Interface MessageSink

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbandonedOrderEventListener, ADCEventMonitor, AgentAuditQueue, Cache, DeploymentManager, DisqualifyRemovedItemClosenessQualifiers, ElectronicFulfiller, FulfillerSystem, HardgoodFulfiller, LocalizingInventoryManager, MessageForwardFilter, MessagePipelineMapper, MessagePipelineMapper, MessageSender, OrderCanceller, OrderCanceller, OrderChangeHandler, OrderFulfiller, PricingTools, RepositoryInventoryManager, ScheduledOrderTools, SimpleInvoiceMessageSink, SimpleInvoiceMessageSink, SourceSinkTemplate

public interface MessageSink

This is the interface that must be implemented by components in the patch bay configured as message sinks or message filters.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Method Summary
 void receiveMessage(java.lang.String pPortName, javax.jms.Message pMessage)
          This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void receiveMessage(java.lang.String pPortName,
                    javax.jms.Message pMessage)
                    throws javax.jms.JMSException
This is called to notify the component that a Message has arrived through the given input port. The MessageSink should be prepared to handle concurrent calls of this method from multiple Threads.
