Package atg.multisite

Interface Summary
InactiveSiteHandler This interface should be implemented by components that will deal with determining if a site active, and handling the request in the case that it is inactive.
Site The Site interface represents a snapshot of the property values associated with a site item.
SiteContext A SiteContext provides a way to track attributes related to a specific site.
SiteContextRuleFilter used to determine the site for the current request.
SiteGroup Represents a group of Sites that share a SharabelType
SiteRequestProcessor An interface for components that handle every site request
SiteSessionEndProcessor An interface for components that handle the expiration of a SiteSession
SiteSessionStartProcessor This interface should be implemented by components that need to react to the start of a Site session.
SiteStateProcessor Implementations of this interface will determine site state
URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter.URLPatternMatchingRuleFilterRegistrar An interface for registering a URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter an another service when URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter comes up.

Class Summary
DefaultSiteContextRuleFilter This class provides a basic implementation of the SiteContextRuleFilter interface.
NucleusComponentShareableType Represents a Session Scoped Nucleus Component to share.
ProfileRealmManager This class is the central location for dealing with profile realms.
PushedSiteParamFilter This filter checks the request for a specific param that indicates that the entire request should take place in the context of the given site.
ShareableType Represents a type of object to share.
SiteContextManager This is a global service that manages SiteContext objects.
SiteContextPipelineServlet This pipeline servlet is responsible for assigning a SiteContext object to the current thread.
SiteGroupManager Utility class that gets information regarding SiteGroups and the ShareableTypes they share.
SiteManager This carries out common actions on the siteRepository.
SiteSession This class maintains state about the current site session
SiteSessionManager The SiteSessionManager is a session-scoped component that tracks the session associated with each SiteContext.
SiteURLManager The SiteURLManager is responsible for determining the site Id for a given request URL, as well as determining the base URL for a given site Id.
URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter The URLPatternMatchingRuleFilter firsts checks its URL map for a match, or a "startsWith" match against the current request's URL.

Exception Summary
SiteContextException A subclass of Exception for exceptions specific to the SiteContext system
SiteGroupException A subclass of Exception specifically used for SiteGroup exceptions.