2.2 Using Oracle VM Server Control

2.2.1 Command Line Options and Parameters of ovm_servercontrol
2.2.2 Examples of ovm_servercontrol Usage

The ovm_servercontrol utility operates on a physical Oracle VM Server. It allows the administrator to execute basic server commands on a given Oracle VM Server, query its status and retrieve essential information.

All of the actions available in this tool are better handled using the Oracle VM Command Line Interface, but are included for legacy reasons.

2.2.1 Command Line Options and Parameters of ovm_servercontrol

The ovm_servercontrol utility has the following command line options:

  • -u user name of an Oracle VM Manager admin user (required)

  • -p password corresponding with the admin user name (required)

  • -h host name of the server running Oracle VM Manager (required)

  • -X use SSL to connect to Oracle VM Manager at tcps://host:54322

  • -s Oracle VM Server name

  • -I Oracle VM Server ID

  • -P agent password for the Oracle VM Server to be discovered (use together with -c discover)

  • -r storage repository name (for NFS export)

  • -i ID of the NFS export

  • -o options for the NFS export

  • -C client host name for the NFS export

  • -A acknowledge events (use together with -c events)

    Use -A all to acknowledge events for the Oracle VM Server and the virtual machines it hosts

  • -c console command (required)

    [commands: start, stop, restart, kill, discover, mainton, maintoff, status, info, events, lock, upgrade, refresh, list, listnfsexports, createnfsexport, deletenfsexport]


The mainton and maintoff commands activate or deactivate the Oracle VM Server maintenance mode.

The discover command performs a discovery operation on an Oracle VM Server that was not yet previously discovered by Oracle VM Manager.

The upgrade command initiates a yum upgrade on the given Oracle VM Server.

The list command does not need an Oracle VM Server name argument. It lists every Oracle VM Server registered with the system.

2.2.2 Examples of ovm_servercontrol Usage

Below are examples of ovm_servercontrol commands and their respective output.

  • List all registered Oracle VM Servers:

    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -c list
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2.
    Command : list
    Server : 'OVS_01'
         ID     : '00:e0:81:4d:40:16:00:e0:81:4d:40:17:ff:ff:ff:ff'
         pool   : 'MyServerPool1'
         status : 'Running'
    Server : 'OVS_02'
         ID     : '00:e0:81:4d:5e:82:00:e0:81:4d:5e:83:ff:ff:ff:ff'
         pool   : 'unassigned'
         status : 'Running'
    Server : 'OVS_03'
         ID     : '00:e0:81:4d:5e:16:00:e0:81:4d:5e:17:ff:ff:ff:ff'
         pool   : 'MyServerPool1'
         status : 'Running'
    Server : 'OVS_04'
         ID     : '00:e0:81:4d:40:f5:00:e0:81:4d:40:be:00:e0:81:4d'
         pool   : 'unassigned'
         status : 'Running'
  • Check the status of an Oracle VM Server:

    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -s OVS_03 -c status
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2.
    Command : status
    Server : 'OVS_03' status : 'Running' serverpool : 'MyServerPool1'.
  • Display detailed information of an Oracle VM Server:

    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -s OVS_01 -c info
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2.
    Command : info
    Server : OVS_01
            Status       : Running
            Management IP:
            Hostname     : OVS_01
            ID           : 00:e0:81:4d:40:16:00:e0:81:4d:40:17:ff:ff:ff:ff
            Pool         : MyServerPool1
            CPU threads  : 4
            CPU Usage    : 1.877896
            Total Memory : 32767
            Usable Memory: 31261
            Maintenance  : false
            Master Server: true
            Up to date   : true
            Virtual Machines on this server :
               Name   : 'MyVM01'
                  Status : 'Stopped'
               Name   : 'MyVM02'
                  Status : 'Running'
  • Restart an Oracle VM Server:

    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -s OVS_02 -c restart 
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2. 
    Command : restart 
    restartserver 'OVS_02' completed. 
  • Expose an OCFS2 repository using NFS:


    This example shows the creation of an NFS export and then lists the existing exports. The storage repository is exposed to two different clients, but then one export is deleted via its ID. The mount command at the end shows that the remaining export is still available.

    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -c createnfsexport -s OVS_04 \
    -C NFS_02 -o rw,no_root_squash -r MyIscsiRepo 
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2.
    Command : createnfsexport
    Creating nfs export for repository 'MyIscsiRepo' on server.
    Created repository export
    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p Manager1 -h localhost -c listnfsexports -s OVS_04
    Oracle VM Server Control utility  0.5.2.
    Command : listnfsexports
    NFS Exports :
            id         : 0004fb0000230000978a28e2dc85e06b
            client     : NFS_01
            options    : 
            repository : MyIscsiRepo
            path       : /OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000031fac25b24740cca/
            id         : 0004fb00002300004b161fd1a0d106b7
            client     : NFS_02
            options    : rw,no_root_squash
            repository : MyIscsiRepo
            path       : /OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000031fac25b24740cca/
    # ./ovm_servercontrol -u admin -p password -h localhost -c deletenfsexport -s OVS_04 \
    -i 0004fb0000230000978a28e2dc85e06b
    Oracle VM Server Control utility 0.5.2.
    Command : deletenfsexport
    Deleting nfs export with ID '0004fb0000230000978a28e2dc85e06b'
    Deleted repository export
    [root@NFS_02]# mount OVS_04:/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000031fac25b24740cca /mnt/repoexport
    [root@NFS_02]# ls /mnt/repoexport
    Assemblies  ISOs  lost+found  Templates  VirtualDisks  VirtualMachines