Interface ScenarioExecutionContext

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentNameResolver, NameResolver

Deprecated. This interface has been deprecated in favour of atg.process.ProcessExecutionContext

public interface ScenarioExecutionContext
extends ComponentNameResolver

Represents the context in which a scenario segment is being executed. The information in the context can be used to evaluate Expressions, and to execute Actions.

This interface extends ComponentNameResolver, and can thus be used to resolve arbitrary Nucleus names, either as Strings or as ComponentNames. If the scenario segment is being executed in the context of an HTTP request, the NameResolver can be used to resolve request-scoped components; otherwise, it can only resolve global components.

See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Deprecated. Class version string
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getMessage()
          Deprecated. Returns the JMS message bean which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume.
 java.lang.String getMessageType()
          Deprecated. Returns the JMS type of the message which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume.
 RepositoryItem getProfile()
          Deprecated. replaced by ProcessExecutionContext.getSubject().
 DynamoHttpServletRequest getRequest()
          Deprecated. Returns the current HTTP request, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
 DynamoHttpServletResponse getResponse()
          Deprecated. Returns the current HTTP response, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.
 RepositoryItem getScenarioInstance()
          Deprecated. Returns the scenario instance going through the scenario segment.
 Site getSite()
          Deprecated. Returns the site the triggering event uses, if any
 boolean isIndividual()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this context corresponds to an individual user going through the scenario segment, false if it corresponds to a "collective" scenario instance which operates on behalf of all individual users.
Methods inherited from interface atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentNameResolver
Methods inherited from interface atg.naming.NameResolver

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


boolean isIndividual()
Returns true if this context corresponds to an individual user going through the scenario segment, false if it corresponds to a "collective" scenario instance which operates on behalf of all individual users.


RepositoryItem getScenarioInstance()
Returns the scenario instance going through the scenario segment. If the segment is being executed in the context of an individual user (that is, if isIndividual is true), the scenario instance points to that user, and any context variables set during the segment execution; otherwise, this is a "collective" scenario instance which represents, and operates on behalf of, all individual users.


RepositoryItem getProfile()
Deprecated. replaced by ProcessExecutionContext.getSubject().

Returns the profile of the user going through the scenario segment, null if the segment is not being executed in the context of an individual user.

See Also:


java.lang.String getMessageType()
Returns the JMS type of the message which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume.


java.lang.Object getMessage()
Returns the JMS message bean which prompted the scenario segment execution to start or resume. The message could represent an individual event, a global event, or a timer.


DynamoHttpServletRequest getRequest()
Returns the current HTTP request, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.


DynamoHttpServletResponse getResponse()
Returns the current HTTP response, null if the scenario segment is not being executed in the context of an HTTP request.


Site getSite()
Returns the site the triggering event uses, if any

the site the triggering event uses, or null if the event does not contain site information