Package atg.service.pipeline

Interface Summary
PipelineProcessor An interface which the components that the PipelineChain executes implement.
PipelineResult An interface which provides access to the error data for a pipeline execution.

Class Summary
PipelineChain This class is responsible for maintaining the list of processors to be executed in series.
PipelineLink This class contains a reference to a PipelineProcessor and a mapping of return values to next processors.
PipelineManager This is the class responsible for the creation, registration and removal of pipeline chains.
PipelineResultImpl An object which implements the PipelineResult interface.

Exception Summary
ChainTimeoutException This exception will be thrown on a timeout waiting for a lock.
CopyChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at the copying of a pipeline chain.
CreateChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating a pipeline chain.
CreateLinkException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating a pipeline link.
DisableChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at disabling a pipeline chain.
DuplicateChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at making a copy of a pipeline chain.
EnableChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at enabling a pipeline chain.
LockChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at locking a pipeline chain.
PipelineInitializationException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at creating and or initializing a pipeline chain.
PipelineManagerException This exception is the base exception for all pipeline exceptions
RemoveChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at removing a pipeline chain.
ReplaceChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at replacing an existing pipeline chain with another chain.
RunProcessException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at running a pipeline chain.
TransitionException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at transitioning from one link to the next.
UnlockChainException This exception will be thrown on an unsuccessful attempt at unlocking a pipeline chain.