluator This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to shipping promotions.
ShippingDiscountCalculator Calculates ShippingPriceInfos for ShippingGroups which the calculator is given.
ShippingPriceInfo Contains information about the price of shipping the input ShippingGroup.
ShippingPricingEngineImpl A ShippingPricingEngine implementation which computes the shipping price for an order.
SpendAmountAggregator An implementation of the Aggregator class.
TaxClosenessQualifierEvaluator This class evaluates closenessQualifiers related to tax promotions.
TaxDiscountCalculator Calculates TaxPriceInfos for Orders which the calculator is given.
TaxPriceInfo Represents tax price information.
TaxPricingEngineImpl A TaxPricingEngine implementation which computes the tax for an order.
TaxProcessorTaxCalculator Uses the package to calculate tax for an order.
UnitPriceDetailDroplet Given a CommerceItem, this droplet will return its unit price details in the format of a UnitPriceBean.
WeightRangeShippingCalculator This calculator will calculate shipping costs based upon the total weight of the items in a shipping group.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
PricingException Represents an exception thrown from inside the atg.commerce.pricing package.