Class ClientLockManager

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.service.lockmanager.ClientLockManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
atg.naming.AbsoluteNameable, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, atg.naming.NameContextParentable, NameResolver, AdminableService, atg.nucleus.Configured, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

public class ClientLockManager
extends GenericService
implements java.lang.Runnable

The client lock manager class exposes functionality that allows site-wide coordination of locks across a set of participating processes. For it to function, you require an instance of a ServerLockManager running on the network and you need to configure the ClientLockManager with the server's ip address and port number.

The client lock manager has a single socket connection to the lock server which it uses to send and receive messages. It has a polling thread which reads incoming messages and processes them waking up clients etc. You directly call methods on this object to obtain and release locks.

Keys for locks must be serializable and must implement hashCode and equals methods which are preserved across serialization.

Note that there is a "failover" for a lock server - when a lock server goes down client tries to connect to another backup server (if configured), if both of then do down , the client lock manager switches to a local mode where guarantees locks only from within the local process. locally. Servers are connected to each other via sockets and they decide between themselves which one is primary and which one is a backup at run time based on their IP addresses. They try to establish a connection with each other at specified time intervals (otherServerPollInterval prperty). When a backup server cannot connect to the primary server it assumes that it should become the primary itself. It waits a specified time interval (waitTimeBeforeSwitchingFromBackup property) to allow locks, which were held by another server to be released by clients, and then starts accepting new requests from clients.

To use a "failover" lock server, LockServerAddress and LockServerPort properies of a lock clinet have to be configured with array of two adresses/ports pointing to two separate lock servers.

The status code for the acquire lock methods indicates whether the lock is obtained globally or localy.

Global timeout/interrupt feature allows client lock manager to interrupt and release locks that are held for a long period of time. It can be used to timeout the ownership of locks in cases when a lock owner cannot release them in timely fashion. This situation may occur, for example, when a thread that owns the locks hangs for some reason. In order for a lock held by an owner to be timed out two conditions should be true: - Lock owner must implement InterruptibleLockOwner interface. - Time passed since the lock was acquired by a client lock manager should be greater than a specified time interval timeoutLockIntervalSecs. Client lock manager is running a separate thread that checks all the locks for the conditions above and if a lock satisfy both conditions it calls InterruptibleLockOwner.interrupt() method and then releases the lock. Note that if timeoutLockIntervalSecs is set to 0 (default value) client lock manager will not run the check, so there is no additional overhead in this case.

There is one other subtle feature of the ClientLockManager. When you release a lock, you have the option of releasing the lock on the server or retaining lock ownership on the client process. If you release the lock on the server, the next acquire lock call must go to the server again to obtain ownership. If you retain lock ownership in the client process, subsequent calls to acquire lock for the same key can return without communicating with the server. If you do not release lock ownership, be aware that both the client and server will retain data structures for that key until you explicitly call the giveUpOwnership method. Also, if you want to be notified when your process loses ownership of a given lock, you can register for a lock ownership listener using the addLockOwnershipListener method. The SQL Repository uses this facility to invalidate caches of a given item when a lock is required in a different JVM.

The ClientLockManager can be used to implement locking on a local process only by setting the UseLockServer property to false. If you do this, be sure no one else is using the same local server instance and expecting it to do cross process locking.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean acquireReadLock( pKey)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 boolean acquireReadLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 boolean acquireReadLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, long pTimeout)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, long pTimeout)
          Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in.
 void addLockOwnershipListener(atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnershipListener pListener)
          Adds a listener for lock ownership events.
 void closeSocket()
          Closes the socket and all streams
 boolean convertReadToWrite( pKey)
          Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key.
 boolean convertReadToWrite( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key.
protected  javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
          Displays current client lock manager state.
 void doStartService()
          This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values.
 void doStopService()
          This is called when a Service is required to shut down.
 boolean getCheckForDeadlocks()
 long getConnectTimeout()
 int getLocalPort()
 atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnerTable getLockOwnerTable()
 int getLockOwnerTableSize()
          Returns the number of lock owners we are currently storing in the table.[] getLockServerAddress()
 int[] getLockServerPort()
 long getLockTimeout()
 boolean getLogWarningWhenUnavailable()
 int getSequenceNum()
          The sequence number is incremented each time a connection is broken or reestablished to a lock server. getServerSocketInetAddress()
          Get the socket inet address for the socket to the server, if any.
 int getServerSocketPort()
          Get the port number for the socket to the server, if any.
 int getTimeoutLockIntervalSecs()
 boolean getUseLockServer()
 int getWarnIntervalSecs()
 void giveUpOwnership( pKey)
          Call this method when it is no longer to your advantage for your process to maintain ownership of the locks for this key.
 boolean hasReadLock(java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Whether the specified owner current owns the read lock for the specified key.
 boolean hasWriteLock(java.lang.String pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Whether the specified owner current owns the write lock for the specified key.
 boolean isAvailable()
 boolean isCropOwnerString()
          Returns property CropOwnerString
 boolean isEnablePerformanceMonitor()
 boolean isLocallyLocked(java.lang.Object pKey)
          Gives the status of a lock on a particular key for this process.
 void releaseReadLock( pKey)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseReadLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseReadLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, boolean pOnlyIfOwned)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseReadLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, boolean pOnlyIfOwned, boolean pKeepProcessOwnership)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseWriteLock( pKey)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseWriteLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseWriteLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, boolean pOnlyIfOwned)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void releaseWriteLock( pKey, java.lang.Object pOwner, boolean pOnlyIfOwned, boolean pKeepProcessOwnership)
          Releases the lock that is passed in.
 void removeLockOwnershipListener(atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnershipListener pListener)
          Removes a listener for lock ownership events.
 void run()
 void setCheckForDeadlocks(boolean pCheckForDeadlocks)
          Sets the property CheckForDeadlocks.
 void setConnectTimeout(long pConnectTimeout)
          Sets the property ConnectTimeout.
 void setCropOwnerString(boolean pCropOwnerString)
          Sets property CropOwnerString, default is true
 void setEnablePerformanceMonitor(boolean pEnablePerformanceMonitor)
          Allows performance monitoring for ClientLockManager to be disabled on a component basis.
 void setLocalAddress( pLocalAddress)
          Sets the property LocalAddress.
 void setLocalPort(int pLocalPort)
          Sets the property LocalPort.
 void setLockServerAddress([] pLockServerAddress)
          Sets the property LockServerAddress.
 void setLockServerPort(int[] pLockServerPort)
          Sets the property LockServerPort.
 void setLockTimeout(long pLockTimeout)
          Sets the property LockTimeout.
 void setLogWarningWhenUnavailable(boolean pLogWarnings)
          Sets the property LogWarningWhenUnavailable.
 void setTimeoutLockIntervalSecs(int pTimeoutLockIntervalSecs)
          Sets the property TimeoutLockIntervalSecs.
 void setUseLockServer(boolean pUseLockServer)
          Sets the property UseLockServer.
 void setWarnIntervalSecs(int pWarnIntervalSecs)
          Sets the property WarnIntervalSecs.
protected  void updateSequenceNum()
          Updates the SequenceNum.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, setAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebugTrace, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string

Constructor Detail


public ClientLockManager()
Method Detail


public void setWarnIntervalSecs(int pWarnIntervalSecs)
Sets the property WarnIntervalSecs. This is the number of seconds in between which we print out the "cache disabled" warnings.

pWarnIntervalSecs - new value to set


public int getWarnIntervalSecs()
The value of the property WarnIntervalSecs.


public void setTimeoutLockIntervalSecs(int pTimeoutLockIntervalSecs)
Sets the property TimeoutLockIntervalSecs. For lock owners which implement the InterruptibleLockOwner interface, this time specifies the maximum time an owner can own a lock. When the lock is held for longer than this interval, the InterruptibleLockOwner's interrupt method is called and the lock is released automatically.

pTimeoutLockIntervalSecs - new value to set


public int getTimeoutLockIntervalSecs()
The value of the property TimeoutLockIntervalSecs.


protected void updateSequenceNum()
Updates the SequenceNum. This should be invoked when the connection status to the server changes.


public int getSequenceNum()
The sequence number is incremented each time a connection is broken or reestablished to a lock server.

The value of the property SequenceNum.


public void setLockServerAddress([] pLockServerAddress)
Sets the property LockServerAddress. This is the IP address of the lock server to connect to.

pLockServerAddress - new value to set


public[] getLockServerAddress()
The value of the property LockServerAddress.


public void setLockServerPort(int[] pLockServerPort)
Sets the property LockServerPort. This is the port # of the lock server we connect to.

pLockServerPort - new value to set


public int[] getLockServerPort()
The value of the property LockServerPort.


public void setLocalAddress( pLocalAddress)
Sets the property LocalAddress. This is the IP address the client binds its side of the socket to (if it is not set, the default IP address is used).

pLocalAddress - new value to set


public getLocalAddress()
The value of the property LocalAddress.


public void setLocalPort(int pLocalPort)
Sets the property LocalPort. This is the port number the client binds its side of the socket to. If it is not set, the system chooses an available port number.

pLocalPort - new value to set


public int getLocalPort()
The value of the property LocalPort.


public void setConnectTimeout(long pConnectTimeout)
Sets the property ConnectTimeout. This is how long we wait before timing out a socket connection, and how long we wait before trying to connect again.

pConnectTimeout - new value to set


public long getConnectTimeout()
The value of the property ConnectTimeout.


public void setLockTimeout(long pLockTimeout)
Sets the property LockTimeout. This is a time interval used internally when we are waiting for a lock. If you specify timeout values to your lock server calls, this is the granularity at which threads will respond to that timeout.

pLockTimeout - new value to set


public long getLockTimeout()
The value of the property LockTimeout.


public void setLogWarningWhenUnavailable(boolean pLogWarnings)
Sets the property LogWarningWhenUnavailable. If this is true, we log a warning periodically when we are not connected to the lock server.

pLogWarningWhenUnavailable - new value to set


public boolean getLogWarningWhenUnavailable()
The value of the property LogWarningWhenUnavailable.


public boolean isAvailable()
The value of the property Available.


public void setEnablePerformanceMonitor(boolean pEnablePerformanceMonitor)
Allows performance monitoring for ClientLockManager to be disabled on a component basis. If PerformanceMonitor.isEnabled() is true and #isEnablePerformanceMonitor() is true then performance monitor statistics will be recorded for this component. Performance Monitor statistics are captured per key to help identify which keys are called most frequently and which keys have the longest wait times.


public boolean isEnablePerformanceMonitor()
The value of the property WarnIntervalSecs.


public void setUseLockServer(boolean pUseLockServer)
Sets the property UseLockServer. If this property is set to false, we will not try to connect to a lock server. You can use this flag=false if you want to perform locking in the local process only.

pUseLockServer - new value to set


public boolean getUseLockServer()
The value of the property UseLockServer.


public void setCheckForDeadlocks(boolean pCheckForDeadlocks)
Sets the property CheckForDeadlocks. If this property is set to false, we disable deadlock detection.

pCheckForDeadlocks - new value to set


public boolean getCheckForDeadlocks()
The value of the property CheckForDeadlocks.


public void setCropOwnerString(boolean pCropOwnerString)
Sets property CropOwnerString, default is true


public boolean isCropOwnerString()
Returns property CropOwnerString


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
Description copied from class: GenericService
This is called after a Service has been created, placed into the naming hierarchy, and initialized with its configured property values. The Service should override this method to start any processes it requires.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public void doStopService()
                   throws ServiceException
Description copied from class: GenericService
This is called when a Service is required to shut down. The Service should respond by stopping any processes that it has started.

doStopService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem shutting down


public void closeSocket()
Closes the socket and all streams


public boolean acquireReadLock( pKey,
                               java.lang.Object pOwner)
                        throws DeadlockException
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. The key must be a serializable object which properly implements the equals and hashCode methods to determine equality of two keys. The owner must be a unique value which identifies the "owner" of the lock. The owner must be the match the owner used in a release call. Often this is just Thread.currentThread() but in some cases it might make sense to acquire locks from different threads or to spread ownership across more than one thread. In this case, you just choose the identity of the owner. Note that the owner's identity is used in deadlock detection to identify which owners have which locks.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public boolean hasWriteLock(java.lang.String pKey,
                            java.lang.Object pOwner)
Whether the specified owner current owns the write lock for the specified key.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
pOwner - the owner to check


public boolean hasReadLock(java.lang.String pKey,
                           java.lang.Object pOwner)
Whether the specified owner current owns the read lock for the specified key.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
pOwner - the owner to check


public boolean acquireReadLock( pKey,
                               java.lang.Object pOwner,
                               long pTimeout)
                        throws DeadlockException,
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. The key must be a serializable object which properly implements the equals and hashCode methods to determine equality of two keys. The owner must be a unique value which identifies the "owner" of the lock. The owner must be the match the owner used in a release call. Often this is just Thread.currentThread() but in some cases it might make sense to acquire locks from different threads or to spread ownership across more than one thread. In this case, you just choose the identity of the owner. Note that the owner's identity is used in deadlock detection to identify which owners have which locks.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
pOwner - the owner for this lock
pTimeout - a value specifies the maximum time to wait for this lock. It this amount of of time expires, we throw the TimeExceededException A value of 0 means no timeout.
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey,
                                java.lang.Object pOwner)
                         throws DeadlockException
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. The key must be a serializable object which properly implements the equals and hashCode methods to determine equality of two keys. The owner must be a unique value which identifies the "owner" of the lock. The owner must be the match the owner used in a release call. Often this is just Thread.currentThread() but in some cases it might make sense to acquire locks from different threads or to spread ownership across more than one thread. In this case, you just choose the identity of the owner. Note that the owner's identity is used in deadlock detection to identify which owners have which locks.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
pOwner - this is an object which identifies the owner of this lock.
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey,
                                java.lang.Object pOwner,
                                long pTimeout)
                         throws DeadlockException,
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. The key must be a serializable object which properly implements the equals and hashCode methods to determine equality of two keys. The owner must be a unique value which identifies the "owner" of the lock. The owner must be the match the owner used in a release call. Often this is just Thread.currentThread() but in some cases it might make sense to acquire locks from different threads or to spread ownership across more than one thread. In this case, you just choose the identity of the owner. Note that the owner's identity is used in deadlock detection to identify which owners have which locks.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
pOwner - this is an object which identifies the owner of this lock.
pTimeout - a value specifies the maximum time to wait for this lock. It this amount of of time expires, we throw the TimeExceededException A value of 0 means no timeout.
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public boolean acquireReadLock( pKey)
                        throws DeadlockException
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. This version uses the current thread's id as the owner of the lock. If you need to release this lock from a different thread, use the version of this method which takes a specific owner.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public boolean acquireWriteLock( pKey)
                         throws DeadlockException
Acquires the lock for the key that is passed in. This version uses the current thread's id as the owner of the lock. If you need to release this lock from a different thread, use the version of this method which takes a specific owner.

pKey - the key/name of the lock
true if the lock is obtained globally, false if the lock server is unavailable and the lock is only valid for the current virtual machine. You must release the lock in either case.
DeadlockException - is thrown if the lock could not be acquired because a deadlock was detected


public void releaseReadLock( pKey,
                            java.lang.Object pOwner)
                     throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to release
pOwner - the identify of the owner of this lock
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock was not owned by this owner.


public void releaseReadLock( pKey,
                            java.lang.Object pOwner,
                            boolean pOnlyIfOwned)
                     throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to release
pOwner - the identify of the owner of this lock
pOnlyIfOwned - if this is true, we'll try to release the lock only if the lock is already owned. In other words, we ignore the error when you try to a release a lock that is not owned.
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock was not owned by this owner.


public void releaseReadLock( pKey,
                            java.lang.Object pOwner,
                            boolean pOnlyIfOwned,
                            boolean pKeepProcessOwnership)
                     throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to release
pOwner - the identify of the owner of this lock
pOnlyIfOwned - if this is true, we'll try to release the lock only if the lock is already owned. In other words, we ignore the error when you try to a release a lock that is not owned.
pKeepProcessOwnership - if this is true, the ownership of the lock is held in this process until it is explicitly released with the giveUpOwnership call. Use this if you want to implement a lock that is attached to a cache of some sort. If you supply a value of true, but do not call giveUpOwnership at some point for this key, it will result in a memory leak for the server lock manager which will keep a reference to this lock.
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock was not owned by this owner.


public void releaseWriteLock( pKey,
                             java.lang.Object pOwner)
                      throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to be released
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock fails be released


public void releaseWriteLock( pKey,
                             java.lang.Object pOwner,
                             boolean pOnlyIfOwned)
                      throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to be released
pOwner - the identity of the owner of the lock
pOnlyIfOwned - if this is true, we'll try to release the lock only if the lock is already owned. In other words, we ignore the error when you try to a release a lock that is not owned.
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock fails be released


public void releaseWriteLock( pKey,
                             java.lang.Object pOwner,
                             boolean pOnlyIfOwned,
                             boolean pKeepProcessOwnership)
                      throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to be released
pOwner - the identity of the owner of the lock
pOnlyIfOwned - if this is true, we'll try to release the lock only if the lock is already owned. In other words, we ignore the error when you try to a release a lock that is not owned.
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock fails be released


public void releaseReadLock( pKey)
                     throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to be released
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock fails be released


public void releaseWriteLock( pKey)
                      throws LockManagerException
Releases the lock that is passed in. If other threads are waiting for the release of the lock the next thread in line will be unblocked.

pKey - the key to be released
LockManagerException - is thrown if the lock fails be released


public boolean convertReadToWrite( pKey,
                                  java.lang.Object pOwner)
                           throws DeadlockException,
Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key. This method returns true if you are able to get the write lock before some other owner and false if another owner obtained a write lock after your read lock was released and before your write lock is acquired. If false is returned, you do not have either the read or the write lock on this key. You must reacquire them if you want them again.

true if the conversion is successful, false if it failed.
DeadlockException - if a deadlock would occur if you obtained the write lock.
LockManagerException - if you do not own the read lock when this call is made.


public boolean convertReadToWrite( pKey)
                           throws DeadlockException,
Use this when the you currently have a read lock and need a write lock for the same key. This method returns true if you are able to get the write lock before some other owner and false if another owner obtained a write lock after your read lock was released and before your write lock is acquired. If false is returned, you do not have either the read or the write lock on this key. You must reacquire them if you want them again.

This version uses the current thread as the owner of the lock.

true if the conversion is successful, false if it failed.
DeadlockException - if a deadlock would occur if you obtained the write lock.
LockManagerException - if you do not own the read lock when this call is made.


public void giveUpOwnership( pKey)
Call this method when it is no longer to your advantage for your process to maintain ownership of the locks for this key. If you remove an entry from the cache, it is probably a good idea to get rid of lock ownership at the same time for example. If you don't call this method, and you no longer have any reference to the object referred to by key, the client's lock table can grow without bounds.


public boolean isLocallyLocked(java.lang.Object pKey)
Gives the status of a lock on a particular key for this process. Warning - if you are using a distributed lock server, this method does not take into account locks in other VMs.

true if some owner has a lock on the given key, false otherwise


public void addLockOwnershipListener(atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnershipListener pListener)
Adds a listener for lock ownership events.


public void removeLockOwnershipListener(atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnershipListener pListener)
Removes a listener for lock ownership events.


public void run()
Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public atg.service.lockmanager.LockOwnerTable getLockOwnerTable()
The value of the property LockOwnerTable.


public int getLockOwnerTableSize()
Returns the number of lock owners we are currently storing in the table.


public getServerSocketInetAddress()
Get the socket inet address for the socket to the server, if any.


public int getServerSocketPort()
Get the port number for the socket to the server, if any. Return 0, otherwise.


protected javax.servlet.Servlet createAdminServlet()
Displays current client lock manager state.

createAdminServlet in class GenericService